Computer Science 103: Basic WebDesign and FTP. (Secton 2)

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Erik Mortis
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Computer Science 103: Basic WebDesign and FTP. (Secton 2)

Post by Erik Mortis »

Quote:Section 2: Basic Page Architecture.Introduction to Section 2.Upon researching for section 2 I found there is actually ALOT more to be said about architecture than I previously thought, and a lot that really isn't relevant to most people. I will provide some additional reading at the end of this section for anyone interested in a MORE detailed explanation on basic page architecture. However, I'm just giving the basic elements and some explanation.Basic ElementsIf one wishes to make a basic web page, there is really very little that is needed. There are 4 Basic elements needed. But before I give them to you. I shall explain a term. Tags. Tags are what you use in HTML to do anything outside of plain text. They tell a browser what it should do with text. Tags come in to variants. Opening Tags and Closing Tags. For any tag there are two variants. Opening and Closing. If you open a Tag you MUST close it. (There are a few odd exceptions) But now for those elements, or as they shall now be referred to as, tags. 1. HTML2. HEAD3. TITLE4. BODYThese are the four basic tags. Now to explain them.This is a basic tag. And is probably one of THEE most important tags. This tag goes at the beginning and the end of your document. It tells the browser were the html begins and ends. is put at the beginning and tells a browser to begin reading the document as an HTML page. Anything before it will either be ignored or treated differently. is the end tag. / is used to note that a tag is an end tag. is placed at the VERY end of the document.This is an interesting tag. I myself don't know the complete details of it but for purposes of this class, all you need to know is you put the opening tag right after .This is a fun tag. It is what puts the text that you see in you the title bar of your browser. What you put between the tags will appear up there. You shouldn't put tags inside this tag. After ending this tag use the tag to end the header area. This is the main tag, the mother of them all. Inside this tag you put your site. This is the Body of your page. One you open this tag you have opened the part of the page that is seen by the reader. You may put almost anything in this. Including non-formatted text (remember thisÂ…) Once you close this tag you end what is seen by the reader of your web page. After ending with you would most likely end the entire document unless you have some funny scripting things you want to add, which I won't go into now. Once the body tag is closed you close up the entire document with the closing tag for html.Now you have the basic elements and there order and use. You might have noticed that didn't make my tags in uppercase. It is usually a good idea to make tags in lower case. I don't know if it really matters but from what I understand sometimes it can. You must also always close tags in the order that you opened them. You wouldn't want to close the html tag before you close the body tag. For anyone who has played a card game like Magic.. think of it like spells.. first in.. last out.Further Reading: ... #h-7.1This is optional reading material for you. You will find greater detail and maybe better explainations in here.Homework:You homework is simple. Without using the HTML editor make me a page. I want you to compose it in your email client or page. I want it so that if I loaded your page up online it would show your name in the title bar of the browser and I want your name and subdivision to show up unformatted in the browser window. There is 1 element I did not include that is in the further reading, although not essential. If you include it properly You'll get 2 points extra credit. This assignment is out of 10 points and is do in my email by one week from today. Friday the 19th. The subject of your email should read CompSci 103: Section 2. HW2. I want that exactly. That is all. Plesae feel free to ask ANY questions you have. And once again I encourage you to do the further reading. Sorry about putting it in quote.. ezboard was having problems with the html codes..

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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: Computer Science 103: Basic WebDesign and FTP. (Secton 2

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

Quote:You might have noticed that didn't make my tags in uppercase. It is usually a good idea to make tags in lower case. I don't know if it really matters but from what I understand sometimes it can.In HTML 4.0 it doesn't matter. However, if you suddenly decide that you want to make your documents XHTML-compliant (XHTML is based on XML, in which tags are case-sensitive, and XHTML tags are lower-case by default) this will spare you the (admittedly trivial) trouble of writing a script to convert the contents of all tags to lowercase. Do you really believe Project Bluebook revealed EVERYTHING the Army Air Corps knew? Do you know what REALLY happened at Roswell, New Mexico in the late 1940s? Have you even heard about the Men in Black? Do you have any friends who have `missing days'? Do you sleep with your window unlocked?Be seeing you...

Erik Mortis
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Re: Computer Science 103: Basic WebDesign and FTP. (Secton 2

Post by Erik Mortis »

I knew there was a reason..I read a thing a while ago on XHTML and well-formedness(?). Erik Mortis BrookshireCommoner of Alexandretta

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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: Computer Science 103: Basic WebDesign and FTP. (Secton 2

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

Actually it's not a question of well-formedness. An XHTML document can be well-formed XML even if it contains stuff like tags (and doesn't define them separately). It just won't conform to the XHTML DTD (document type definition). XML is the underlying language that defines tags, elements, in fact all of the syntax of the language. XHTML just adds the element types, attribute types, etc., that you need to tell a browser what all those tags are actually trying to say. Do you really believe Project Bluebook revealed EVERYTHING the Army Air Corps knew? Do you know what REALLY happened at Roswell, New Mexico in the late 1940s? Have you even heard about the Men in Black? Do you have any friends who have `missing days'? Do you sleep with your window unlocked?Be seeing you...

Erik Mortis
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Re: Computer Science 103: Basic WebDesign and FTP. (Secton 2

Post by Erik Mortis »

I kinda like the notion of DTD... Erik Mortis BrookshireCommoner of Alexandretta

Shasta Rana Wanderlust
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Re: Computer Science 103: Basic WebDesign and FTP. (Secton 2

Post by Shasta Rana Wanderlust »

My homework will be late. Just warnng you. Oh look, a Thing Of Beauty. Let's blow it up.--Advocate of B0O0/\/\ism--

Erik Mortis
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Re: Computer Science 103: Basic WebDesign and FTP. (Secton 2

Post by Erik Mortis »

I'll allow it this once. Since I know you are away form home... YAY.. I get to see you tomarrow!.. Erik Mortis BrookshireCommoner of Alexandretta

Erik Mortis
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Re: Computer Science 103: Basic WebDesign and FTP. (Secton 2

Post by Erik Mortis »

I'm not sure about this class.. people seem to have lost interest.. and I don't seem to have the skills for teaching classes.. Erik Mortis BrookshireCommoner of Alexandretta

Jadie of Goldshire
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Re: Computer Science 103: Basic WebDesign and FTP. (Secton 2

Post by Jadie of Goldshire »

Erik you were doing great I haven't lost interest..I'm just waiting for the next lecture to be posted... Jadie of GoldshireCarry on with your lives people...nothing to see here.

Scott Alexander
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Re: Computer Science 103: Basic WebDesign and FTP. (Secton 2

Post by Scott Alexander »

Bah. I already know web design and FTP. But I don't already know how to get women! Which is why I'm upset that you broke off that class in the middle to start this one!

Jadie of Goldshire
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Re: Computer Science 103: Basic WebDesign and FTP. (Secton 2

Post by Jadie of Goldshire »

He's waiting to hear from Alex and I on that one...her and I really need to talk *makes mental note of it* Jadie of GoldshireCarry on with your lives people...nothing to see here.

Alexandra Decens
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Re: Computer Science 103: Basic WebDesign and FTP. (Secton 2

Post by Alexandra Decens »

yes....maybe this weekend? I have no custom signature...oh wait...

Jadie of Goldshire
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Re: Computer Science 103: Basic WebDesign and FTP. (Secton 2

Post by Jadie of Goldshire »

*ponders* Yeah we can talk about it in the car if the guys don't mind listening to us...*laughs* Jadie of GoldshireCarry on with your lives people...nothing to see here.

Erik Mortis
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Re: Computer Science 103: Basic WebDesign and FTP. (Secton 2

Post by Erik Mortis »

*shrug*...I rather liked my other class better too... I guess .. if not one objects.. and although it makes me sad.. I'm going to cancel this class. Erik Mortis BrookshireCommoner of Alexandretta

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