Martial Code of Shireroth
The authorative copy of the Martial Code of Shireroth is to be found in the Landsraad.
The Martial Code of Shireroth
A code established by the Landsraad, with the consent of the Kaiseress, for the planning, conduct and prosecution of war and defence of the Imperial Republic and its protectorates.
Section 1 - Introduction
Subsection 1 - Short Title
This Code may be referred to in its short title of the Martial Code.
Subsection 2 - Structure
a. This Code is comprised of four sections, which are then divided into subsections, then into articles and then into numbers.
b. The four sections are:
I. Introduction
II. The Establishment of the Imperial Forces
III. The rights and responsibilities of the Imperial Government
IV. The rights and responsibilities of the Imperial States
Subsection 3 - Amendment and Clarification
a. This Code may be amended by majority vote of the Landsraad or by Imperial decree.
b. It shall be the responsibility of the amending actor (the Praetor or his designated officer in the case of the Landsraad) to ensure that official copies of this Code reflect new amendments.
c. The meaning of specific provisions of this Code may be clarified by a Ministerial Order of the MoMA.
d. Such clarifying Ministerial Orders may always be repealed, reversed or rejected by the Kaiser or Landsraad.
Section 2 - The Establishment of the Imperial Forces
Subsection 1 - Establishment
a. The Imperial Forces are established as the sole body of forces that may use force in the name of the Imperial Government alone.
b. The Imperial Forces shall consist of:
I. The Imperial Shirerithian Fleet, responsible for naval warfare.
II. The Imperial Shirerithian Air Forces, responsible for air warfare.
III. The Imperial Army, responsible for the defence of the Imperial Dominions and land warfare.
c. There shall be a common logistical and medical supply service for all three chains of the Imperial Forces, to be called the Shirerithian Supplies Service.
Subsection 2 - Command and Control
a. The Kaiser shall be Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Forces.
b. The Kaiser may appoint a Minister of Military Affairs to delegate the control of the day-to-day operations and management of the Imperial Forces.
I. Upon appointment, the Minister of Military Affairs shall be the supreme operational commander of the Imperial Forces subject only to the authority of the Kaiser in this respect.
II. Upon appointment, the Minister of Military Affairs shall be the primary advisor to the Kaiser on matters of military affairs.
c. There shall be a Ministry of Military Affairs that shall regulate the Imperial Forces and Shirerithian Supply Service.
I. The Ministry of Military Affairs shall be subject to the control of the Kaiser, or if appointed, a Minister of Military Affairs. It's powers shall be exercised by the Kaiser or the Minister of Military Affairs.
II. The Ministry of Military Affairs shall be required to maintain the orders of battle for the Imperial Forces.
Subsection 3 - Organisation
a. The Imperial Shirerithian Fleet shall act as the primary organisation for the conduct of naval warfare, retaining small forces for the conduct of amphibious land operations and naval aviation operations.
I. The Imperial Shirerithian Fleet shall maintain a force at a minimum of 1 Aircraft Carrier, 8 Surface Combat vessels and 4 submarines.
II. The Ministry of Military Affairs shall retain the right, with consultation of the Kaiser, to set the number of men, equipment and other matters relating to an Order of Battle.
b. The Imperial Shirerithian Air Forces shall act as the primary organisation for the conduct of air warfare.
I. The Imperial Shirerithian Air Forces shall maintain a force at a minimum of 10 Air Superiority Fighters, 10 Multi-Role Ground Attack Aircraft and 5 Strategic Attack Aircraft.
II. The Ministry of Military Affairs shall retain the right, with consultation of the Kaiser, to set the number of men, equipment and other matters relating to an Order of Battle.
c. The Imperial Army shall act as the primary organisation for the defence of the Imperial Dominions and for the conduct of land warfare.
I. The Ministry of Military Affairs shall retain the right, with consultation of the Kaiser, to set the number of men, equipment and other matters relating to an Order of Battle.
Section 3 - The Rights and Responsibilities of the Imperial Government
Subsection 1 - The Responsibilities of the Imperial Government
The Imperial Government is responsible for honouring its international treaty obligations in terms of military or logistical support.
Subsection 2 - The Imperial Shirerithian Defence Council
a. In order to further aid the objectives of s.3(1), a council shall be created consisting of the Kaiser, the Minister of Military Affairs and the heads of the Imperial States.
I. The make-up of this Council may also include other Shirerithians at the invitation of the Kaiser.
b. The ISDC shall advise the Kaiser of the Imperial States' military preparedness and shall advise the Imperial States of the priorities of the Imperial Government.
c. The ISDC shall not have the power to order an Imperial State to change its military organisation.
d. The IDSC shall draw up and coordinate defence policy between the Imperial Government and the Imperial States.
Subsection 3 - Rights of the Imperial Government
a. The Imperial Government shall have the right to declare war without consultation of the Imperial States.
b. The Imperial Government shall have the power to deploy the Imperial Forces abroad.
Section 4 - The Rights and Responsibilities of the Imperial States
Subsection 1 - The Responsibilities of the Imperial States
a. The Imperial States shall be responsible for the defence of the individual Imperial State.
b. The Imperial States shall maintain a force of 100,000 troops under the Annunia + RecWar system or an equivalent force thereof under another system.
c. The Imperial States shall be required to have a reasonable displacement of their Order of Battle to carry out s.4(1)(a).
Subsection 2 - Rights of the Imperial States
a. The Imperial States have the right to refuse the Imperial Forces permission to enter into an Imperial State during peacetime.
b. The Imperial States have the right to refuse to deploy their forces to foreign states when the Imperial Republic is not in a state of war, formally declared by the Kaiser and endorsed by a resolution of the Landsraad.
c. The Imperial States have the right to construct their orders of battle as they see fit so long as they are in compliance with s.4(1)(c).
Original version - passed 4961 ASC
Benkern amendment - passed 4971 ASC
Martial Code Revision Bill - passed 5584 ASC
Bill to Revise the Martial Code - current as of 6267 ASC