Titles Renaming Act 3978

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Malliki Tosha
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Titles Renaming Act 3978

Post by Malliki Tosha »

Be it enacted by the Landsraad of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth that the Lawbook, Chapter III.C, be amended as follows:

1. Lands
a. Titles may have lands associated with them, held in fief.
b. These lands will pass with the title, to an heir, if the title itself can be inherited.
2. Duke
a. Duke is a title that holds the rank of Patrician and can be passed to a designated heir.
3. Margrave
a. Margrave is a title that holds the rank of Patrician but cannot be passed to a designated heir.
4. Baron
a. Baron is a title that holds the rank of Equestrian and can be passed to a designated heir.
5. Thane
a. Thane is a title that holds the rank of Equestrian but cannot be passed to a designated heir.
6. Count
a. Count is a title that holds the rank of Civitas and can be passed to a designated heir.
7. Jarl
a. A Jarl is a title that holds the rank of Civitas but cannot be passed to a designated heir.
1. Lands
a. Titles may have lands associated with them, held in fief.
b. These lands will pass with the title, to an heir, if the title itself can be inherited.
2. Patrician Titles
a. A noble of the Patrician rank whose title can be passed to a designated heir shall be known as a Duke.
b. A noble of the Patrician rank whose title cannot be passed to a designated heir shall be known as a Duke-Palatine.
3. Equestrian Titles
a. A noble of the Equestrian rank whose title can be passed to a designated heir shall be known as an Earl.
b. A noble of the Equestrian rank whose title cannot be passed to a designated heir shall be known as a Earl-Palatine.
4. Civitas Titles
a. A noble of the Civitas rank whose title can be passed to a designated heir shall be known as a Baron.
b. A noble of the Civitas rank whose title cannot be passed to a designated heir shall be known as a Baron-Palatine.
Malliki Tosha
Owner, Mortis Mercatoria FC
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Malliki Tosha
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Re: Titles Renaming Act 3978

Post by Malliki Tosha »

I couldn't find anything better than Palatine. I considered 'Cadet' and 'Puisne', but they sound weird. I reordered it so that Baron is lowest, as it should be. This frees up 'Count', which incidentally is the same thing as 'Earl', but fuck it.
Malliki Tosha
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Erik Mortis
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Re: Titles Renaming Act 3978

Post by Erik Mortis »

Maybe we should ask more openly about something other then palatine...? I'm sure there is a language somewhere with something better. Cause as it stands, I'm still going to vote against this. I don't like how Palatine sounds

Mortis, NAY. (5).

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Malliki Tosha
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Re: Titles Renaming Act 3978

Post by Malliki Tosha »

Propose something better then.
Malliki Tosha
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Re: Titles Renaming Act 3978

Post by Malliki Tosha »

Lakhesis AYE (1).
Malliki Tosha
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Erik Mortis
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Re: Titles Renaming Act 3978

Post by Erik Mortis »

I won't deny, I don't want any change at all. So I feel no drive to find something. I don't expect this bill to do much better then the last to be honest, and if Scott forces it with a decree, I can call him fun politically charged names...like hypocrite...

But.. I'll keep an ear out for something better.

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Kaiser Ikol II
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Re: Titles Renaming Act 3978

Post by Kaiser Ikol II »

I don't like Earl. I still can't hear it without thinking of Earl Washburn, Earl Warren, and generic fat Southerners. Thane was much better :(

I'd be more enthusiastic if not for the earls, but this bill is marginally better than nothing and I suppose people should vote yes on it.

Erik, it's already doing better than last time - if Mike had voted aye last time, it would have passed. Also, why would I be a hypocrite? I've said I support leaving as much as possible up to the Landsraad, but I've never denied the Kaiser has the ability to go over the Landsraad's head if he wants, especially if the Landsraad ends in a tie or something inconclusive like that.

However, if it makes you happy, I won't decree this if it gets a fair chance at the Landsraad and fails decisively. In exchange, could you try not to devote your entire life to making me miserable? A couple of hours here and there would be more than enough.

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Malliki Tosha
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Re: Titles Renaming Act 3978

Post by Malliki Tosha »

I don't like Earl either, but Thane sounds stupid, and it was very specifically Scottish.
Malliki Tosha
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Kaiser Ikol II
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Re: Titles Renaming Act 3978

Post by Kaiser Ikol II »

Would you mind withdrawing this bill until we've talked about it further and we can present one everyone (except Erik, probably) agrees on?

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Malliki Tosha
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Re: Titles Renaming Act 3978

Post by Malliki Tosha »

No probs. Bill withdrawn.
Malliki Tosha
Owner, Mortis Mercatoria FC
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Erik Mortis
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Re: Titles Renaming Act 3978

Post by Erik Mortis »

To the archives with it, drunkenly.

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