Imperial Decree 194

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Issued By Kaiser Yarad I, shown below

Imperial Decree #194: Appointments

On this day, Ifniday the 18th of Anandjan, on which we celebrate and mourn the fall of Blackrock, it is hereby decreed:

Scott Alexander of Yardistan is appointed leader of the Shirerithian Expedition to Nua Eabharc, known to the natives as New York, and is empowered as a CorpNeg of the Diplomatic Corps to make contact and negotiate freely with the local governing organisation which goes under the name of the "United Nations". He is also allotted an honour guard of the choicest Shirerithian citizens, and our foreign allies are requested to lend support to his cause as well. May the gods smile upon them all.

By my hand,

His Niftiness, Yarad, First of the Name, Kaiser of Shireroth, Protector of Comstokia, Overlord of the Duchies of Brookshire, Kildare and Yardistan, Keeper of the Apollo Legacy, Grand Master of the Orders of the Dragon, Griffin, Phoenix, and Chimera, Wielder of Vengeance, Count of Shirekeep, Knight of the Sunburst, Kampioen of Shireroth, Recipient of the Grand Collar of the Nishan i-Rastakhiz, Lieutenant of Blackrock, Scion of Kalir, and Lord of the Golden Mango Throne.