Imperial Decree 286

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Imperial Decree #286 (official)

I, Kaiser Hasan I of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth, Regent of the Kingdom of Babkha, Duke of Elwynn do state the following as my last will upon my death.

1. I name Baron Andelarion of the Elw, Count of Eliria and Utasia, Lord of Cape Farewell as my heir and successor to the Throne of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth, that he, an experienced leader, shall bring this state to even higher levels of glory.

2. That the sword I requested to be forged be completed and guarded as a national treasure as per the designs stated in the original request.

3. That Harald of Froyalan shall replace Jacobus as Steward immediately and without reservation.

4. That former Kaisers of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth shall enjoy immunity before the law and be protected against prosecution or act of the Landsraad.

Signed by My hand on this day,

2 Rasday 3258 ASC

Kaiser Hasan I,
Kaiser of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth,
Regent of The Kingdom of Babkha,
Duke of Elwynn

Imperial Decree #286- The Redoubt Island Campaign Medal (repealed)

Issued by Kaiser Hasan I Fri May 30, 2008 5:23 pm

I, Kaiser Hasan I of The Imperial Republic of Shireroth do appoint this medal for valiant service in memory of the Redoubt Island Campaign.


The ribbon of this medal represents the main colours of the Coat of Arms of Shireroth, and displays the CoA itself. The face of this medal depicts Richard Milhouse Nixon standing before the Nobles of Shireroth reminding us of how silly this war was to begin with and how ambition can make you do crazy things in retrospect. On the reverse side (not depicted) is an image of a Brussels Sprout, Shireroth's secret weapon which won this war.

For bringing honour to the Imperial Republic I present this medal to the following citizens:

- Steward Jacobus Loki

- The Khan of Vijayanagara

- Erik Mortis Brookshire

- Andreas The Wise

- Scott of Hyperborea

- Jess

- Hypatias Mom

- Benkern

- Jonas

- Prodigy Almighty

In addition, those listed will benefit from a prize of 20 erb each, that they may share in the spoils and not loot the cities for restitution. Congratulations to all of you,

Signed by My Hand on this day,

21 Semisaday 3220 ASC,

Kaiser Hasan I,

The Imperial Republic of Shireroth, Regent of The Kingdom of Babkha, King of Bosworth

See also: Kaiser Hasan I