Concord (Konkord in Mishalanski) is an ancient city in central Benacia, founded around 500 ASC, located near the source of the River Elwynn and presently a part of Mishalan. The city was the largest successor state to establish itself after the collapse of the Hegemony of Alexandros, and became the capitol of the nation of Europia Concordiae. Almost no records exist of this state, but the name lent itself to the Concordiae Plateau. The city has continued to exist, but was reduced to the size of a village after other cities, such as nearby Old Mishalan, took over as hubs of commerce.
In more recent times the city has seen a renaissance of arts and has become popular as a center for culture. It currently serves as headquarters for the Mishalan state news agency Konkordia. Unlike many other Mishalanski cities, Concord's culture predates the introduction of the Amokolian language group to the region, and therefore retains much of its Shirerithian influences from the very early Benacian civilizations. One of the most ancient symbols associated with the city is the deer, which are quite common in the neighboring woodlands. Along a similar vein, the color blue has been associated with the city since the days of Europia Concordiae; and both these elements are still reflected in the modern flag.