Proto-Lakhesian language

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Lakhesian (Lakhesian)
Pronunciation: {{{pronunciation}}}
Spoken in: Shireroth
Region: Barony of Lakhesis
Total speakers: unknown
Language family: Lakhesian
Writing system: {{{alphabet}}}
Official status
Official language in: Shireroth: Barony of Lakhesis
Regulated by: Lakhesian Language Council



The Lakhesian consonant system is pretty straight-forward for English speakers, with some anomalies.


p, t, k, ' (glottal stop)


f, s, sh, ʃ (as in shoot), x (as in German Bach), h


w, l, lh (voiceless l), j (as the y in year)


m, n, ŋ


a, i, o, u; pronounced as in Spanish.
a:, i:, o:, u:; same as above, but long. All similar realisations of these sounds are valid, as long as they don't glide over to another vowel.

Syllable structure

The syllable structure is (C) - V.


Lakhesian has gentle stress on the first syllable, similar to Hungarian.


a, i, o, u, c(=ʃ), f, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, v, w, x(=x), '. The final letter, the apostrophe, represents the glottal stop. Long vowels are accented.