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By Appointment to His Niftyness, the Kaiser of Shireroth

Featured Article: List of Kaisers

The following is a list of Kaisers of Shireroth in chronologial order, from the legendary beginnings of Shireroth until the present; the calendar used is the ASC reckoning. Where known, each Kaiser has listed after zir in parentheses the Imperial Bloodline to which they belonged.........

Most of the Kaisers in this list are fictional; Shireroth's true founding was in 262 ASC (the beginning of the Third Era). Read more...

Note From The (Acting) Management A large number of the articles about individual Kaisers and about Shirirthian history in general was thrown into disarray by various computer glitches.
If you have knowledge of these people and events, please log-in and contribute. Your knowledge is valuable!

Please do not submit articles under five hundred bytes - we know you have more to say than that!
ONLY registered users can edit pages now. Blame spam bots.

Current Events:


Malarbor Says: I have noticed that several people have taken an interest in the unnatural prolongation of Shireroth's lifespan. MALARBOR MOCKS YOUR PUNY ATTEMPTS AT ASSISTING US. Shireroth has had a good run. Now it's gone. The Kaiser (in accordance with the prophecy) will never officially decree its end, but for your purposes, it's gone. We've had a good run, we've outlasted some friends and a whole lot of enemies, and now we're off to the Grey Havens of Real Life or, more likely, New And More Interesting Forms of Fantasy.

If you love Shireroth and want to help it, do so instead by preserving our memory, in any way possible. Micronationalism's a hobby where precious few people remember anything more than a year or two back. If you can keep Shireroth's name in people's minds and on their lips for longer than that, it will be the seal of our glory.

Go off and write some history. Update the wiki at MNN. Hold a Switching Day. Bug Harvey to make a new version of Control of Destiny. Shamelessly steal whatever elements of our culture and government you can. Celebrate our holidays when you remember. Direct newbies here so they can read our archives. Harass your local Babkhan. Do some work to spruce up the currently lackluster MCS (or, if you're one of them, the equally lackluster GSO). Write some decent culture. Anything. Just keep our legacy and our spirit alive, preserve and improve the micronational community we helped build, and have fun....MALARBOR DEMANDS IT!

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