Court of the King's Bench
The Court of the King's Bench is an entity within the King's Court which serves as the supreme court of the Elwynnese Union. It derives its authority from the vesting of supreme judicial power in the person of the King of Elwynn under the Elwynnese Constitution. The first formal reference to the Court of the King's Bench was attested in the decree of Llaq Enderion issued in the year 1629.5910 (Elw.ASC). As an entity it inherits the function of and supersedes the Court of Justice (Alazdê Exion) of the independent Elwynnese Union, which had itself been absorbed into the Court of Star Chamber during the era of the Coordinated State of Elwynn.
The Court of the King's Bench has two subordinate courts, the Court of Castle Chamber, which hears civil cases and the Court of Star Chamber which deals with criminal cases and political trials against enemies of the state.