MiniInfo News Service: Statue Defaced. Piscators Murdered.

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Erik Mortis
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MiniInfo News Service: Statue Defaced. Piscators Murdered.

Post by Erik Mortis »

Imperial Statue Defaced

In the Imperial ship yards in Erudition, a port city in Yardistan and historic capital of Amity, a large statue of the Kaiser was recently defaced. The statue constructed some months ago was to honor the Kaiser, and remind the workers and sailors to whom they owe their allegiance. Apparently, vandals added certain male anatomical features to the statue, that were not previously present. According to official statements made by Imperial Inquisitors, the defacement occurred several weeks ago but due to the size of the statue in relation to the small size of the additions the vandalism went unnoticed until differences in the weathering of the statue and of the accessory became apparent. The change was promptly removed by a commissioned imperial sculptor, to the amusement of an onlooking crowd. "I had to cringe ever so slightly when they lopped it off. I feel bad for the old man. " A onlooker chuckled when interviewed later.

Piscators Murdered.

Brookshire recently reported the disappearance of several of its Piscators, on assignment near the Brookshire-Elwynn border. In a statement to the public today to commemorate a change in his Dukal Schedule, the Duke of Elwynn has not only admitted to the abduction of the men, but also to their summary execution without trial. According to sources near the Duke, no charges were ever leveled against the men before being put to death. A response has yet to be issued from the Brookshire Ducal court, but with recent rising tension between the two duchies experts hold no hope for a amicable resolution. This incident is just the most recent in a chain of events and conflicts between the two duchies over the historic lands once known as Goldshire. Few expect the recent declaration of an independent Goldshire by an heir of the ancient line to help relieve much if any tension.

-MiniInfo News Service.

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Gman Russell
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Re: MiniInfo News Service: Statue Defaced. Piscators Murdered.

Post by Gman Russell »

Great story. :D
What follows has lead me to this place where I belong, with all erased.

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