1660 Adelsraad election

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Elections were held to the Adelsraad in late 1660.


Party Votes Percentage Seats 1656 Diff
Ayreonist Independence Party 259,281 10.13 6 7 -1
Coalition 1660 85,361 3.34 6 2 4
Conservative Party of Hawshire-Dura 15,913 0.62 1 0 1
Elwynnese Regionalist Campaign 105,108 4.11 3 0 3
Elwynnese Workers' Party 41,012 1.60 1 0 1
Golden Order Party 140,185 5.48 9 10 -1
Holy Party of the Divine Icebear 32,817 1.28 1 0 1
Imperial Democrat Party 365,304 14.28 24 3 21
Imperial Republican Party 411,827 16.10 26 23 3
Kezan Joint List 158,981 6.21 20 20 0
Loyalist Legion 173,012 6.76 14 18 -4
Nationalist and Humanist Party 296,199 11.58 7 7 0
Nomenklatura 33,357 1.30 2 0 2
Oldshire 8,018 0.31 0 1 -1
Progressive Alliance of Shireroth Today 45,288 1.77 3 16 -13
Reform Society 198,117 7.74 13 21 -8
Union of Truth and Beauty 44,816 1.75 1 1 1
Verionist Union 90,548 3.54 3 10 -7
Yardistani Annexation Corps 3,100 0.12 0 1 -1
Others 50,381 1.97 0 0 0
TOTAL 2,558,625 100 140 140 0

1661 Recalculation

In 1661, a reallocation of seats occurred, prompted by the elevation of Brookshire to statehood and a change to the dominions' and protectorates' allocation formula. In the end, 10 seats were added to the 1660 election allocation:

Party Votes Percentage 1661 1660 Diff
Ayreonist Independence Party 259,281 10.13 6 6 0
Coalition 1660 85,361 3.34 7 6 +1
Conservative Party of Hawshire-Dura 15,913 0.62 1 1 0
Elwynnese Regionalist Campaign 105,108 4.11 3 3 0
Elwynnese Workers' Party 41,012 1.6 1 1 0
Golden Order Party 140,185 5.48 9 9 0
Holy Party of the Divine Icebear 32,817 1.28 1 1 0
Imperial Democrat Party 365,304 14.28 25 24 +1
Imperial Republican Party 411,827 16.1 31 26 +5
Kezan Joint List 158,981 6.21 20 20 0
Loyalist Legion 173,012 6.76 14 14 0
Nationalist and Humanist Party 296,199 11.58 7 7 0
Nomenklatura 33,357 1.3 2 2 0
Oldshire 8,018 0.31 0 0 0
Progressive Alliance of Shireroth Today 45,288 1.77 4 3 +1
Reform Society 198,117 7.74 14 13 +1
Union of Truth and Beauty 44,816 1.75 1 1 0
Verionist Union 90,548 3.54 4 3 +1
Yardistani Annexation Corps 3,100 0.12 0 0 0
Others 50,381 1.97 0 0 0
TOTAL 2,558,625 100% 150 140 +10

Results per Constituency


Goldshire elected 20 representatives.

Party Votes Percentage Seats 1656 Diff
Golden Order Party 140,185 43.69% 9 10 -1
Imperial Democrat Party 125,254 39.04% 8 3 5
Reform Society 18,018 5.62% 1 1 0
PAST 14,183 4.42% 1 3 -2
Verionist Union 15,172 4.73% 1 2 -1
Others 8,018 2.50% 0 1 -1 Mainly Oldshire Party voters


Elwynn elected 20 representatives.

Party Votes Percentage Seats 1656 Diff
Ayreonist Independence Party 259,281 30.28% 6 7 -1
Nationalist and Humanist Party 296,199 34.59% 7 7 0
Holy Party of the Divine Icebear 32,817 3.83% 1 0 +1
Verionist Union 47,131 5.50% 1 6 -5
Elwynnese Workers' Party 41,012 4.78% 1 0 +1
Elwynnese Regionalist Campaign 105,108 12.72% 3 0 +3
Union of Truth and Beauty 44,816 5.23% 1 0 +1
Others 30,506 3.56% 0


Kezan elected 20 representatives.

Party Votes Percentage Seats 1656 Diff
Kezan Joint List 158,981 100% 20 20 0


Party Votes Seats 1656 Diff
Loyalist Legion 173,012 64.13% 14 18 -4
Coalition 1660 85,361 31.82% 6 2 4
Others 10,591 3.94% 0 0 0

Jadid Khaz Modan

Jadid Khaz Modan elected 17 noble representatives.

Party Votes Seats 1656 Diff
Imperial Republican 178,173 70.11% 12 10 2
Reform Society 12,010 4.73% 1 3 -2
PAST 1,484 0.58% 0 3 -3
YAC 3,100 1.22% 0 1 -1
Imperial Democrat 56,428 22.21% 4 0 4
Others 2,918 1.15% 0 0 0

In 1661, the allocation of seats was recalculated due to changes in allocation with the addition of two seats:

Party Votes Seats 1660 Diff
Imperial Republican 178,173 70.11% 14 12 2
Reform Society 12,010 4.73% 1 1 0
PAST 1,484 0.58% 0 0 0
YAC 3,100 1.22% 0 0 0
Imperial Democrat 56,428 22.21% 4 4 0
Others 2,918 1.15% 0 0 0


Brookshire elected 17 noble representatives.

Party Votes Percentage Seats 1656 Diff
Reform Society 83,504 35.24 6 9 -3
Imperial Republican Party 72,077 30.42 5 3 2
PAST 14,866 6.27 1 5 -4
Imperial Democrat Party 56,479 23.84 5 5
Others 10,104 4.26 0

In 1661, after Brookshire's statehood, the allocation of seats was recalculated with the addition of 3 seats:

Party Votes Percentage 1661 1660 Diff
Reform Society 83,504 35.24 7 6 +1
Imperial Republican Party 72,077 30.42 6 5 +1
PAST 14,866 6.27 2 1 +1
Imperial Democrat Party 56,479 23.84 5 5 0
Others 10,104 4.26 0 0 0


Shirekeep elected 12 representatives.

Party Votes Percentage Seats 1656 Diff
Imperial Republican 89,024 38.52% 5 5 0
Reform Society 33,166 14.35% 2 3 -1
PAST 2,572 1.11% 0 2 -2
Verionist Union 28,245 12.22% 1 2 -1
Imperial Democrat 76,838 33.25% 4 0 4
Others 1,238 0.54% 0 0 0

In 1661, the allocation of seats for Shirekeep was recalculated due to legal change with the addition of 2 seats:

Party Votes Percentage 1661 1660 Diff
Imperial Republican 89,024 38.52% 5 5 0
Reform Society 33,166 14.35% 2 2 0
PAST 2,572 1.11% 0 0 0
Verionist Union 28,245 12.22% 2 1 +1
Imperial Democrat 76,838 33.25% 5 4 +1
Others 1,238 0.54% 0 0 0

Mar Sara

Mar Sara elected 6 noble representatives

Party Votes Percentage Seats 1656 Diff
Imperial Republican Party 32,284 31.78% 2 1 1
Imperial Democrat Party 31,357 30.87% 2 0 2
Reform Society 25,756 25.36% 1 2 -1
PAST 12,183 11.99% 1 3 -2

In 1661, Mar Sara's allocation of seats was recalculated with the addition of 1 seat:

Party Votes Percentage 1661 1660 Diff
Imperial Republican Party 32,284 31.78% 2 2 0
Imperial Democrat Party 31,357 30.87% 2 2 0
Reform Society 25,756 25.36% 2 1 +1
PAST 12,183 11.99% 1 1 0


Mishalan elected 5 noble representatives

Party Votes Percentage Seats 1656 Diff
Imperial Republican Party 23,295 24.92 1 3 -2
Imperial Democrat Party 18,948 20.27 1 0 1
Reform Society 15,826 16.93 1 2 -1
Nomenklatura 33,357 35.69 2 0 2
Others 2,040 2.18 0 0 0

In 1661, Mishalan's allocation of seats was recalculated with the addition of 1 seat:

Party Votes Percentage 1661 1660 Diff
Imperial Republican Party 23,295 24.92 2 1 +1
Imperial Democrat Party 18,948 20.27 1 1 0
Reform Society 15,826 16.93 1 1 0
Nomenklatura 33,357 35.69 2 2 0
Others 2,040 2.18 0 0 0

General Constituency

The nobles from Batavia, Froyalan, Hawshire-Dura, Oleslaad, Puritania, Westpoint, Siyacha and Tellia elected 3 representatives.

Party Votes Percentage Seats 1656 Diff
Conservative Party of Hawshire-Dura 15,913 34.73 1 0 +1
Imperial Republican Party 16,974 37.04 1 2 -1
Reform Society 9,837 21.47 1 1 0
Others 3,088 6.74 0 0 0

In 1661, the General Constituency was reduced to 1 seat with the creation of separate constituencies for Hawshire-Dura, the Puritanian States, and Tellia. As such, the General Constituency consists as of 1661 of Batavia, Froyalan, Oleslääd, Siyacha, and Westpoint, and has 1 seat. The recalculation occured using only the votes from these subdivisions:

Party Votes Percentage Seats
Imperial Republican 7,786 79.51% 1
Reform Society 2,006 20.49% 0


Mandatory Tellia was in 1661 separated from the General Constituency, with the 1660 election's votes from Tellia taken to calculate Tellia's representation:

Party Votes Percentage Seats
Coalition 1660 3,088 37.32% 1
Imperial Republican 3,086 37.30% 0
Reform Society 2,100 25.38% 0


The Confederacy of Puritanian States was in 1661 separated from the General Constituency, with the 1660 election's votes from Puritania taken to calculate Puritania's representation:

Party Votes Percentage Seats
Imperial Republican 6102 61.51% 1
Reform Society 3819 38.49% 0


The Hawshire-Dura was in 1661 separated from the General Constituency, with the 1660 election's votes from Hawshire taken to calculate Hawshire's representation:

Party Votes Percentage Seats
Conservative Party of Hawshire-Dura 15,913 79.86% 1
Reform Society 4012 20.14% 0