Culinary Experimentation: Hazelnut Cola

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Culinary Experimentation: Hazelnut Cola

Post by Shyriath »

First, get some Coke Zero from the snack bar at work. Realize, as you're sipping it, that you're sick of plain cola, but that there aren't many sugar-free options around with a wide variety of flavors. (This is what you have to deal with when borderline diabetic...)

Then, a few days later, go into a store where they have Torani flavoring syrups, including a couple of sugar-free ones. See the one that says "hazelnut", and think to yourself: "I wonder how that would taste in cola?

Buy bottle of sugar-Fred hazelnut syrup, take to work, put Coke Zero and syrup in mug, stir briefly. You now have a flavor of soda that not only probably doesn't exist elsewhere, but which no one will steal, because everyone you tell about it says "hazelnut coke? Bleagh!"

Nonetheless, once you get over strangeness of it, it's actually pretty good. Just don't overdo it on the syrup.

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Demon of Fides
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Re: Culinary Experimentation: Hazelnut Cola

Post by Demon of Fides »

Cinnamon sugar on pizza.

A friend of mine and the Mayer brothers' wont eat pizza of any kind, but agreed to have a go if I put cinnamon sugar on it for him. I did, and he loved it. I then proceeded to try it, and if you get just the right amount where it's visable, but still mixed in with the moister ingredients so it doesn't burn when you cook it, it tastes awesome.
I am confusing, have a wiki article to help: Link-a-dink

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Kaiser Ometeotl I
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Re: Culinary Experimentation: Hazelnut Cola

Post by Kaiser Ometeotl I »

That sounds.. weird. but not really. Pineapple on Pizza rocks.. and it's sweet.

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Falkner van der Sluijs
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Re: Culinary Experimentation: Hazelnut Cola

Post by Falkner van der Sluijs »

Cola + frangelico
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