View from Benacia/Issue 90: Normality Returns to... uh... Normal

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This imported article was originally posted at at 05/24/05.

Things seem to be slowly cooling down in Shireroth after a busy and combative weekend, with a major reorganization of the Duchies now being completed. There are now, after a Decree of the Kaiser, three Duchies, two of them with new Dukes... Brookshire, whose Duke is now James Raine, aka Fax Celestis; Kildare, whose Duchess is now Hypatia Agnesi (significant other of former Duke Gryphon); and Yardistan, whose Duke remains Moose.

Although things look all neat and tidy now, for much of the weekend it was not so. After the passing of the Duchy Reorganization Act, dissolving the old Duchies and replacing them with the new ones, MiniInt Gryphon took it upon himself to archive all the old subdivision forums and create new ones. Although not an act utterly unsuited to the situation, there was widespread protest at the suddenness of the forums' disappearance and the lack of consultation with the people or the Kaiser (who was on LOA at the time); indeed, there were no new Dukes to head the new forums.

Upon being petitioned by various citizens to remedy the situation, Steward Shyriath issued a reprimand to the MiniInt for his hasty decision, and noted that the Duchies should get to choose whether or not to keep their old forums... an opinion apparently shared by the Kaiser, who upon his return incorporated it in his Decree.

Thus Spake Zarathustra

Ruhan Zarathustra "Zary" Erudinzadeh, former Duke of Goldshire, and apparently still Provost of the Imperial Judex, has announced after a worrying silence that he will, in fact, be returning to Shireroth, probably in a day or two (after he finishes his moving), and has signed himself in as a citizen of Brookshire. Duke Fax has offered, if Zary so wishes, to make him Baron of Muad'dib.

Come forth and rejoice! REJOICE, curse you!

The Duke Is Fired: Long Live the Duke!

Residents of Brookshire celebrated the arrival of their new Duke, Fax Celestis, today. Duke Fax basked in the wishes for a victorious and bloody reign, and the sacrificing of fax machines in his honor.

Yet the Duke's first day on the ducal throne did not pass peacefully. The inferior placement of Brookshire on the list of subdivisions on Shireroth's main board has angered Shyriath, High Priest of B'caw, who also claims that the Gods are offended as well. He has called on his Duke to fix this matter soon, and meanwhile has engaged former Duke Gryphon of Kildare in what is looking to be the precursors of a deadly "you mama so fat" contest.