Imperial Decree 463

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Posted by Kaiseress Anandja II, Wed May 26, 2010 1:13 pm

Imperial Decree #463: DecreeBook Revision

Imperial Decree #463

A Decree to Revise the DecreeBook

Repeals 1. The following sections of the DecreeBook shall be repealed in their entirety:
a. Chapter I, A
b. Chapter I, B, 1, b
c. Chapter I, B, 1, e
d. Chapter II, A
e. Chapter II, D, 2
f. Chapter II, E, 2
g. Chapter III, A, 3, b
h. Chapter IV
i. Chapter VI, A, 2, c
j. Chapter VI, B, 2, b
k. Chapter VI, D
l. Chapter VI, E, 2, d
m. Chapter VI, F
n. Chapter VI, G, 1

2. The sections shall be properly renumbered.

3. The following sections shall be amended to read as follows (references are renumbered):
a. Chapter I, A, 1, a:
"a. An Imperial Decree is an official written statement from the Kaiser that establishes permanent law and is recorded in the DecreeBookbut do not violate the Charter."

b. Chapter I, A, 3, d:
"d. Imperial Orders can be used to appoint officials, nobles or bestow honors, as well as any other action by the Kaiser that does not establish permanent law."

c. Chapter I, A, 4, b:
"b. The Landsraad may make law contradicting One Time Events after the Decree, Proclamation or Order has been given."

d. Chapter II, A, 1, a:
"a. If the former Kaiser has appointed an heir, either by decree order or by an unequivocal statement of intent, the throne passes to that heir."

e. Chapter II, C, 1, d:
"d. To recommend to the Kaiser the awarding of honors to worthy citizens, and to perform any other function assigned to it by the Kaiser."

f. Chapter II, E, heading:
"E. Imperial Lands"

g. Chapter II, E, 1, heading:
"1. Imperial County"

h. Chapter II, E, 2, a-e shall be moved to II, E, 1 and be amended behind a, and thus renumbered to b-f.

i. Chapter II, E, 2:
"2. Imperial Lands

a. All counties that are not currently assigned to a House shall be directly administered by the Kaiser."

j. Chapter V, A, 1, a:
"a. The Kaiser, Landsraad and Arbiter may temporarily banish an individual from the lands of Shireroth."

k. Chapter V, B, 1, a:
"a. The Kaiser, Landsraad and Arbiter may restrict the posting limit of an individual in the Lands of Shireroth."

l. Chapter V, C, 1, a:
"a. The Kaiser, Landsraad and Arbiter may impose monetary fines upon individuals."