Sameinaða Erlendur Kaupsýsla Einokun Félagið

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The Sameinaða Erlendur Kaupsýsla Einokun Félagið (SEKEF) is a universal development corporation originating in the Days of the Old Tale which has a monopoly on Storish external trade and controls countless economic affairs across Stormark and its Bilander. The SEKEF was created and established by the Pact of the Heartland. It is a powerful company, which until quite recently possessed quasi-governmental powers, including the ability to wage war, imprison and execute convicts, negotiate treaties, coin money, and establish colonies. The SEKEF is one of the greatest sources of wealth in the Lands of Stormark.


The name of the corporation means "United Outlandish Commerce Monopoly Corporation" in the Storish language and was inspired by a similar, but very short-lived company from the Days of Valtia.

Coat of Arms

The coat of arms of the SEKEF depicts a golden horse on a Storish Blue background within a golden border. The horse is a representation of the flying, sea-treading horse Hófvarpnir, which is the horse of the Lady Divine Gná, who is a Goddess who runs errands in other worlds for the Lady Divine Frigga, Fulltrui and Sacred Queen of Stormark. The horse is a symbol for the SEKEF as a major trading company.

The colour gold symbolizes wealth, and the colour blue symbolizes the sea, which was essential for the trade and other commercial ventures of the Valtian Vikings.


The SEKEF was founded with the purpose of augmenting the power of the High Realm by expanding external trade to prop up its coffers and increasing the national territory as well as the lands under Storish jurisdiction by means of colonization and other territorial acquisitions.

Eyði Gíslason was the first Chief Executive of the SEKEF. Using his considerable abilities and resources, he was largely responsible for the mortal part of SEKEF's astonishing success whereby the High Realm acquired lands and countries in rapid succession and the company in a very short time eclipsed all of its outlandish rivals in international trade and commerce.


The structure of the SEKEF is, with certain exceptions, similar to that of a publicly-held corporation with shareholders and a board of directors. The High King is by virtue of being the occupant of the Longships Throne a member of the board of directors as well as the Imperial Chairman of the same. He appoints and removes all other directors at will.

The major shareholders of the SEKEF are the Imperial House of Ettlingar Freyu, the State, the Jarldoms, and the Kónga- og Aðalsfólksjóður. Since the major shareholders happily hold onto their very profitable stock in the SEKEF, which is widely regarded as extremely blue chip, only few of its shares are traded on the Haithabu Stock Exchange and those are very highly sought after by investors.