Be it resolved that Lawbook II.A.2 shall be amended to read:
Be it resolved that Lawbook III.E.1 shall be removed, and that the remaining subsection be renumbered accordingly.Subsection 2: Line of Succession
a. If the former Kaiser has not appointed an heir, the throne passes to one of the subdivisions of Shireroth in rotation.
a.i. The order of rotation shall be determined by the alphabetical order of the subdivisions.
a.ii. A subdivision receiving the honor of the throne by this method may do so only after those before it in the rotation have done the same.
a.iii. All subdivisions having had their turns, the rotation shall return to its beginning.
b. Once the Kaisership has been granted to a particular subdivision, that subdivision may decide which of its members shall become Kaiser, by any means they choose.
c. If a subdivision has no available individual, no individual eligible for the Kaisership, or declines the throne, then the Kaisership shall pass to the next eligible subdivision based on the previous provisions.
c.i. A subdivision may, if utterly inactive or if felt to be otherwise unsuitable, be declared ineligible for the Kaisership.
e. A subdivision has 4 days to choose from amongst its members who shall be Kaiser before the Kaisership will pass to the next eligible subdivision.
f. The succession of the throne shall be overseen by the Arbiter of the Imperial Judex, in consultation with the Landraad and Imperial Advisory Council.
g. Until a Kaiser is crowned, the Steward shall maintain the functions of government.
Be it resolved that Lawbook III.F.1.a shall be amended to read:
Be it resolved that Lawbook V.A.1 shall be amended to read:a. Any Noble that has legally attained the rule of a subdivision, whether by appointment by the Kaiser, or by inheriting their title, or by some other method, shall be known as the "Ruling Noble" of their respective subdivision and associated lands.
Be it resolved that Chapter VII of the Lawbook be renamed to "Lands and Subdivisions" and that , Sections D, E, F, G, and H of the same Chapter be merged into one section and amended to read as follows, with all subsequent sections in the chapter relettered accordingly:Subsection 1: Definitions
a. The Judex is the system of Courts within the nation of Shireroth.
b. The Arbiter is the officer of the Judex who deals with all cases not solely within the purview of a sudivision or fief; the Arbiter holds court in the Judex forum.
c. Ruling Nobles act as Arbiter for their subdivision and have jurisdiction on any case solely within their subdivision; they hold court in the forum for that subdivision.
d. Lesser Nobles act as Arbiter for their Fief and have jurisdiction on any case solely within their fief; they hold court in the forum for that fief.
Be it resolved that Lawbook X.G shall be amended to read:Section D: Subdivisions
Subsection 1: Definition
a. All parts of the territory of Shireroth, excluding the Imperial County, the Dominions, and the Protectorates, shall be composed of subdivisions.
b. Each subdivision shall be defined by the boundaries that are established for it and are subsequently recorded for it by the Directorate of Cartography.
Subsection 2: States of Activity
a. Each subdivision may be considered to be in one of three states: active, dormant, or inactive.
*a.i. An active subdivision shall be one that has at least 3 recognized citizens, and which has gone no more than 14 days between posts.
*a.ii. A dormant subdivision shall be one that does that has been determined not to meet the requirements of an active subdivision, but which may immediately be recognized as active upon meeting said requirements.
*a.iii. An subdivision may be determined to be inactive after no less than 90 days in a dormant state.
b. The determination of the state of activity of a subdivision shall be the immediate responsibility of the Landsraad.
Subsection 3: Governance
a. Any subdivision that qualifies as active is entitled to form a subdivisional government, which may have such name and structure as the inhabitants decide, so long as it is compliant with Imperial Law.
b. A subdivisional government may pass laws concerning matters that fall entirely within its borders or between its residents, so long as they are compliant with Imperial Law.
c. A dormant subdivision shall not be automatically entitled to form a subdivisional government, but may be permitted to do so by the Landsraad if active citizens reside there.
Subsection 4: Borders
a. The internal borders of each subdivision may be changed at the will of its government, provided such changes do not affect its external or national borders.
b. The external borders of active and dormant subdivisions may not be changed without the consent of their governments; if such subdivisions have no governments, their external borders cannot be changed unless and until they attain a government or are declared inactive.
c. The borders of an inactive subdivision cannot be changed without the consent of the Kaiser.
Subsection 5: Provisions for Inactive Subdivisions
a. The lands of inactive subdivisions are open to any Shirerithian interests that wish to explore, exploit, develop, or colonize them. Citizens of Shireroth need not seek Imperial permission before attempting to develop Imperial Lands.
b. The Kaiser or Landsraad may choose to evict any colonizers of inactive subdivisions if they demonstrate a willful disregard for the local populace or culture. Such a person's work will be deemed "non-canon" and can be explained away by future colonizers in any way they wish. That person may be banned from any further development work in that area, or, depending on the scale of the offense, in any inactive subdivision.
c. Inactive subdivisions are under the general administration of the Kaiser, to be delegated as zie sees fit, unless and until they are declared dormant or active.
Be it resolved that Landsraad Procedures B shall be amended to read:Section G: Taxation
Subsection 1: Authority to Levy Taxes
a. The Kaiser, Minister of Trade and Landsraad all have the authority to levy taxes upon citizens or subdivisions of the land.
b. Subdivisional governments may levy taxes upon those within their subdivision.
c. Those holding a land in fief may levy taxes upon any who reside within their lands.
B. Votes
1. Each Ruling Noble that represents an active subdivision shall receive one vote.
2. If a dormant subdivision retains active residents, the Landsraad may choose to allow it a Ruling Noble with one vote.