Imperial Decree 237

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Imperial Decree #237 - On Rebellions

Issued by Kaiser Meskan II Tue Jun 06, 2006 2:57 pm

The section of the Lawbook related to Rebellions (Chapter VIII, Section W, although it is currently mislabeled as Section V) shall be amended as such. It shall be changed from:

Code: V. Rebellion

1. General Provisions a. Rebelling to overthrow the legitimate Kaiser of Shireroth without his/her consent is prohibited. b. Rebelling to overthrow a legitimate Duke or Baron without his/her consent is prohibited. c. In case of unauthorized rebellion the Minister of Military Affairs and Minister of the Interior must come to the immediate aid of the besieged noble. d. No rebellion may be conducted with malicious intent. 2.Duties of the Nobility a. If there is a Revolt against the Kaiser, it is the duty of all Nobles to help suppress it. b. If there is a revolt in an independent Barony against the legitimately appointed Baron, it is the duty of the national government and any loyalist Counts to suppress it. c. If there is a revolt in a subservient Barony, it is the duty of the Duke or Duchess and any loyalist Counts to suppress it, although the imperial government will help it asked. d. If there is a revolt in a Barony, it is the duty of the Duke or Duchess to suppress it, although the imperial government will help it asked. 3. Yardistan a. The Duchy of Yardistan is allowed to rebel as long as it does so without malicious intent and does not violate the General Provisions for rebellions.


Code: W. Rebellion

1. General Provisions a. Rebelling to overthrow the legitimate Kaiser of Shireroth without zer consent is prohibited. b. Rebelling to overthrow a legitimate Duke or Baron without zer consent is not prohibited. c. In case of unauthorized rebellion the Minister of Military Affairs and Minister of the Interior must come to the immediate aid of the besieged noble. d. A rebellion against the Kaiser may be not be conducted with malicious intent. 2. Duties of the Nobility a. If there is a Revolt against the Kaiser, it is the duty of all nobles to help suppress it. 3. Rebellions and Nobles a. If all of the servents of a noble rebel against the noble, the noble is overthrown. This shall be known as a Peasant Rebellion. b. If half of the servants of a noble rebel against the noble, as well as two nobles of the same level, or one noble of a higher level rebelling, the noble is overthrown. This shall be known as a Feudal Rebellion. c. The noble that replaces the overthrown noble may be chosen by whatever means that the rebellion desires. 3. Yardistan a. The subdivision named Yardistan has more power in overthrowing nobles than other subdivisions. b. Yardistan may overthrow its own nobles, requiring only half of its servants and no noble support requirements. c. If a noble of Yardistan rebels against another noble, it counts as two nobles of the same level, and thus fulfilling the noble support requirement for overthrowing the noble. d. Yardistan is allowed to rebel against the Kaiser without zer consent as long as it does so without malicious intent.

In addition, this section is hereby demoted to Landsraad Law.