Peoples of Natopia
The Peoples of Natopia are several distinct ethnic groups which form the Natopian Nation, a multi-ethnic and pluralistic nationality that unifies all citizens of the Natopian Empire.
A deeply religious tribe, the Neemites hold the title of Chosen People of the Butter Cow. They have inhabited since time immemorial the northern portion of the Natopian island. When Natopia was expanding from the south northwards, they approached the Natopian leaders and brokered a deal. They would retain territorial control over their ancient lands known as the Tas Neemia and no person without Neemian heritage shall ever hold the highest office. The Neemites are expert at cattle husbandry and the beef that they produce is considered a delicacy on the island. Possibly ancient ties to the Karnali?
Klaasiyan territory consists of the entire Tapfer coastline of Borders Bay and Strait. On Nett Opaegh’s epic journey, the Klaasiyans aided Nett across the Bay as they are a sea-faring and water-spirit worshipping tribe. They pray to the great sea god known as Border, who lives in the Bay, which is named after it. While the Natopians were consolidating control over the island, the Klaasiyans remained undisturbed on the mainland. However, when Lavalon was settled on the Peninsula, the Klaasiyans were given a province within the republic and a young Klaasiyan man who took the name of Zachary Klaas rose to prominence in the republic and became president. During his presidency he fostered close relations with Natopia. When the Free Juice and Bagels Party was founded in Lavalon, the Klaasiyans were its largest supporters, and the Klaasiyan province’s capital was named Bagelston and they began trading their wheat surplus exclusively with Natopia. When Lavalon collapsed, the Natopian Empire annexed the former Lavalonian province of Klaasiya. Today Klaasiya exists as a Barony in the western portion of their original coastline.
The Mehl occupied the area now known as Ziegeland, mostly around present day Lindstrom City. When Nett Opaegh first came to where he would eventually settle his city of Awe, the Mehl were already there. They were fascinated by Nett’s stories of the Flying Islands of Jasonia, and as they were a tribe who worshipped sky spirits, immediately deified him. The Mehl followed their god-king into many battles from their base camp of Nett Opaegh’s Awe, and were soon known as Natopians and the city simply Natopia. The Mehl were spread out in the land, and not all followed Nett. The Anti-Natopians banded together in an ancient fortress, Dracoheim, located nearby. The Natopians, led by Nett, laid siege to Dracoheim and won, thus bringing the first conquest to Natopia and the first expansion. The Anti-Natopians were pardoned and quickly assimilated at Nett’s command. At the time of the Great Expansion into Tapfer, the Mehl were the first nationality to emigrate there as they were less tied to their homeland, settling mostly along the River Egale. They founded a city at the delta of the river and named it Mehlville.
A woodland tribe that practiced forest shamanism in the Great Hazel Woods, which covers all of the southeastern portion of the Natopian island. The Hazel Woods protected the land from easy colonization from the early Natopians, and to this day remains unsettled. The Hazel peacefully joined with Natopia as a Region and quickly founded two cities within Hazelwood, as the region would be called. Blood Gulch and Sidewinder. Blood Gulch became a ghost town as most Natopian entrepreneurs from the industrialized west, known as forestbaggers, moved to Sidewinder, which was located on the eastern most peninsula of the island and would become critical in trade on the Raynor Sea. With Blood Gulch gone, Sidewinder began to be known simply as “Hazelwood” as there were no other cities or settlements in the region. Soon the city officially changed its name to Hazelwood and it would grow to become one of the largest cities in Natopia. The most famous Hazel is Rian Grass. Selected as Regional Chancellor for Hazelwood by then Grand Chancellor Nathan Shepherd, Grass left his legacy on the nation by also representing Hazelwood in the Grand Natopian Senate, which he fondly called a “legislative frenzy” due to its activity. As such, the Natopian legislature has ever since then been called the Frenzy.
Small pockets in Dracoheim. Diaspora has spread them to New Dracoheim in Klaasiya, and Demonsfall in Shireroth.
An adopted term for people of Laval ancestry who live in Sororiya.
The cultural term by which individuals of Storish descent who live in Flaventia, as well as all other parts of the Caprine Country, are denoted, save for the Upplanders.
The term by which the people of Storish descent who live in Uppland are referred to.
Ancestral name for the residents of Alrodey. Descendants are called Alrodeans.