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Jacobus Loki
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Post by Jacobus Loki »

I have RL business that will keep me from participation in much of anything for about a week. If someone takes my county away while I'm gone, I'm sorry.

While I'm gone, I will be re-thinking my participation in Shireroth at any level. My differences with the current regime are beyond enumeration, and unlikely to be changed.

The fun is going out of Shireroth (unless one actually enjoys pettifogging and writing of rules and procedures for there own sake).

A lot of that was fun, IMHO, is the diversity and manifold strands of history and tradition that were the legacy of all of the different nations and people that had chosen to fold themselves into Shireroth.

The current regime (and it's predecessor) seem to want to destroy this rich heritage. In the name of "Development" it continues to seize property due to "lack of development". Creativity cannot be forced. It's not a board-game where you throw the dice, move square and do what is says on the card. It flourishes when the Muse is free to do its work.

A sovereign may be owed loyalty, but the Sovereign also owes loyalty to his people. This regime seems to think that the only obligations are those that go up, and obligations to OBEY THE RULES.

Great Loki's Footstool, why the PRH are we involved in MN's to begin with? IF OBEY THE RULES is the guide for life, none of us should be here. We should be busy finding Rules to Obey in RL. We should be doing something useful for Society (whatever that means) instead of spending time typing.

We (a lot of us at least) are here to get a little freedom and respite from THE RULES.

Now I understand that rules (small r) are needed in any society, but the joy of MN's and especially Shireroth in particular is that those rules grew organically, and that a lot of them are unwritten, cultural rules about the way things are done and not done.

The new system and especially the new Kaiser(ess) has taken this tradition and kicked it hard in the side, trying to make it into what it is not.

When the creative are unappreciated, they will go create elsewhere. As the population drops, this will turn Shireroth into a game of Survivor as one after the other county is re-re absorbed, and finally the Imperial Government becomes a Shelob sitting in the dark, alone.

As I see it, there are several solutions.

* - The Kaiseress can realize what is happening, stop acting like a dick, and try to fix the damage.

* - It has come to mind that her protestations that the "system will not change during my reign" may be based on a promise that gained her the throne. Well, she is adept at breaking (or at least bending-like-pretzels) those promises, so that shouldn't really be a problem.

* - If she actually feels bound by those promises, she can abdicate and let someone with a lighter hand try to make it work, or let someone else try to fix it

*- We can try to endure a Dark Age while the gods work their will.

* - Or someone with a better claim on the Throne and the loyalty of the people could rise up and take power.

I'm outta here for a until June 6 or 7.

May the Gods Preserve Shireroth!

Kaiseress Anandja II
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Re: LOA-

Post by Kaiseress Anandja II »

Consider this the "Free to Bash the Kaiseress without Fear of Reprisal Thread". If you have anything to say to me, say it here. I can't stand people talking behind my back, so if there is anything like that going on, out with it. If you have any questions, ask me. If you have anything to tell me,

Anandja II Shika
Kaiseress of Shireroth
Lady of the Golden Mango Throne
Countess of Shirekeep
'Ananita, Shika Shilota'i

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Daniel Farewell
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Re: LOA-

Post by Daniel Farewell »

My noble friend, Jacobus Loki, the Thane in Hallucination,

I am concerned with this state of mind of yours, you seem very upset with how things have been here. I feel, however, that you express them in a non-constructive way. In Shireroth, we're a community, we try to overcome our differences to maintain our friendships to one and another. But, Jake, can't you put this behind you? Things can never return to what it once was. All things change, they evolve. For better, for worse.

I'd like when you come back that you focus on your awarded county, build on it, make it flourish the only way Jake can.

In the meantime, take care.

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Re: LOA-

Post by Jonas »

Daniel Farewell wrote:My noble friend, Jacobus Loki, the Thane in Hallucination,

I am concerned with this state of mind of yours, you seem very upset with how things have been here. I feel, however, that you express them in a non-constructive way. In Shireroth, we're a community, we try to overcome our differences to maintain our friendships to one and another. But, Jake, can't you put this behind you? Things can never return to what it once was. All things change, they evolve. For better, for worse.

I'd like when you come back that you focus on your awarded county, build on it, make it flourish the only way Jake can.

In the meantime, take care.
You overlook one thing, Daniel: several people, inculding me, don't like this system. I'm trying to work with it, but just like Jake, I'm just getting frustrated by it.
The old doesn't come back, but perhaps there has changed too much on little time. And when you say that you want the Duchy system back (because you can't or don't want to work in this system), you're called non-constructive. I haven't seen anything become better since the introduction of the new system: the lands stay unused and several people don't even know anymore which land belongs to which House (which makes development of a House harder, while some of us liked developping the subdivision above the normal county). This system gives the impression (and not totally untrue), that you're forced to develop your county (look to what Jake said, he explains it far better then I can). It's precisely the same as what I said to Andreas lately: I can't function in an environment that works like that, it makes me frustrated (which results in nagging about it).

Now, I'm going to stop nagging about it. But I agree with Jake. But I know very well that the Kaiseress can't change anything, without angering the other part of this nation.
From a distance I'm concerned about the rampant lawyerism manifesting itself in Shireroth currently. A simple Kaiserial slap on the wrist or censure by the community should suffice. - Jacobus Loki
Can't you see? I'm crazy! :tomcutterhamonfire :smashy

Kaiseress Anandja II
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Re: LOA-

Post by Kaiseress Anandja II »

You get a county to develop. If you don't, you get the county revoked. Jake did nothing with Western Absentia, not one thing. You have done work and continue to do so, so you don't have to worry. And please don't complain about not knowing what land you hold. There is a thread in the Kaiser's Court you know.
Anandja II Shika
Kaiseress of Shireroth
Lady of the Golden Mango Throne
Countess of Shirekeep
'Ananita, Shika Shilota'i

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Daniel Farewell
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Re: LOA-

Post by Daniel Farewell »

Things may have gone fast, Jonas. So things haven't yet been worked out properly. We still don't have any real procedures for awarding land, for example. But the problem is with the frustration you feel and with the (lack of) response given.

Try and see things from different angles, that must we all do. I mean, if we can work together on something within the frame set, then we've accomplished great things.

Why don't we do this? Look at the laws and see where they hinder your "development". What about them frustrates you? What can you change? And what can you accept?

I am willing to go through the entire law with everyone, if it helps solving this resentment and sadness in our community.

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Re: LOA-

Post by Jonas »

Daniel Farewell wrote: I am willing to go through the entire law with everyone, if it helps solving this resentment and sadness in our community.
It's the Forbidden Issue to Talk About (FITA). :evil
From a distance I'm concerned about the rampant lawyerism manifesting itself in Shireroth currently. A simple Kaiserial slap on the wrist or censure by the community should suffice. - Jacobus Loki
Can't you see? I'm crazy! :tomcutterhamonfire :smashy

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Daniel Farewell
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Re: LOA-

Post by Daniel Farewell »

Jonas, I fail to understand what you mean

(other than that acronym made me laugh - fitta is Swedish for something I don't really fancy)

Kaiseress Anandja II
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Re: LOA-

Post by Kaiseress Anandja II »

Yeah, please tell me too Jonas.
Anandja II Shika
Kaiseress of Shireroth
Lady of the Golden Mango Throne
Countess of Shirekeep
'Ananita, Shika Shilota'i

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Jacobus Loki
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Re: LOA-

Post by Jacobus Loki »

Anandja I was a joy to work with, fun, receptive to ideas, creative.

Anandja II is a royal POA, yelling at people to do things, demanding "loyalty" that she does little to earn besides sit on the throne. If she must act like a harridan instead of a Kaiser(ess), and if she cannot honour her word without twisting it out of shape, then I suggest she get out of the way and let someone else do it. Not me, gods know I don't want this to become a tug of war between me and her, and I really do need to go do RL.

Ric, Jonas, Scott, Ari, PRH's Bells, even CJ under Corey's guardianship. Anybody.

And if she feels bound by something to act in this way, then may Sakat take pity on her when he reviews her deeds.

The Kaiser should not have to be involved in reviewing every little County. Barons used to watch over on Counts, cajol them, change them, interact with them. Dukes did the same for Barons. The Dukes were masters in there own house, and so on. The Kaiser was able to deal with matters of substance, rather than playing schoolmarm.

If you are not going to play with that toy, I'm going to put it back in the box, you selfish little boy.

But it's my toy, I brought it from home! I just want to look at it today!

You don't own any toys here. When you bring it in that door, it belongs to ME, and I will say who plays with it. You get no toys, go and sit in the corner.

People with affinities for counties could come and go, and weave their stories in with others, or not, as the spirit moved them. The unwritten rule used to be, "Go ahead and do it." Now the rules are written, and more and more are being written, and a cast of bureaucrats will soon be needed to run what essentially nearly ran itself before. Oh, but don't spend too much time involving yourself in national affairs, or your land will be gone.

And don't speak out, or dare vote in any other way than as a rubber stamp, your vote will be gone.

Someone said, the old system didn't work, so we have to do this new one.

OK, now the new system doesn't work. Not without a massive oustfest of those of us who know that it sucks, which will lead to the system epic-failing more due to lack of people.

The worst thing about this is that Shireroth used to be fun, a diversion to be looked forward to. It used to be great to conspire, and write, and have threads interact to form a nice fabric of creativity. It felt good.

Now, for me, it makes me feel bad about myself, and puts me at odds with some of the most interesting, creative people I know.

Really gotta go very soon.

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Harvey Steffke
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Re: LOA-

Post by Harvey Steffke »

Hate to say it but the guy has some good points. I'm not sure what the whole hardass approach is for but I don't think it's going to work out too well by the end.

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Jacobus Loki
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Re: LOA-

Post by Jacobus Loki »

It is unfortunate how easily both Mike and I revert to our cyberian forms when under stress, esp. from each other.

Kaiseress Anandja II
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Re: LOA-

Post by Kaiseress Anandja II »

Yeah, that's very true.
Anandja II Shika
Kaiseress of Shireroth
Lady of the Golden Mango Throne
Countess of Shirekeep
'Ananita, Shika Shilota'i

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Jacobus Loki
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Re: LOA-

Post by Jacobus Loki »

Gone until June 7 or thereabouts. Mostly.
Jacobus Loki
Shireroth sumus. Tempus in parte nostrum est.
Lord of Hallucination, Protector of Illumination, MiniEx of Shireroth, Traditional King of the Mala'anje.

Kaiseress Anandja II
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Re: LOA-

Post by Kaiseress Anandja II »

Have a good time.
Anandja II Shika
Kaiseress of Shireroth
Lady of the Golden Mango Throne
Countess of Shirekeep
'Ananita, Shika Shilota'i

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Falkner van der Sluijs
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Re: LOA-

Post by Falkner van der Sluijs »

Jacobus Loki wrote:even CJ under Corey's guardianship
Woah, wait! What?
Dutch of Kildare
Jarl in Asantelian
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Kaiseress Anandja II
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Re: LOA-

Post by Kaiseress Anandja II »

Yeah, +1. Saying that CJ would be better than me is just proof of bitterness in my opinion. When you agree with Jake he's the nicest guy around and you are the best person ever, but if you cross him, you're not worth anything.
Anandja II Shika
Kaiseress of Shireroth
Lady of the Golden Mango Throne
Countess of Shirekeep
'Ananita, Shika Shilota'i

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Falkner van der Sluijs
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Re: LOA-

Post by Falkner van der Sluijs »

It's not even that. I don't know how that even came up! I'm completely baffled!
Dutch of Kildare
Jarl in Asantelian
Steward of Shireroth
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Kaiseress Anandja II
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Re: LOA-

Post by Kaiseress Anandja II »

Perhaps because you're Steward now, but I don't know.
Anandja II Shika
Kaiseress of Shireroth
Lady of the Golden Mango Throne
Countess of Shirekeep
'Ananita, Shika Shilota'i

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Falkner van der Sluijs
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Re: LOA-

Post by Falkner van der Sluijs »

I haven't the slightest, and it almost feels insulting, to be honest.

Dutch of Kildare
Jarl in Asantelian
Steward of Shireroth
Swnndyrrr Ytteirsal
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CJ Miller
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Re: LOA-

Post by CJ Miller »

Jacobus Loki wrote:Anandja I was a joy to work with, fun, receptive to ideas, creative.

Anandja II is a royal POA, yelling at people to do things, demanding "loyalty" that she does little to earn besides sit on the throne. If she must act like a harridan instead of a Kaiser(ess), and if she cannot honour her word without twisting it out of shape, then I suggest she get out of the way and let someone else do it. Not me, gods know I don't want this to become a tug of war between me and her, and I really do need to go do RL.

Ric, Jonas, Scott, Ari, PRH's Bells, even CJ under Corey's guardianship. Anybody.

And if she feels bound by something to act in this way, then may Sakat take pity on her when he reviews her deeds.

The Kaiser should not have to be involved in reviewing every little County. Barons used to watch over on Counts, cajol them, change them, interact with them. Dukes did the same for Barons. The Dukes were masters in there own house, and so on. The Kaiser was able to deal with matters of substance, rather than playing schoolmarm.

If you are not going to play with that toy, I'm going to put it back in the box, you selfish little boy.

But it's my toy, I brought it from home! I just want to look at it today!

You don't own any toys here. When you bring it in that door, it belongs to ME, and I will say who plays with it. You get no toys, go and sit in the corner.

People with affinities for counties could come and go, and weave their stories in with others, or not, as the spirit moved them. The unwritten rule used to be, "Go ahead and do it." Now the rules are written, and more and more are being written, and a cast of bureaucrats will soon be needed to run what essentially nearly ran itself before. Oh, but don't spend too much time involving yourself in national affairs, or your land will be gone.

And don't speak out, or dare vote in any other way than as a rubber stamp, your vote will be gone.

Someone said, the old system didn't work, so we have to do this new one.

OK, now the new system doesn't work. Not without a massive oustfest of those of us who know that it sucks, which will lead to the system epic-failing more due to lack of people.

The worst thing about this is that Shireroth used to be fun, a diversion to be looked forward to. It used to be great to conspire, and write, and have threads interact to form a nice fabric of creativity. It felt good.

Now, for me, it makes me feel bad about myself, and puts me at odds with some of the most interesting, creative people I know.

Really gotta go very soon.


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