Committee of National Salvation

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The Committee of National Salvation was an umbrella organization during the Third War for Cyberian Liberation. The Committee was formed on June 27, 2002, after the Oatney regime illegally ordered federal troops to attempt to overthrow the legitimate government of Menet province. After appealing to the Oatney regime to withdraw forces and wait on the decision of the court, the Committee declared the Oatney regime dissolved and inaguarated Vice President Joe Whit as President of the Commonwealth.

The central government was advised of these actions in the message quoted below:

--- Geoffrey Spaulding <captgspaulding@...> wrote:

Fellow Cyberians-

This incident started with the return of Mr. Ceres. Mr. Ceres thought that Cyberia and Menet was unchanged from the time of his depature. During his absence a new provincial government was formed in Menet, A new constitution was passed, and laws placed on the books.

New citizens were welcomed to the Province. No complaints came from the government at that time. I supported the election of Mr. Oatney as the best alternative to Grievism.

Mr. Ceres at no time made an effort to contact the government of Menet, although invited several times to do so. It seems as though he thought his personal relationships put him above the government of the Province and above the Law. He was gently advised how to make application for the things he expressed a desire to do. He decided that the main forum was the place to force his way into control of the government of Menet.

The government of Menet waited for the issues raised by Mr. Ceres to be taken to the Courts which were in the process of being re-formed. In the opinion of the Menet Government, these were valid issues to take to the courts for adjudication according to law. Such is the manner of settling constitutional issues in civilized states.

Mr. Oatney cowardly took advantage of my RL absence to launch a military attack on the government of Menet. We invoked the God-given right of free people to defend themselves against attack. The Grievists and their allies jumped on this situation as a way of attempting to destroy the Government of Menet in order try hand it over as a fief to Mr. Ceres.

Mr. Oatney has thus shown that he is not capable of governing under a Constitution, and would be better suited to be a Chief Executive in Uganda or Sierra Leone, some place where law does not often get in the way of a president getting what he wants.

To save lawful government in Cyberia, we have formed the Committee of National Salvation, which shall hold executive power pending the inaguartion of President Whittaberg, the lawful succesor to former president Oatney.

All citizens loyal to lawful government are invited to join the Committee.

Thank you and good evening,

Geoffrey Spaulding,
Constitutional Praetor of Menet
Chairman, Committee of National Salvation

The Committee served as the command structure uniting the various factions assisting the Government of Menet.

Recently, the Committee has been a major influence in drafting of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Cyberia. After ratification, the Committee adjourned sine die.