Imperial Decree 895

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NOOR AS-SALAAM, by the Kharenah of Zurvan, Qaisar Baanooye Sathratiye, to her subjects and retainers, greetings, and unto the gods of Shireroth undying and unthinking obsequience.

Know that We, Mibaradardam be Khorshid va Mah Minamaz dadanam Zurvan, have in the first place dedicated to Zurvan this Decree which by his Kharenah is confirmed for Us and our heirs forever.

Primo de Aguilar to Griffin

For his contributions to a stronger and closer relationship between the Alexandrian and Shirerithian empires, for his statesmanship that has inspired Shireroth in a direction of ideals and good government, and for his leadership and example in the War of Jingdaoese Immolation, We induct the Right Honourable Jaime Augustin Joaquin Primo de Aguilar y Salvacion into the Order of Griffin with the rank of Knight.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF We have caused the Imperial Seal to be affixed to this Decree which We have signed with Our Hand. Given at the Keep this eleventh day of Elroqpinu in the year after the death of Norton one thousand six hundred and forty-seven.
