View from Benacia/Issue 81: What Does Shireroth Really Need

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This imported article was originally posted at at 04/21/05.

A discussion in General on what is needed for Shireroth to continue to be a successful nation is in full swing. Go and participate, or feel the wrath of B'caw!

Ahem. ...The discussion was begun by the ever-controversial Bill. He stated that despite his feelings of occasional ill-treatment, he admired Shireroth and was glad to be a citizen of it. He then noted,

'I believe that Shireroth exists today because of a policy that has worked fantastically, although not the most promising in terms of legacy: stagnation and the status quo. While we havn't been very "exciting" per se (As compared to the politics and drama of, say, Menelmacar or Audentior), Shireroth has managed to maintain a stable, loyal body of citizens.'

He also noted that this same attitude did not make Shireroth very attractive or exciting to new citizens, and could also serve to drive out those with more radical viewpoints.

The thread has thus far remained largely civil, with amazingly little bad blood. The most coherent player in it is currently Duke Scott of Hyperborea. He suggested that recruiting should not be the main focus of Shireroth at the moment, but that instead there should be work on providing opportunites for non-nobles, many of whom have no other ties to Shireroth besides the sense of community.

He presented three suggestions, largely involving

-The promotion of SNARL, the new recwar society, to make the military exciting and providing an outlet for RPers;

-Setting up a system by which citizens could be granted permission to speak, or even cast one vote, in the Landsraad for a price in Erb. This would provide a function for the economy, and allow citizens to make their will known, without taking away the supremacy of the nobles (since their votes would still outweigh those of common citizens).

-Officializing the Crown Jewels so that artistically inclined Shirerithians could add to the meatspace collection of Shirerithian paraphernalia in Erik's possession.

Advertisements for Shireroth?

David has discovered that there is a webcomic that will create and carry ads, and he has come up with the applause-worthy idea of paying the author for a Shireroth ad. But first we need to know what to put in it!

Shirerithians, present your ideas!