Monty Python Series

Center for the literary arts, poetry, and prose, named after the late, beloved Lady Carol of Nova Dalmacija.
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Monty Python Series

Post by H4773r 3lfs0n »

alright class, first of all i would like you all to sign in so i know who my students are.

Second, This will be a one moth class with homework every week and a test at the end.

Prequisites: A sense of humor, respect for other classmates, and to have watched Monty Python and the Search for the Holy Grail all the way through at least once...... as this will be your textbook.

I will be requiring you to actively participate in lectures (two posts in addition to your siinging in). Homework will be either pmd to me or emailed (preffer email) as well as with tests and i will send the results and grades to you after each assingment and after the test.

I will try to cover major junctions in the movie such as the black night, witches, castle anthrax, the swamp castle, Knights of Ni, the French's presence in Britain, Tim, The Killer Rabbit, The Bridge, and the end of the movie. As well as discussions on concepts, and potential use in RPG capmaigns as a setting.

First assingment! (attach to your sign in post)
what is your name?
what is your quest?
what is your favorite color?
what is the wind velocity of an unladen sparrow?
and what, was the names of the knights who didnt make it across the bridge?
Elder of Vorpmadal, Lunaris & Lac Glacei & Concurrent Lands
"Blessed" of Melvin and High Preist of B00/\/\ism
ACE and P.h.D. in M.U.K.A.R.C.T.A.O.S.E.N.

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Post by AngelGuardian93 »

Greg Russell, signin' in because i'm mad.

what is your name? Greg Russell.
what is your quest? "I SEEK THE HOLY GRAIL!"
what is your favorite color? "Blue"
what is the wind velocity of an unladen sparrow? "What do you mean? An African or European swallow?"
and what, was the names of the knights who didnt make it across the bridge? Brave Sir Robin and Galahad the Pure.

There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find.

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Post by Shyriath »

First assingment! (attach to your sign in post)
what is your name? I am Shyriath, King of the Chickens!
what is your quest? I seek the Holy Grail!
what is your favorite color? Bleen!
what is the wind velocity of an unladen sparrow? ...I don't know that! *AAAAAAAAAH!*
and what, was the names of the knights who didnt make it across the bridge? Sir Galahad, and Sir Robin (the Not-Quite-So-Brave-as-Sir-Lancelot). Who nearly fought the Dragon of Angnor, who nearly defeated the vicious Chicken of Bristol...

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Post by H4773r 3lfs0n »

Whew. What a large class. Very well.

First discussion will be upon the validity of Denis' statements about government and how they can be applied in the real world.

Does an elective dinarchy really work or was he spewing rhetoric? And, was he really being oppressed when King Arthur started to rough him up?

Elder of Vorpmadal, Lunaris & Lac Glacei & Concurrent Lands
"Blessed" of Melvin and High Preist of B00/\/\ism
ACE and P.h.D. in M.U.K.A.R.C.T.A.O.S.E.N.

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Post by Nick Foghorn Leghorn »

*pops head in*

It didn't! We're living proof!

*runs away*
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Post by AngelGuardian93 »

:no No no no, baaaad Foggy.
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Post by Shyriath »

And, was he really being oppressed when King Arthur started to rough him up?
Certainly not! ...Well, not successfully, anyway. I mean, he did keep yelling.

Anyway, he lived in a pre-democratic medieval society. If one considers oppression as a measurement against the average of the time, he practically had freedom of speech!

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Post by H4773r 3lfs0n »

*strokes chin. Chuckles* why your right about the oppression. but what of the model of oligarchy they had in place?

How effective is a commune?

Elder of Vorpmadal, Lunaris & Lac Glacei & Concurrent Lands
"Blessed" of Melvin and High Preist of B00/\/\ism
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Post by H4773r 3lfs0n »

:( Class has officially been canceled. If thoe two students wish I will give them two weeks to study and I will give the Final exam, If not I will begin another class on a different topic within the month.
Elder of Vorpmadal, Lunaris & Lac Glacei & Concurrent Lands
"Blessed" of Melvin and High Preist of B00/\/\ism
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Post by AngelGuardian93 »

I swear it's not my fault! The checks in the mail! I just need to get the money from my savings account! *jumps out a window*
There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find.

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Post by Shyriath »

No more class? Dangit!

...Well, I'll take the final exam. I want to see this through.

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Post by Adanufgail »

what is your name?
what is your quest?
-I seekith the Grail
what is your favorite color?
what is the wind velocity of an unladen sparrow?
-If European, roughly 24 miles per hour
and what, was the names of the knights who didnt make it across the bridge?
-Sir Galahad and Sir Robin

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Post by H4773r 3lfs0n »

oooOOOooooh. you get five E.C. for giving serious real answers.

and you lose 5 for not being silly enough.....(j/k)

would you like to take the Final also?
Elder of Vorpmadal, Lunaris & Lac Glacei & Concurrent Lands
"Blessed" of Melvin and High Preist of B00/\/\ism
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Post by AngelGuardian93 »

Sure, why not.
There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find.

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Post by H4773r 3lfs0n »

HAH! thought id forget the FINAL EXAM didnt you?

well, here it is you have untill tuesday to complete it. its open movie and open.. well. if you flunk its because i dont like you or your a fucking retard worthy of Flying Circus style olympics. SO... here goes.

Answer format shall be, #. (answer) for MC or Tor F and

#. ANSWER for short answer Q's

1. How many Castles did arthur visit?
....A. 2
....B. 5
....C. 3
....D. Herbert

2. How many castles were there supposed to be and how many castles were ACTUALLY used?
....A. 6 & 3
....B. 2 & 5
....C. bannana
....D. 7 & 4

3. The Knights Who Say Ni! became the Knights Who Say... (choose closest spelling.)
...A. Ichyichyzipboinguhnyah
...B. STFU Bill
...C. (they were ALWAYS the knights who say Ni!)
...D. imactuallyoneofthoseannoyinggnomesfromdragonlance

4. T or F:
........The punishment for entering Castle Anthrax is DEATH!

5. T or F:
........ In order to use The Holy Hand Gernade you must count to 4 (3 sir!)

Short essay Q's:

6. Why do you Think Tim is Called........Tim?

7. Why Is Monty Python and the Search For the Holy Grail essential today?
Elder of Vorpmadal, Lunaris & Lac Glacei & Concurrent Lands
"Blessed" of Melvin and High Preist of B00/\/\ism
ACE and P.h.D. in M.U.K.A.R.C.T.A.O.S.E.N.

Kaiser Alejian II
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Post by Kaiser Alejian II »






6. Tim is called, 'Tim', because his mother was in love with a parrot (who happened to be STONE dead.), but when it was alive, it could only say one word. "TiiiiMMMmmm..." Now, because his mother loved the parrot in life, when she became pregnant with her child, she named him after her beloved flying creature.

Hence, Tim.

7. It is essential today because the search for the holy grail is symbolic of wanting to find that thing in our lives that will bring u peace.

Ok, not really. It's essential because we all weigh as much as a duck.

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Post by Bill3000 »

Not doing the test, but:
Senechal Bill Trihus of Greater Audentior
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Post by H4773r 3lfs0n »

*shakes head* oh bill.....

you get 50 points for origionality and contribution to the course

but you lose 55 for being so serious and bringing advanced mathematics and physics into my class room

you get -5 points for the course efectively giving yourselff an f-- which means you never enrolled and therefore it doesnt matter.
Elder of Vorpmadal, Lunaris & Lac Glacei & Concurrent Lands
"Blessed" of Melvin and High Preist of B00/\/\ism
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Post by Kaiser Alejian II »


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Post by H4773r 3lfs0n »

Closing lecture:


*looks at remaining students and dies a little inside. Shakes head*

good job.

You pass mister Kaiser. You get a B for the course because you didnt participate in one of the discussions.

Adanufgail and Shyriath receive incompletes for failing to take the final exam.

see you in the next class. I will be looking for suggestions in the 400 Wing.

"Knowledge is power."
--(i forgot.... Bacon i think)
Elder of Vorpmadal, Lunaris & Lac Glacei & Concurrent Lands
"Blessed" of Melvin and High Preist of B00/\/\ism
ACE and P.h.D. in M.U.K.A.R.C.T.A.O.S.E.N.

Kaiser Alejian II
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Post by Kaiser Alejian II »


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