The Magic-less Mage

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The Magic-less Mage

Post by osmose1000 »

Seated at the main command chair on the airship Gargantuan, the Duke of Yardistan appeared bored. Another boring day, he thought. Same old, same old.------------It had always been like this. Although his race was that of mages, Moose himself had never studied too hard into furthering his magical prowess. Much more fascinated with science, he had only trained with using a sword.That isn't to say the mage didn't know magic. Even the youngest of Black Mages could cast the basic Ice, Fire, and Lightning. He had completed basic school, which taught more powerful forms of the spells, known commonly as Fire 2, Ice 2, Lightning 2, as well as some of the more exotic spells, Poison, Quake, and, most interesting to Moose, Demi.However, these spells were still very weak in comparison to the magics known by other cultures. While most cultures defined a spell by it's intensity, the Black Mage commune classified their spells by technique. A younger mage, for example, may have a stronger Fire spell than another, older one using Fire 2 - granted, Fire 2 had more growth potential, but your mastery over the spell technique dictated it's actual intensity.Beyond these simple spells, however, Moose only knew a few convinient things, such as healing one's body, and his specialty, dimensional magics. Fascinated by the proportional draining effects of Demi, Moose studied into this realm of magic, shunning the other, more commonplace areas.His research had led him to the fabled "T-D Shifter" spell. Supposedly, the spell could transfer one's body between alternate realities, and back again. If mastered correctly, one could plot coordinates and control the location of their transfer as well as to what sort of reality the caster desired.Obviously, this was a spell with limitless potential. At the same time, in order to realise this potential, one had to focus their power upon the study and meditation of the spell, weakening them in the more practical arts.This is what had happened to Moose. In his magical studies, he strived to achieve a successful transfer between realities. His grades survived only by special permission from the dean of his school; by pure luck, he too was interested in dimensional magic.When Moose finally achieved a successful transfer, he was happy beyond words. He had gained a skill that many Archmages had not. The price, however, would prove to be great.At the Academy at which Moose attended, one had to pass a single test to graduate, and any student could attempt it at any grade level. The test was catered to each student, and would test every aspect of their education.At the time of his first successful casting of T-D Shifter, Moose had been studying at the Academy for three years. It was commonplace for students to graduate within four years. Moose applied and was designed a test.The test, however, would prove to be a test of all the skills he had shunned during his study of T-D Shifter. His first task was to melt a giant glacier blocking his path within a maze. Moose, having not had the proper training, could not produce a Fire spell strong enough to melt the giant ice stone. At the end of his wits, Moose decided to make a different approach. He used T-D Shifter to grab a piece of Black Matter, the same matter that Demi spells summoed to drain health, and launch it at the glacier. The great blob struck the obstacle and absorbed it. The test went on in the same manner the rest of the way. Basic obstacles an initiate could pass were given, and Moose had to figure out ways to use T-D Shifter to solve them. He finally reached the end and barely got a passing grade; the dean of the school was the only judge to give him a perfect 10.After graduation, Moose decided to train himself in using his one spell in various, innovative ways. He also took up the sword, as a backup to fall upon if he could not cast the spell for some reason.------------Moose snapped out of his thoughts and glanced at the console in front of him. He noticed a few new messages from the other Dukes about the happenings within their duchies. As he read through a letter from Duke Fax about the falling amounts of supplies such as bay leaves, a question came to his mind: Why do they need these simple items so much?The Duke called over one of his personal assistants, a Midget Engineer named Howie. "Howie," he said, "what do we know about the Duke Fax?""Well, sir," the Engineer replied, "Fax Celestis is his full name, for one. He has been Baron of Maud'Dib, or what is now Naudia'Diva, before being Duke. He heads the Hunters of the Stag, and has served as Kaiser on-""Hunters of the Stag? I've heard of them. What do you know about them?""From our sources, sir, they seem to be an elite group of magician-warriors who put emphasis on a deep connection with the Earth.""Howie, I'd like you to gather Grit and Tar and assume the Triad control system for the Gargantuan for a bit. I'm going on a little trip."OOC: I'm a horrible RPer. They call it a signature, but no one ever signs their posts...

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Re: The Magic-less Mage

Post by AngelGuardian93 »

(war of vengeance?) There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find.

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Re: The Magic-less Mage

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Quote:Doesn't have to be.I'm willing to teach. Shyriath wants to learn too. Viatax Sitadi Axdivijink Regigoraauk

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Re: The Magic-less Mage

Post by osmose1000 »

No, pre or post, or something. They call it a signature, but no one ever signs their posts...

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