The Real Histories of Vorpmadal

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The Real Histories of Vorpmadal

Post by benkern »

Turns out Vorpmadal isn't all it appears to be!

Some archive-trawling has resulted in some startling revelations. The Barony of Vorpmadal was once known as the Barony of Kildare. And in this post in January '06, Hypatia makes it clear that the Barony of Kildare was as one could assume inside the Duchy of Kildare as she states "I keep my title as Duchess of the Duchy of Kildare, however, and maintain my control of the Barony of Kildare as Duchess over it."

At this point H4773r 3lfs0n became Baron. Yay! He changed the name to Vorpmadal, though some other cool alternatives were provided. Of course at this time Vorpmadal remained in the Duchy of Kildare.

So, Vorpmadal wasn't as Yardistani as I have made out in recent months. However, that's not all - Vorpmadal was indeed annexed by the Duchy of Yardistan. Shyriath did the honours in June last year. Though much booze I believe was stolen, the annexation was not concluded and Vorpmadal remained in Kildare.

So *why* did I think Vorpmadal was Yardistani? I can only guess that I got this wrong - though my post regarding what Yardistan and Vorpmadal mean to me were sincere of course - or that an administrational error on behalf of someone moved Vorpmadal to Yardistan. Unless anyone can verify this, I think we can safely assume that Vorpmadal remained in Kildare - officially at the very least.

Now, we should all know what happened next, as it happened very recently. Due to the fact that Vorpmadal had got its hands on some territory that belonged to Brookshire - I believe then owned by Kildare, as Brookshire no longer existed, though that needs to be looked up - Vorpmadal as a Barony was moved to Brookshire. I contested this, the Barony (minus the Counties which rightfully were Brookshirian or whatever they're calling themselves these days :P) was actually brought to Yardistan for the first time. The failed annexation doesn't count.

So there we have it - Vorpmadal has existed in 3 of the 5 Shirerithian Duchies. Straylight and Elwynn, watch out! :fish

BREAKING NEWS: I just noticed this in H4773r's sig:
Baron of Vorpmadal
Within Duchy Yardistan
Anyone know when it moved? Perhaps the annexation suceeded?
By His H47,
Baron Benkern of Vorpmadal, Yardistan.
"Like us or hate us, someone will still hold the torch. You might as well try to like us." - Harvey Steffke
"Tis not a leaving of a harried knave/Tis not with tail tucked in shame/Rather in glorious exhibition of benevolent might/Sun bids the world an emblazon g'night."
"But every beginning is only a continuation and the book of fate is always open in the middle."

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Re: The Real Histories of Vorpmadal

Post by hypatias mom »

If I remember correctly, there was a time, after the demise of both Goldshire and Brookshire, and after the institution of the "New Feudalism," when the actual location of any barony seemed pretty much in flux if it were located anywhere near another Duchy. This meant that the boundaries of Duchies changed on a fairly frequent basis between Elwynn, Yardistan and western Kildare. To create a barony, one had only to be a count of a county, find another count willing to join with zie and, if the duchy did not meet with zir approval, petition to move it to the neighboring duchy. This resulted in the mess that has just been untangled by the reinstitution of more traditional, geographically-based political entities. I think this was also an attempt to inject a bit more interest in cooperative political interaction on a sub-duchy level, and did seem to succeed for a time.

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Re: The Real Histories of Vorpmadal

Post by benkern »

Hmm. Sounds like an interesting idea. It evidently had its holes but I can see that it might have been fun on some levels.

Has anyone written a history of the recent Shirerithian history? The History on the Wiki only goes up to Tymaria's end and a bit after. All the things that have gone on since then need to be documented. However, I'm sure I've read a more recent History of Shireroth - or maybe I'm confusing that with Microscope which often focused on Shireroth. Anyone know anything? :)
By His H47,
Baron Benkern of Vorpmadal, Yardistan.
"Like us or hate us, someone will still hold the torch. You might as well try to like us." - Harvey Steffke
"Tis not a leaving of a harried knave/Tis not with tail tucked in shame/Rather in glorious exhibition of benevolent might/Sun bids the world an emblazon g'night."
"But every beginning is only a continuation and the book of fate is always open in the middle."

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Re: The Real Histories of Vorpmadal

Post by h4773r's Herald »



nah thats crap . .

when i first showed up, Eriana Moon was LOA, so i was appointed Count of Upper Lunaris, which was in Barony Kildare, within Duchy Kildare (yes, same name, different size).

From there i managed to finagle a couple counts into activity here and there, and my Duchess -Hypatia- appointed me Baron of barony Kildare (yes, within duchy Kildare) the duchy AND barony, spanned a sea.

It was at this time barony Kildare had undergone changes, so i was allowed to rename it, also in order to avoid confusion between duchy and barony. (thank goodness)

short time passed and i had 2 counts underneath me, one as count of LOWER Lunaris, and one as count of Gong LI, so the Barony Vorpmadal was a bit stretched about, ALSO, Hypatia and other members of DUCHY Kildare were less thatn active at the time, SO! with 3 full counties under me i received Hypatias . . approval to ceceede and become an independent Barony.

due to some historical reasons and dispute, my count of Gong Li, was going to be granted one of the "mainland" counties near greater Lunaris, but his activity died shortly thereafter, however, not one to be disuadded, one of the ORIGIONAL founders is a RL friend of mine, so i managed to get him to come back for a short stint, he was granted Elsenar

AS WELL, as the lovely and open nudist countess, Pandora, came under my rule and was granted the County Alexandretta, so Barony Vorpmadal had a nice chunk near the Ancestral lands and flourished

As many might have noticed, Greg/gman russel/angel guardian and i are fairly good friends and so Vorpmodal and Yardistan are somewhat kindred lands, the quirkiness is undeniable.

ALSO! Eriana Moon returned and expressed interest in reuniting greater Lunaris and continuing its story.

(NOTE: the great Yardistani Annexation was perhaps a foreshadowing of things to come but it did NOT succeed. I promptly counter annexed ((fight moose with mangoes, eh!)) the entirety of Yardistan in clever and equally cheeky spam. and the annex was averted)

at this point activity was REALLY low again, we had a new kaiser, Letifer if i remember correctly, and he said, ALL DUCHIES, ONLY 3 OF THEM, so there was yardistan, elwynn, and Kildare. Allexandretta was dropped into Yardistan, and both Lunaris were thrown back to Elwynn, as they had been WAY back, but since they had been my lands and i didint want to seperate them, he allowed us to join Yardistan under the THEN Duke of Yardistan, G-man Russel,
THATS how Vorpmadal ended up in Yardistan . . .

SO, after Eriana Moon and i agreed to grant her the Greater Lunaris, with the Kaiser's blessing, i would be granted a new County,

the new county never came,

i fell victim to the terrible MMO mistress as well as other things and forsook Shireroth, perhaps, forever, and im barely learning what occurred in my absence,

YOU BENKERN, it was your perseverance and your respect for what had really become MY Barony that made me proud and inspired me to return to my micronational home.

feel free to ask any other questions you might have, ill do my best to answer them.
H4773r 3lfs0n, The Traveler
Count of Upper Lunaris
Baron of Neurac
Sheriff of the Historical L.G. & C. and Concurrent Lands
"Blessed" of Melvin, High Priest of B00/\/\ism
A.C.E and P.h.D. in M.U.K.T.A.S.E.N.

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Re: The Real Histories of Vorpmadal

Post by Braden Indianensis »

As a matter of fact, it was during my tenure as Count of Kaikias (I title I never earned or deserved), after the breakup of the Duchy of Antica, when I was Hatter's vassal, that I attempted to install myself as Kaiser Nicodemus I. Bill Dusch was the actual Kaiser (Meskan the Somethingth, I think), but he hadn't been very active, so I took it upon myself (with some encouragement from Osmose, which he would later come to regret) to declare myself the New Kaiser. I attempted to introduce democratic reforms and bring the Kaisership down to an Elizabethan level, but these measures were all very unpopular and the most significant thing I achieved was the calling of a new Praetorial election. I think this whole thing lasted for two or three days, after which Bill returned (understandably furious), deprived me of all my offices (and I had held some high ones--beware of ambition!), and knocked me down a few pegs. I then left in a melodramatic huff, and became a full citizen of the Republic of Antica, and was later elected Speaker; in fact, I was the last Speaker of the Assembly before the Articles of the Republic were suspended. The wretched Kaikians are now refugees in Antica, still lacking a homeland. Very sad.

So there's an interesting tidbit of Vorpmadalian history. But the tea parties! If you knew of the great and glorious tea parties we had...
Antican Ambassador to Shireroth and Babkha
Former Speaker of the Assembly of the Republic of Antica
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Re: The Real Histories of Vorpmadal

Post by Jacobus Loki »

Party as ye should, noble Vaorpmadalians!
Jacobus Loki
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Re: The Real Histories of Vorpmadal

Post by h4773r's Herald »

ACH! how horrible of me, yes, i neglected that entire period . . yes, around the time of Pandora and Alexandretta, Kaikias as well as one other county very near Antica was under SHirerothian rule, and Braden was my Count (plantenget, i believe at that time, yes?)

jimminy, talk about a stretched Barony, Lunaris, Kaikias, and for a short bit, Kitanus Fields, but shortly after, Jupiter, returned and the Barony of Luminous Light was formed, i lost most of what was within what is now Kildare, but thats fine,. because i had Allexandretta, Kaikas, BOTH Lunaris and was about to gain Elsinor, thanks to my buddy knapp and jubbles . . whew, what you forget after a year eh?

yeah . . Plantegnet/Braden . . .

that incarnation died and returned as braden and although he never returned as a citizen *eyeball's braden . . hint* he had been one and contributed fiercely to our culture, so he was the only NON-citizen (technically) to be granted a nifty rank in the Vorpal Order.

and yes . .the tea parties were . . . unique to say the least
H4773r 3lfs0n, The Traveler
Count of Upper Lunaris
Baron of Neurac
Sheriff of the Historical L.G. & C. and Concurrent Lands
"Blessed" of Melvin, High Priest of B00/\/\ism
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Re: The Real Histories of Vorpmadal

Post by hypatias mom »

And, Braden, we're still trying to convince you to reimmigrate. You might as well--you spend more time here than most of the actual citizens. Please come back. We miss the tea parties.

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Re: The Real Histories of Vorpmadal

Post by h4773r's Herald »

YES! for Melvin's Sake, return officially, become count of an ex-antican county once more and we shall have great adventures!

With Benkern as our Baron we will reassemble and thrive . . .

Oh! the shenanigans!!
H4773r 3lfs0n, The Traveler
Count of Upper Lunaris
Baron of Neurac
Sheriff of the Historical L.G. & C. and Concurrent Lands
"Blessed" of Melvin, High Priest of B00/\/\ism
A.C.E and P.h.D. in M.U.K.T.A.S.E.N.

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Re: The Real Histories of Vorpmadal

Post by Braden Indianensis »

Nope. I made a vow, and even in heightened emotional states, a vow is a vow. Content yourselves with my doppleganging about as an unofficial diplomat.
Antican Ambassador to Shireroth and Babkha
Former Speaker of the Assembly of the Republic of Antica
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Re: The Real Histories of Vorpmadal

Post by hypatias mom »

If I recall, your first refusal was predicated upon your being Speaker in Antica, and unsure whether you could get clearance to rejoin. The other was given in a fit of pique in a very unfortunate situation (which your taking charge actually helped to end). I would be sad to think that that miserable episode stopped you forever from rejoining us.

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Re: The Real Histories of Vorpmadal

Post by Braden Indianensis »

I wouldn't say that, but it did finalize my mental image of the sort of place Shireroth is; it occurred to me that I had no business trying to change the nature of anything, and that I had to go and find someplace where I could more comfortably live in accordance with my idea of how a micronation ought to function. Antica was the ideal place, but Shireroth is very interesting: much like New York City, it's a wonderful place to come and see, but I could never live here.
Antican Ambassador to Shireroth and Babkha
Former Speaker of the Assembly of the Republic of Antica
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hypatias mom
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Re: The Real Histories of Vorpmadal

Post by hypatias mom »

That is rather the way I view San Francisco--fascinating, but foreign. Enjoy your visits, come often, try our local foods, and sample the nightlife. You are always welcome here.


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