Imperial Decree 447

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Posted by Kaiser Mors VI, Mon Mar 22, 2010 4:36 pm

Imperial Decree #447: Reclaimation Phase 7

The following is struck from the Lawbook


A. Types

1. Duchies
a. The lands of Shireroth shall be divided up into subdivisions known as Duchies.
2. Fiefs
a. The lands of a Duchy may be divided up into subdivisions and given as a fief to Lesser Nobles.
B. Nobles

1. Duchies shall be ruled by a Noble known as a Duke or Duchess.
2. Dukes may appoint Lesser Nobles, whose title may be declared by the Duke, but may not be a title used by any part of the Imperial Government, including Duke or Duchess.
3. A duke may appoint Lesser Nobles without granting them a fief within the Duchy they reside.
C. Creation

1. Duchies
a. Duchies may by created from Shirithian land by full consensus of the Landsraad.
2. Fiefs
a. Fiefs may be created from Shirithian land by a simple majority of the Landsraad. They may be placed under any Duchy with the agreement of its Duke.
b. Fiefs may be created from Shirithian land within any Duchy by the Duke of that same Duchy at will.
3. Promotion
a. The procedure for the promotion of a Fief to a Duchy shall follow procedures for the creation of a new Duchy.
D. Destruction

1. Duchies
a. A Duchy may be dissolved by full consensus of the Landsraad.
2. Fiefs
a. A Fief may be dissolved by a simple majority of the Landsraad.
b. A Fief may be dissolved by the Duke of the Duchy in which it exists at will.

E: Official Positions

1. Restriction
a. In order to hold official positions or titles within a subdivision an individual must be a citizen of Shireroth and meet all Census requirements and regulations set down by the Ministry of Immigration and Naturalization.

F. Alliances and Treaties.

1. Alliances
a. All Duchies are allied to each other through the Imperial Government.
b. Subdivisions may make no alliance with powers outside of Shireroth.
2. Treaties.
a. Subdivisions may make no treaty with powers outside of Shireroth.
b. Subdivisions may make no treaty with any other subdivision.
c. Subdivisions may make economic or cultural agreements with other subdivisions, which the Kaiser or Landsraad may dissolve at any time.

I know there's more that needs to be changed. But I'll leave that to the Landsraad. They also need to edit Procedures.