My truck is TRYING to kill me....

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Kaiser Raynor X
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My truck is TRYING to kill me....

Post by Kaiser Raynor X »

Yerp... It tried to kill me tonight.. It's been all rainy... and so.. it tried to get me in a reck!.. yerp.. it decided I didn't reallly need windshield wipers.. and decided to leave one on the side of 101 somewhere...Yerp... The one on my side.. just went... THWACK!... ZOOM!And I had to turn my wipers of completely so as Not to scratch my windshield.... since it was metal on glass.. and think it scratched a lil... but I have a piece of klenex I had in my pocket on it now...It must have been the aliens... you know.. the ones from the crap Movie Isa and I were watching from 11-midnight... Silent Warnings.. it was the movie "Signs" on crack.. the aliens where killed by iron... they were.. Dæmon Aliens or something.... I was like.. predicting the movie... "Oh... she's gonna die...(she did)...Oh.. he's gonna turn around and get attacked and proly killed... (he got attacked.. but he lived.... till the end.. than he blew up.....)...Oh... the dead hand is gonna move.. (it did... which made no sense).. Oh.. the power's gonna go out.. (it did...which made no sence...)" buBut it was kinda cool.. the aliens could teleport(with tech...I tihnk).. and electromagnetic fields fucked up their teleportation signals... Till the power went out... and.. the started teleporting in.... and one got shot like.. a bunch of times.. and didn't die till the shot gun shot him with the cartridge filled with Iron fileings....and he died... he kinda disintigrated in an orange flamy things.. ness. it was kinda cool... they had glowing orange eyes.... IT was cool when they killed this one guy... well.. cool.. yet disturbing... The alien TPed(teleported) in and they show at him or something... and the guy desided to attack it with this sharp iron thingy.. and the alien dodged a few times.. and than desided to TP out.. to bad for the guy.. he realized what was happening and only got half out of the TP area.. and got cut in half.. so the aliens got half a dead guy... that must have been messy.. but the half that remained didn't get blood ALLLL over the flow... I guess the thing... Caderized the...slive or something.. it was sad.. he girlfriend (who was a wicken ...or something, and thought the aliens were demons.. and knew about the iron thingy because of that...) saw him get sliced in half.. It was sad... He was moving to get out.. but.. it was more of a Turn... Reach for help.... get sliced kinda thing. and the look on his face........ But it looked to me that he was accually outside the TP thing... I expected it to take all of him.. if any... or just his arm or something.. but it did a perfect slice down the center... poor bastard....But that's proly one of the few times I've seen a form of teleportation used as a weapon to kill a person.. the only other 2 times where in Stargate.. first in the movie with the rings that come down to take people and things to the ship.. and O'neal was fighting this guard dude.. and when he saw the rings coming down.. he stuck the guys head in the light... and his head go TPed up to the ship.. that kinda pissed off Ra(the "god" in the movie...Stupid G'oul...pretending to be gods..) the second time was in like.... the...2/3rd episode of the show...SG1... O'Neals like.. best freinds got a g'oul in him... but it was young and couldn't take comeplete control yet.. anyhoo.. they thought they had succeeded in taking it out... But I guess they ONLY got part of it.. and it took over the guy completely... but it pretended it was the guy... and all of a sudden it tried to escape... Activated the stargate.. but Teal'k(sp).. was there to stop him.. they got in a fight on the ramp to the star gate.. Teal'k in the fight stuck the top of the guys head into the even horizon of the stargate.. just.. kinda randomly... nothing planned.. O'Neal yelled "Hold him there" and ordered the gate shut off.... the guy lost the top of his head.. from top of forhead and up... GONE!... He was dead.. to say the least.. and the G'oul bought it...I've seen PLENTY of TP accidents.. like.. Star trek and such.. but not often do people get parts cut off... Poor bastards...But yeah.. my truck is trying to kill me.. I need to get some money from my parents tomarrow and get new wiper blades... Raynor M'JiliadKaiser of Shireroth

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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: My truck is TRYING to kill me....

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

Telefragging is cool, too, assuming it's possible... that is, you teleport into a space where somebody else is... exploding him/her... like how you killed the final opponent in Quake. But unfortunately I don't think real-world physics would allow that... "I believe they just installed Gentoo Linux."

Jadie Mathematician
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Re: My truck is TRYING to kill me....

Post by Jadie Mathematician »

I am sorry to hear about your car Erik...but thank you for the entertainment. Just a bubbly elf-cat girl who gives out adviceand saves countries

Kaiser Raynor X
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Re: My truck is TRYING to kill me....

Post by Kaiser Raynor X »

IT's ok.. I got $15 from my mom to get new blades tomarrow...Telefragging would blow for whomever got fragged...I wonder if it would hurt? Raynor M'JiliadKaiser of Shireroth

Jadie Mathematician
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Re: My truck is TRYING to kill me....

Post by Jadie Mathematician »

well that is good Erik....about the blades I mean..*laughs* Just a bubbly elf-cat girl who gives out adviceand saves countries

Kaiser Raynor X
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Re: My truck is TRYING to kill me....

Post by Kaiser Raynor X »

I go new ones today... they are very nice.... Raynor M'JiliadKaiser of Shireroth

Jadie Mathematician
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Re: My truck is TRYING to kill me....

Post by Jadie Mathematician »

YAY for new blades!! yay!! Just a bubbly elf-cat girl who gives out adviceand saves countries

Kaiser Raynor X
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Re: My truck is TRYING to kill me....

Post by Kaiser Raynor X »

I almost expected to see Stone reply to that... but alas.. he is amis.... Where is the MoMA!?!?!? I want my MoMA! Raynor M'JiliadKaiser of Shireroth

Jadie Mathematician
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Re: My truck is TRYING to kill me....

Post by Jadie Mathematician »

*sigh* that he is.... Just a bubbly elf-cat girl who gives out adviceand saves countries

Kaiser Raynor X
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Re: My truck is TRYING to kill me....

Post by Kaiser Raynor X »

BRING....THE STONE... BACK HOME!.... Bring... the stooooooone... back home!... Don't leave the golom AllllloooooooooOOOOooooOOONE!.. Bring.. the Stone..... back home.... Raynor M'JiliadKaiser of Shireroth

Jadie Mathematician
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Re: My truck is TRYING to kill me....

Post by Jadie Mathematician »

*looks at Erik singing*well....I think that everyone is going to be a little less active from SSU...we all have finals coming up....eeep!!!! *falls over from the stress of it all* Just a bubbly elf-cat girl who gives out adviceand saves countries

Kaiser Raynor X
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Re: My truck is TRYING to kill me....

Post by Kaiser Raynor X »

I'[m hoping summer will bring some people back... Raynor M'JiliadKaiser of Shireroth

Jadie Mathematician
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Re: My truck is TRYING to kill me....

Post by Jadie Mathematician »

*shrugs*I won't be as active as I am now..I will only be on the internet at night..blah! Just a bubbly elf-cat girl who gives out adviceand saves countries

Kaiser Raynor X
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Re: My truck is TRYING to kill me....

Post by Kaiser Raynor X »

I'll be at my ussual activity levels... Maybe we'll get Fax back this summer... Raynor M'JiliadKaiser of Shireroth

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