View from Benacia/Issue 32: Night of the Living Dead... Micronation.

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This imported article was originally posted at at 11/18/04.

A discussion about missing the dead-and-buried micronation of Menelmacar seems to have taken the extremely odd turn of becoming a discussion on how to revive it. While it is not known how serious the idea actually is, some finding it not a little disturbing.

In its glory days the Tolkien-themed nation was closely associated with Shireroth, and many of its citizens were also Shirerithians. But the beginnings of the nation's demise lay in a growing gulf between the more traditional Menelmacari led by Sirithil, and more recent, left-leaning immigrants led by Archetype. After an election that brought Archetype to power, the traditionalist forces refused to recognize the results, leading the country in a deep and emotional split whose repercussions were felt keenly throughout the microworld. Whether one was more aligned with Sirimacar or Archiemacar (as they were often affectionately called) was not unlikely to anger those on the opposite side. And as both sides failed to retain effective leadership and sufficient population, Menelmacar slowly died, in all its incarnations.

The episode is looked back upon by many micronationalists with no small degree of pain, and of fear of what old passions might be aroused by an attempted revival of Menelmacar.

New MoRE Likely to Be Appointed After Nick's resignation as Minister of Research and Education, the discussion over the new holder of the post finally seems to be centering on a likely candidate: Ari, Baron of Straylight and Unofficial Minister of Niftiness.

Everyone's favorite underwater Baron stated his willingness to take the position after the previous most-likely-candidate, Duke Shyriath, stated in response to several people chanting his name, "Uh-oh". When the Kaiser reported his delight in seeing two candidate for a position, Ari noted: "I'm not really expecting any competition, Erik... Shyriath already publishes the View from Benacia, does all kinds of coolness at SSHIT, keeps the culture of Brookshire fresh and the followers of B'Caw pleased... and does some other stuff I might well not know of... not even the froodiest of us have time for all of that *and* any sort of "revitalisation" of the MoRE"

With which Shyriath quickly concurred, and for which he, in the guise of this editor, eternally thanks Ari. C'mon people, don't pass on your unwanted jobs to me! :p

The Kaiser has reportedly agreed to Ari taking the post, provided no one has any objections.

In Other News -Radish Festival!

-In Commie news: the Comintern's recent acceptance of the upstart PDFB seems to have its critics; the delegate from Velsen has spoken out against the easy admission of the controversial micronation. (Source: the International People's Times, the offcial gazette of the Comintern.)

-Radio Rastakhiz comments on the Menelmacar issue, and Babkhan Grand Vizier Rakesh's relation to it. Note that this is one of the few instances in which Shireroth is mentioned in a foreign newsblog. Apparently, we haven't yet succeeded in hiding from the world.

-Perhaps Linux isn't VERY evil.