Imperial Decree 282

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Imperial Decree 282

Issued Sun May 11, 2008 11:32 am by Kaiser Hasan I That the following Imperial Decree shall be held as law for Shireroth,

Part 1. This decree shall supersede and replace any previous law or legislation related to the Economic System of Shireroth. It shall be deemed as Law and Precedent when dealing with all issues regarding economics and shall act foremost among laws for the economic and financial issues.

Part 2. The authority of interpretation of the following articles rests in the following offices: a) The Kaiser b) The Arbiter c) The Minister of Trade

i) The Kaiser shall act as supreme regulator of the economy and will hold all currency as property of The Crown. Crown Currency represents the total sum of currency not in general circulation and shall be held in The Crown Account. The Crown Account shall act as the account of The Government Of Shireroth under the authority of The Kaiser. All currencies shall be distributed from the Crown Account and all taxes deposited to The Crown Account. The Crown Account may not be drawn on by The Kaiser himself for personal use, but the sum funds residing in The Crown Account are reserved for the purpose of government spending as determined by The Kaiser, The Steward or by Act of the Landsraad. The Kaiser may hold a personal account known as "The Household Account" which remains the personal property of the reigning Kaiser. This account is subject to the authority of The Arbiter as noted below.

ii) In cases dealing with procedure, The Minister of Trade (hereafter referred simply as "the minister") shall act as director and comptroller of the functioning of the economic system. The minister shall promote the use of the economic system and devise of new ways to implement it. The minister shall act as the authority for registering businesses and shall ensure the correct procedures are followed by said companies. The minister is not warranted to conduct any financial investigations, nor warranted to audit companies registered in The Imperial Republic Of Shireroth. All issues of international trade must be overseen and approved of by the minister who in turn will notify The Kaiser.

iii) The Arbiter shall act as auditor of any and all accounts registered within The Imperial Republic Of Shireroth. The Arbiter shall have access to any and all bank records and transactions and is charged with Royal warrant to investigate any financial issue. All disputes regarding a financial nature shall be presided over by The Arbiter. The Arbiter is warranted to apply fines, restrictions and procedural limitations on any account or company registered within the Imperial Republic Of Shireroth with the exception to the accounts held by The Crown, but not limited to personal accounts held by the monarch.

Part 3. The unit of currency used by the subjects and inhabitants of The Imperial Republic Of Shireroth shall be known as "The Erb". Erb may be traded and owned only by citizens of The Imperial Republic of Shireroth and limited to trade within the Realm unless otherwise decreed by The Kaiser or by act of Landsraad.

Part 4. The total sum of Erb shall begin at 5000 Erb in circulation. Additional Erb may be added to circulation as required by the authority of The Kaiser or by Act of landsraad. All Erb shall be initially issued from The Crown Account and distributed to other accounts as stated within this decree. Additional distributions may be made By The Kaiser or by Act of Landsraad from The Crown account or by regular functions of the economy as stated within this Decree. The transfer of currency between two parties (either company or citizen) may be done so at will but remain subject to potential audit if required by The Kaiser, The Arbiter or by Act of Landsraad.

Part 5. The initial issue of currency at the launch of this new economic system shall be as follows:

a) 500 erb to The Household Account b) 400 erb to The Steward c) 200 erb to each Duke d) 100 erb to each Baron e) 50 erb to each standing citizen and each new citizen who did not qualify among those listed above in the original issue.

Part 6. A citizen who revokes their citizenship or is declared legally dead by The Kaiser or by Act of Landsraad will have their account revoked, and the balance returned to The Crown Account. Any individual who had once held citizenship in The Imperial Republic Of Shireroth who then renounced their citizenship and has again applied for citizenship shall not be issued the initial allotment of currency as stated in Article 5 e). A citizen who achieves a higher status within the hierarchy of The Imperial Republic Of Shireroth (as stated in Article 5 of this decree) shall be issued an allotment of currency according to their new rank. If that citizen then revokes their rank and is reinstated to that rank, they will not receive an additional allotment of currency.

Part 7. The value of The Erb shall be pegged to a vote in The Landsraad. The total amount of erb in the account of a voting member of the Landsraad will be counted as the total amount of votes that member has within the Landsraad. Only Dukes have a voting right in the Landsraad, either Aye or Nay. Should the subjects within a Duchy wish to boost the votes of their Duke or Baron, they may state in the Landsraad that they wish their erb to be counted toward the vote of their Duke. This decision is merely a "Support" or "Not support", and is either added to the Duke's current vote, or ignored for this voting issue.

Part 8. Erb counted toward votes in the Landsraad are not terminated at the end of each vote, but may be reused and reflected in the gain and loss of currency within the account of each voter.

Part 9. Citizens wishing to register a Business within the Imperial Republic Of Shireroth must register within the Ministry of Trade. They must state who the primary owner of the company is and is limited to one owner. Profits gained by the company will be deposited into the owners account and distributed by the owner as they see fit. Companies engaging in international trade are forbidden to exchange erb with a foreign currency, or give erb to non-citizens of The Imperial Republic Of Shireroth unless otherwise stated by The Kaiser or by Act of Landsraad.

Part 10. The Kaiser may not use the balance of The Household Account to vote in the Landsraad, but may use the balance as otherwise desired within the limit of regulations stated in this decree.

Part 11. All currencies will be held within accounts registered to the Bank of The Imperial Republic of Shireroth.

Signed by my hand on this day,

Kaiser Hasan I of The Imperial Republic Of Shireroth