Template:Current events

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Current Events


May 15, 2008 C.E. Ships of the Kingdom of Bosworthhave opened fire on a taskforce commanded by the Duke of Brookshire. Bosworth had inserted itself into a territorial dispute between Shireoth and New Brittania, allegedly in a peacekeeping role. The dispute was being settled peacefully when the Bosworthians opened fire, slightly damaging two Shirirthain vessels and killing several sailors.

The Duke's force returned fire with devastating effect.

This action proves that Bosworth had no interest in preserving peace, but only in provoking conflict.

More war news as it becomes available

Kaiser Hasan I takes the Throne

Count Hesam of Hyperborea has been crowned Kaiser Hasan I after a spirited contest with Jacobus Loki, Steward of Mors V.

At issue were both contestants previous citizenships and their loyalties to Shireroth. The community seems well plesaed with the accesion of Kaiser Hasan I and the retention of Jacobus Loki as Steward.