Intercepted AIM conversation of the day

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Intercepted AIM conversation of the day

Post by Scott of Hyperborea »

Mr. XXXXX is our source on this one. markers87 is Matt Vasroixe, our former citizen:
[19:36] markers87: personally, serious micro-nationalism (even my darling land claims) are starting to bore me
[19:36] markers87: after reading Isaac Asimov's foundation, i want to return to not-so-serious micronationalism and build an empire
[19:36] markers87: of all micronations
[19:37] markers87: i have built somewhat of a savvy reputation in these so-called hobbyist nations...and the wheels are in motion for the GC to become something bigger
[19:38] markers87: you'll see some strange incidents occuring in places like antica and shrireroth.
[19:39] markers87: there is no purpose, no end goal, in playing the games with the hobbyists
[19:39] markers87: but heck it sure will be fun
[19:39] markers87: creating this empire i intend to create
[19:40] XXXXX: creating an empire?
[19:40] XXXXX: how exactly does one create an empire
[19:40] XXXXX: and what the heck does it have to do with Shireroth and Antica?
[19:42] markers87: yes, an empire of micronations. it was bound to happen, eh?
[19:42] XXXXX: sounds somewhat impossible if by empire you mean what I think you mean
[19:42] markers87: Shireroth and Antica occupy opposite poles on the micronational sphere
[19:42] XXXXX: what on earth are you talking about?
[19:42] XXXXX: speak sense
[19:43] markers87: ok
[19:44] markers87: I don't know if I can say more, unless you promise not to reveal this information
[19:44] XXXXX: reveal this information? I'm out of the loop, who am I going to reveal it to? lol
[19:45] XXXXX: I promise
[19:45] markers87: shireroth and antica are two not so serious micro-nations
[19:46] XXXXX: I know that much
[19:46] markers87: ok. well, they've had diplomatic displeasantries before, and i think there is sufficient likelihood that they could be agitated into a conflict
[19:47] XXXXX: one should be careful walking such a path, I was once burnt in a similiar attempt
[19:47] markers87: ok
[19:47] markers87: some of the wheels are in motion
[19:47] XXXXX: how does a diplomatic conflict create an empire?
[19:48] markers87: that is but one spoke on the whell
[19:48] XXXXX: again, speak straight
[19:48] markers87: ok. it's late
[19:48] markers87: Babkha is a part of the Grand Commonwealth
[19:48] XXXXX: ok
[19:49] markers87: and in relation to both Shireroth and Antica is a neutral party
[19:49] XXXXX: yea
[19:49] markers87: in the event of a conflict between Shireroth and Antica, I think that the Grand Commonwealth could step in and play the mediating role
[19:49] XXXXX: and this gets you an empire?
[19:50] markers87: not in itself
[19:50] XXXXX: you strike me as a person who would have a slightly more detailed plan
[19:51] markers87: well, here is what may happen tommorrow or next week
[19:51] markers87: the Shah will be offered the seat of Emperor in the new empire
[19:51] markers87: this will happen almost at the same time as i assume control of the Aryez khanate in babkha
[19:51] markers87: and gain a senate seat
[19:52] markers87: Aryeztur will be stepping down from his position as Khan
[19:52] markers87: with the Shah's help, the Babkhan senate will be influenced to give Babkha more control over the GC's functions.
[19:52] markers87: The GC may be renamed something to the tune of Empire
[19:53] markers87: and nations will be invited to join
[19:53] markers87: if these nations refuse, the GC will annex them whether they like it or not
[19:53] XXXXX: so this is how the GC utilizes it's "mediating role" with Shireroth?
[19:53] XXXXX: and Antica?
[19:53] markers87: not just one nation. every nation. every nation that exists in the non-so-serious micronations
[19:53] markers87: that is how things will occur at first
[19:54] XXXXX: a daring plan
[19:54] markers87: before we start forcing nations to join the Empire
[19:54] markers87: what do you mean, daring?
[19:54] XXXXX: you would require a great deal of Babkhan support for this
[19:54] XXXXX: are you sure the Shah is with you?
[19:54] markers87: i am not entirely sure. i have been told by someone close to the shah that the likelihood is greater than 60%
[19:55] XXXXX: is this in anyway tied to recent GC happenings?
[19:55] markers87: which one?
[19:56] XXXXX: The Babkhan Shah running for head of the commonwealth, and changes in the guard among the babkans in the commonwealth parliament
[19:56] markers87: ah yes. those are some of the shah's own manueverings
[19:58] XXXXX: well good luck with your empire building
[19:58] markers87: thank you
[19:58] XXXXX: I still dont know how you intend to force micronations to join the GC if they oppose
The only way I can think of the GC trying to precipitate a Shireroth/Antica conflict is through Antica. They know we don't listen to them and that we're mostly peaceful, whereas the Anticans are probably a little more gullible and are predisposed to dislike us already.

I'm of two minds on this. Plan one would be to immediately give Steven or Olo a heads up that any conflict that mysteriously arises between us will be a Babkhan plot, so they should just ignore it. Plan two would be to say nothing, let the Babkhans reveal their hand, and *then* show the Anticans this conversation so they can be nice and upset at being manipulated.


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Post by AngelGuardian93 »

Back up the forum (just in case) and then let the latter happen. Are you sure this is for real?
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Post by Delphi »

Hmm... Interesting timing for this... My natural inclination is to doubt the effectiveness of whatever xon can do. However, prompted by reading this, I went and did my own tad of investigation, and I found the following PDF, which he sent to Ardashir yesterday...
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Post by Scott of Hyperborea »

I love you, Delphi. [disclaimer]

Meanwhile, in my professional opinion those are some of the WORST statistics I have EVER seen. I have a strong urge to IM him right now and lambast him over the complete ignorance of real micronational history AND mathematics that some of those numbers indicate.

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Post by Delphi »

Haha I really think he's on a far more powerful drug than any normal micronationalist...

But as for action, we should consider a range of options... Now that we have a concrete document, it makes the option where we pre-empt any sort of plan a lot more feasible and potentially more effective.
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Post by Scott of Hyperborea »

I can't believe he chose to try to turn US against THEM. That was an unwise move.

Tgaoth's IP traces to Adelaide, Australia, whereas Matt's normal IPs trace to Alabama, which of course doesn't rule out proxies. Where does Matt live again?

Delphi, what kind of stuff did he send you?

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Post by Fax Celestis »

Maybe Tgaoth is Mattlore....

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Post by Scott of Hyperborea »

*gasp shock horror* Mattlore was from New Zealand! Remember? The KIWIS?!?!?

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Post by Delphi »

By far the most interesting is a Private Message from Foghorn to Olorix, which apparently Olorix verified as true. Its text is as follows:
Foghorn wrote:Delphi attempted to recruit me as a spy for the Duchy of Antica during the KZFO 36 recording. Steven and Chris overheard the overtures and, through their Anti-Shirerithian biases, jumped to the worst conclusion: that I was a spy for Delphi. In reality, I agreed to attempt to recruit Chris to be a Shirerithian Antican, which I have no intention of doing.

Trough this overture, as well as various other conversations since, I have built up a level of trust with Delphi. While Steven (the paranoid weevil he is) believes that this is proof of my being a Delphic puppet, I ask you to assure him of my intentions and consider giving me permission to persue this option and exploit the trust to gain information from Delphi. There is no current tactical or diplomatic advantage gained, but it couldn't hurt.

And don't let steven's paranoia rub off on you. I'm a Republican first and foremost.
I'd say it's highly unlikely whoever did this didn't use a proxy. On further investigation (i.e. what I just checked out right now), the IP address used is a proxy server for port 8000. I was able not to connect, but did get a message saying the proxy server wouldn't connect, which contrasts to the timed out pages of all the other ports I tried it with.

I think we should take care of what he gave us before taking care of whoever this is, because it seems at least part of what he said was legitimate already. If we let it go, Foghorn may end up unscathed. As it is I want to hang him... Stupid bastard...
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Post by Delphi »

Ok, update: Xon sent the PDF to Aryez, too.
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Post by AngelGuardian93 »

and he's steward too, oi what a mess...
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Post by osmose1000 »

Foghorn seems reasonable enough to do nothing more than listen to what he can and report it to the Republic. I say we go towards making peace with the Republic. As for the GC, if they actually go through with this plan they'll look like shit without anyone else's help.

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Post by Scott of Hyperborea »

I'm bored of this already. Permission to leak the PDF to the media?

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Post by Delphi »

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Post by Fax Celestis »

[16:53] markers87: hello
[16:54] markers87: I would like to warn you about Babkha
[16:54] markers87: Don't tell anyone, but I have inside information that they are attempting to create an empire
[16:55] markers87: Lemuria is just a distraction
[16:55] markers87: Lesser Eura belies babkha's true intentions: conquest
[16:55] markers87: Shireroth is a target
[16:55] Fax Celestis: Wonderful

Playing both ends against the middle.

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Post by Delphi »

Get this... He sent me an email with the PDF... Well, he forgot to attach it, but it said it had an attachment. So I think he's trying to get me in on this. As I said, Scott, leak at will.
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Post by Shyriath »

I would like to take this opportunity to say that PDFs are evil and are the work of Balgurd; when I try to open in in the browser, a blank page appears, and when I try to download it and read it on my computer, it says the file is damaged.

Edit: But lest my Adobe-inspired bitterness make me forget... a very good bit of work. I shall enjoy heartily the exposure of the scheme.
Last edited by Shyriath on Mon Feb 06, 2006 10:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Delphi »

The file works for me... But granted, they are large and annoying.
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Post by Shyriath »

Maybe it's a problem with Adobe Reader, then... are there any other PDF viewers out there? Preferably budgeted for someone with, er, no budget?

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Post by Delphi »

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Post by Shyriath »

Just tried it... it couldn't read it either. Said it couldn't parse it, or some such.

I did find an online viewer, however, which seems to be able to see it just fine... and I'm glad I can see it, I must admit. All those nice little figures and charts try so HARD to look scientific, and yet rest so heavily on subjectivity... all those bold statements, those grand unworkable plans...

Yeah, Scott's right. This DOES need to be leaked. It oughta get some laughs.

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Post by Scott of Hyperborea »

Actually...I'm going to wait a day or two to see if Babkha offers to "mediate" on the Antica thread in general. That would make everything much more perfect.

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Post by Delphi »

Latest from Xon, in an email to me:
Xon wrote:I just want to say, I'm no longer in communication with the Shah and so can't be held accountable for his further actions. Yes, I admit, I started the situation by handing the Shah what amounted to a Bible for conquest.

Reading the latest comment by someone called "Kwestor" in Shireroth,
and its allusion to a savior-like entity, I have a feeling it is either the Shah or an agent of the Shah. maybe even another nation, even antica, that is working for the Shah.

If you have ever read any of Asimov's foundation novels, you may understand things better when I say I tried applying psychohistory to micronationalism. Like how there were two foundations, I consider Babkha to be one foundation, and Shireroth to be the other.

Shireroth still has time to become an empire itself, just less time than Babkha does. What you may not have realized is that the Jehengir plan could also be applied for Shireroth to create its very own empire. But you better hurry because the Shah appears to be moving fast.

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Post by AngelGuardian93 »


No, wait, i'm not done SPLITTING MY SIDES!


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Post by osmose1000 »

The poor misguided fool.

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Post by Scott of Hyperborea »

See if you can convince him to give you evidence that Babkha has accepted the Jahangir plan.

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Post by Delphi »

I haven't yet been able to get ahold of him.

And take a look at what the Lemurians are considering...

Apparently they're enough convinced he's Tgaoth... And it seems I've stumbled upon Mr. XXXXXX... Don't worry, it's safe with me. But that means yet another entity is keeping track of this.
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