Proposal: Noble Titles Nomenclature Act

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Proposal: Noble Titles Nomenclature Act

Post by Shyriath »

Be it enacted by the Landsraad of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth that the Lawbook, Chapter III.C, be amended as follows:

1. Lands
a. Titles may have lands associated with them, held in fief.
b. These lands will pass with the title, to an heir, if the title itself can be inherited.
2. Duke
a. Duke is a title that holds the rank of Patrician and can be passed to a designated heir.
3. Margrave
a. Margrave is a title that holds the rank of Patrician but cannot be passed to a designated heir.
4. Baron
a. Baron is a title that holds the rank of Equestrian and can be passed to a designated heir.
5. Thane
a. Thane is a title that holds the rank of Equestrian but cannot be passed to a designated heir.
6. Count
a. Count is a title that holds the rank of Civitas and can be passed to a designated heir.
7. Jarl
a. A Jarl is a title that holds the rank of Civitas but cannot be passed to a designated heir.
1. Lands
a. Titles may have lands associated with them, held in fief.
b. These lands will pass with the title, to an heir, if the title itself can be inherited.
2. Patrician Titles
a. A noble of the Patrician rank whose title can be passed to a designated heir shall be known as a Duke.
b. A noble of the Patrician rank whose title cannot be passed to a designated heir shall be known as a Duke-Palatine.
3. Equestrian Titles
a. A noble of the Equestrian rank whose title can be passed to a designated heir shall be known as a Baron.
b. A noble of the Equestrian rank whose title cannot be passed to a designated heir shall be known as a Baron-Palatine.
4. Civitas Titles
a. A noble of the Civitas rank whose title can be passed to a designated heir shall be known as a Thane.
b. A noble of the Civitas rank whose title cannot be passed to a designated heir shall be known as a Thane-Palatine.

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Re: Proposal: Noble Titles Nomenclature Act

Post by Shyriath »

Of the votes in my poll that aren't for the current system of title nomenclature, or for versions of "other" that are nonspecific, the "Palatine" one seems to be most popular, hence this proposal. I chose not to undo the Patrician/Equestrian/Civitas distinction in this, partially because that would also require a change to the Landsraad procedures, and partially because I don't really see a problem with it myself, since they're names for kinds of title rather than titles in themselves.

Because the poll didn't really address whether another new naming system could use something other than Duke/Baron/Thane, I also note that for the purposes of discussion on this proposal, an alternative that omits "Thane" could be along the lines of Duke/Earl/Baron.

Discuss and pick apart, plz.

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Malliki Tosha
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Re: Proposal: Noble Titles Nomenclature Act

Post by Malliki Tosha »

Looks good.
Malliki Tosha
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Erik Mortis
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Re: Proposal: Noble Titles Nomenclature Act

Post by Erik Mortis »

Meh.... I like the many title system.. but I'm glad you keep the Ranks...

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