The Ending of the St. Jean Recwar

Moderator: Scott of Hyperborea

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Scott of Hyperborea
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The Ending of the St. Jean Recwar

Post by Scott of Hyperborea »

We may have a new recwar on our hands soon, and we still haven't officialized how the last one ended (unofficially, everyone got bored and wandered off.) The following ending will be canon within Raikoth and among Raikothin forces in any future recwar:
When we last left our heroes, they were stuck on St. Jean (KP: Sanyyikoth), an island off Bosworth captured by Shirerithian forces. The Kaiser gave Hyperborean and Babkho-Elwynnese forces occupying the island a deadline to withdraw in accordance with the official peace treaty. The Hyperboreans were unwilling to return the island to Bosworth's control, thinking that their various programs to liberalize and develop the island would be reversed. However, they were legally bound to follow the Kaiser's orders, and the Babkho-Elwynnese were tasked with ensuring they complied.

In response, the Hyperboreans helped organize a St. Jean resistance, and invited the Anticans under Chris Mules to aid them. The Anticans, who were not bound by the peace treaty, intended to set a naval blockade around the island to keep out Bosworthian troops. In exchange, the island would grant important trade and military concessions to Antica. The Babkho-Elwynnese, under Hafiz Rodri, caught wind of the plot and tried to crush the nascent resistance movement. Allied with a native monarchist contingent, they descended upon resistance centers.

The unpopular Kalon Lusav, untried commander of the Hyperborean forces, was unwilling to intervene on either side. However, within the Hyperborean rank-and-file, a pro-resistance conspiracy funnelled weapons and supplies to the partisans. Through their alliance to "the Badger", a Zjandarian criminal lord with a grudge against Babkho-Elwynnese commander Rodri, they successfully disrupted the Babkho-Elwynnese supply chain to the island. When the Hyperboreans were ordered to split their own rations with the Babkhans, they laced their food with a Hyperborean spice to which most non-Hyperboreans had no tolerance. Many in the Babkho-Elwynnese forces got sick. Kalon Lusav was ordered to Shirekeep to explain himself before Minister of Military Affairs Ardashir Khan and Kaiser Hasan I.

Kalon, scion of an unloving, ultraconservative family from the remotest corner of Raikoth, has been near breakdown ever since the fall from grace of his friend and mentor, Rhoti Inkenion. The straw that breaks the camel's back comes when he eats the spice-laced food. He becomes sick, confirming an old legend that his family has Babkhan blood. Full of despair and self-hatred, he shoots the Kaiser and Minister during their meeting in Shirekeep before being killed himself by "Victor", the Kaiser's bodyguard. The Kaiser is severely wounded, but the Minister of Military Affairs gets away with only a few days in the hospital.

During the chaos and leadership vacuum in Shireroth, the Resistance forces successfully take over south St. Jean, but the Monarchists hold onto the North. The deadline for withdrawal arrives, and Hyperborean and Babkhan ships depart from the island. Antican and Bosworthian ships converge, but restrain their fire after a tense confrontation. In a peace treaty brokered by Tenre Spinrion, who has remained behind on the island, the two sides agree to reunite St. Jean as a partly autonomous region within Bosworth.

As part of the recent renaissance in Bosworth under Wentworth II, the territory of St. Jean votes to become a full part of the kingdom. The Hyperboreans retain cultural ties with the island.
Those are the parts directly relating to the war. A few other events worked into the same narrative:
The Khan recovers from his wounds to find the Kaiser still injured but slowly getting better. The Khan knocks off the Kaiser at a private club, claiming his injuries were much more substantial than anyone realized and suddenly "flared up" - Babkhan doctors unfortuntely bungle the autopsy and nothing can ever be proven. Khan takes his position as Duke of Elwynn. The Hyperboreans refuse to acknowledge him, leading to a brief standoff. Eventually the Hyperboreans agree to support Elw prince Rai Avon-El as Kaiser against rival claimant Jacobus Loki, and to acknowledge the Khan's nominal power.

The Khan attempted to control Avon-El, and the young prince, angered at being treated as a puppet, leaked documents implicating the Khan in several criminal acts. The SHINE investigation went much further than even Avon-El had believed possible, discovering the Khan's complicity in the death of the Kaiser and a grander plot among the Babkho-Elwynnese to take over the throne for Babkha. The Khan flees back to Kamalshahr to escape the law, and new Prince-Elder Yyiji Tonkothion launches a reconquest of the Elwynnese lands.
And here's what happens to some characters. Not all of these are mine, and I don't really have the right to determine all this, but no one else is doing it. If you have a better idea, run with it:
Sosni Iudekion never quite became responsible enough for a high command position, and ends up working as a freelance military advisor in Shirekeep. He gets involved with a crazy cell of neo-Jasonian revivalists and disappears from history around the middle of Ayreon I's reign.

"The Badger" is given a post in intelligence in the newly autonomous St. Jean, but turns traitor and sells its secrets to Bosworth, Babkha, and anyone who asks. After a few years, he is killed by his Vembrian assistant, who takes over his job and does it so well that the very existence of a St. Jean intelligence department vanishes from the page of time.

Hafiz Rodri returns to Elwynn. For propaganda reasons, Ardashir promulgates the story that Hafiz has successfully killed the Badger, and he becomes a minor hero and eventually the mayor of a small city. He lives the good life for several years until the Badger, during a fit of insomnia, wonders whatever happened to him. The crime-lord turned spy finds out, and with a quick phone call to a local hit man, assures it stops happening.

Tenre Spinrion founds the Raikoth-Sanyyikoth Sister Islands Association, which organizes aid for the St. Jean restoration program and various cultural exchanges between the two territories.

Rhoti Inkenion remains in self-imposed exile until the Great What-We-Are-Becoming, when Yyiji Tonkothion puts him in command of one of his armies besieging mainland Elwynn. He restores his good name with brilliant victories in the sieges of Zjandaria and Ardashirshahr, and is tasked with leading the occupation. Already a very old man, he refuses, and dies in his villa on the slopes of Yaanek a few months later.

Mel'Kat returns to Atterock, and spends his declining years writing the classic history of the Bosworthian War. He never again hears anything about bugs in the New British computer system, and eventually convinces himself that the entire incident with the SHINE agent was a stress-induced hallucination. He is wrong.

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Maksym Hadjimehmetov
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Re: The Ending of the St. Jean Recwar

Post by Maksym Hadjimehmetov »

Great! Now we can finally make use of one of those flashy conflict templates on ShireWiki!
And are you telling me I missed a Benacian RecWar ?!?!?!?! :angry

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Andreas the Wise
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Re: The Ending of the St. Jean Recwar

Post by Andreas the Wise »

Works for Mel'Kat (though he will get involved in every other war I join)
The character Andreas the Wise is on indefinite leave.
However, this account still manages:
Cla'Udi - Count of Melangia
Manuel - CEO of VBNC. For all you'll ever need.
Vincent Waldgrave - Lord General of Gralus
Q - Director of SAMIN
Duke Mel'Kat - Air Pirate, Melangian, and Duke of the Flying Duchy of Glanurchy

And references may be made to Vur'Alm Xei'Bôn (a Nelagan Micron of undisclosed purpose).

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