The Tower of Airosamente

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The Tower of Airosamente

Post by Jonas »

Never wondered how it came that there are several languages across Micras? Evolution or interference by the Gods? Or perhaps a bit of both? Kildare isn't called 'birthplace of civilization' for nothing. ;)
The Tower of Airosamente was, according to the old Imperial records and archaeologists who discovered the ruins, was an enormous tower built in the plain of current-days Apollo City. The myths around the Tower of Airosamente are widespread over Micras and the existence of it became a popular explanation for the existence of different languages around the planet.


Religious context
According to several religious sources, a united humanity of the generations following the Great Plague (which had led to the distinction of the Microns), speaking a single language and migrating from the east, came to the land of what is now Apollo City, where they agreed to build a city with a Tower "with its top in the heavens... lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the Micras."

The Gods of all religions came down to see what they did and said: "They are one people and have one language, and nothing will be withholden from them which they purpose to do." So the major Gods said, "Come, let us go down and confound their speech." And so the Gods scattered them once again upon the face of Micras, and confused their languages, and gave them a different religion, and they left off building the city, which was called Airosamente "because the Gods there confounded the language of all the Micras."

Historical context
The Tower was built around 7500 bASC, in a period in which humanity was declining and the Tribal Age was going to start. This immense construction was probably built with the last remaining tools and resources which had survived the extension of the Micron race. The leaders of the Audente region had, for several years, succeeded in restoring some kind of order while the rest of the world was in full anarchy (in Tapfer, humanity had fully extinct). This not only led to mass immigration of people to the Audentian lands, but rival kingdoms and tribes wanted to get their hands on the rich region. The Audentes, well-aware of the danger, decided to build a Tower which was so impressive that no other civilization would dare to invade their lands. They succeeded to build the Tower in 107 years, according to most sources. All this time, the Audente army had taken care of foreign threats. But crop failures, loss of technology and shortages of raw materials contributed to the collapse of the empire and its capital (Airosamente). Audentior collapsed and the people who had once sought refuse in these safe lands moved across the world.
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Harvey Steffke
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Re: The Tower of Airosamente

Post by Harvey Steffke »

Brilliant and fully consistant with Soloralist lore, religion, and history. Love it. :love

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Re: The Tower of Airosamente

Post by Jonas »

Harvey Steffke wrote:Brilliant and fully consistant with Soloralist lore, religion, and history. Love it. :love
Thank you. I try to use as much info that is around to write these kind of things (I think it's indeed pretty clear that this is a story for Soloralism, but if other religions want to use the story I will not stop them: it can only spread our Soloralist culture around the globe :evil ). But if you discover something which isn't correct, just tell me. It's my goal to work further on what you, Bill,... wrote. ;)
From a distance I'm concerned about the rampant lawyerism manifesting itself in Shireroth currently. A simple Kaiserial slap on the wrist or censure by the community should suffice. - Jacobus Loki
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Harvey Steffke
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Re: The Tower of Airosamente

Post by Harvey Steffke »

Oh what Bill and I wrote is nice but we're not really "in charge" anymore. It's not my right to tell you what isn't correct. I've had a hands-off approach to that sort of thing since Menelmacar. Basically, as long as you're enhancing the lore for the right reasons, anything goes, including changing stuff that was decided in the past. Fresh, new, great ideas, even if they contradict old stuff, has always been a core aspect of Soloralist culture.

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Re: The Tower of Airosamente

Post by Jonas »

But I don't mind it if you correct me sometimes, as you would probably have a better knowledge of the very early history (Microns, etc.). I know I can change things how I would want it, but I like to build further on things that people have worked out (why starting something new when some put so much efforts in creating a history like that?). Of course, history always changes. With the discovery of new sources, new views over certain subjects, new research methods, etc. we constantly change our view of what has been written down and has been called 'history'. It's our task, as historians (Kildari love to play historian, as you probablyt already knew), to explore what has happened. But it would be stupid to write things that contradict earlier stories and are therefore perhaps less true.

What I want to say: I try to follow the rough lines, while I also try to put my own developments in it. The only problem is that I probably don't know everything of what you two (and others) had written and I wouldn't be mad if you tell it to me if something really contradicts something else that happened. I'm lucky that the history you guys wrote wasn't just concentrated on Audentior, but over most of Micras, which gives everyone who want to work with it the freedom to put their own stories in it. :)
From a distance I'm concerned about the rampant lawyerism manifesting itself in Shireroth currently. A simple Kaiserial slap on the wrist or censure by the community should suffice. - Jacobus Loki
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