Assieh Ifai

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Assieh Ifai
Full Name: Ifai Assiē
Alias Assieh


Physical Description
Gender: Female
Species: Safir • Human
Race: Lessan • Babkhi
Hair Color and Style: Knee-length straight white hair
Eye Color: Brown
Skin Color: Caerulean
Other: {{{other}}}

Biographical Information
Father: Ifai Íhu
Mother: Maryam Houshmanzadeh-Ifai
Date of Birth: 9 Qinamu 1552
Place of Birth: Alatagi, Lessa, Safiria
Date of Death: 1 Laemill 1589
Place of Death: North Zjandaria, Babkha
Current Residence(s): {{{residence}}}
Nationality at Birth: Wuqojimese
Current Allegiance(s): Safir AllianceBabkha
Occupation: {{{occupation}}}

Assieh Ifai (Ifai Assiē) (9 Qinamu 1552 – 1 Laemill 1589 AN) was a half-safir and a subject, later recategorized as slave, in the household of Daniel Kalirion before sold to Zand Gozar under whose care she was euthanized.

Assieh Ifai grew up in Safiria with a Babkhan (human) mother and a Safirian (safir) father. Curious about her mother's land, of which the mother rarely spoke, Assieh Ifai travelled to Babkha in 1581, where, in order to provide for her own financial security, contracted a relationship with Daniel Kalirion in 1582. The relationship went well, and she performed all household tasks assigned to her. However, after the Office of Categorisation discovered that a human-alien hybrid had been not only allowed into the Kingdom but granted citizenship, Assieh Ifai was immediately recategorized to "E" in the month of Kuspor 1584.4533 which in effect meant that she was both simultaneously caste shamed but also became the property of her master.

She fiercely resisted this recategorisation, although as a Category E subject, the grounds on which she could appeal were scant. The Harmonious Society Act made no provision for the resignation of subject category status. The action in itself was considered impossible under Babkhan jurisprudence because the mere act of acceptance on the part of the state would denote a rejection of the divinely sanctioned order of the Rightly Guided Kingdom. This would have been considered contrary to all the precepts of Imperial Orthodoxy established in the Kingdom during its final years.

Horrified, Assieh Ifai attempted to flee and sought the help of James Quirk, a Shirerithian mercenary. Quirk managed to smuggle Assieh Ifai out of Babkha to Shireroth later in the same year, using an airborne craft of unknown configuration, reduced radar signature and energy shielding. The craft, which extracted Assieh from a point somewhere off the Norashti coast, was engaged by the Babkhan missile defence network, but the intercept proved unsuccessful and the craft returned to Shireroth. Daniel subsequently sued Captain Quirk in the courts of Babkha, and received restitution of 49 rials for the loss of his property.

The flight and attempted defection of Subject Assieh Ifai, now officially the property of the Emir of Sathrati, was noted by the Vizierate of the Harmonious Society as being a gross dereliction of duty and contrary to law. The Emir of Sathrati was instructed to undertake such actions as would be appropriate and or necessary to reclaim the fugitive.

Sensing an opportunity, Zand Gozar, on behalf of his Black Flame Syndicate, in Kuspor 1584.4533, sought to lay claim to the body for unspecified scientific purposes. He subsequently claimed that it was his intention to prove that the impulse to defect or otherwise try to upset the Harmonious Society may stem from a malady or malformation of the brain and nervous system.

The Imperial Government, by now increasingly disinterested in the entire affair, replied that it would be necessary for the Black Flame Syndicate to obtain prior approval from al-i Kaliriyon PLC (the holding company of the Emirate of Sathrati) before Assieh Ifai could be transferred over for the purpose of 'enlightenment through vivisection'.

Nonetheless, it was the official policy of the Imperial Government that Assieh Ifai be recovered alive, if only because it would not be 'fitting to return damaged goods' to a prominent and powerful Emir.

The Syndicate subsequently entered into contract negotiations with the Emirate of Sathrati, and needs of sale were drawn up. While legally still owning Assieh Ifai in Babkhan law, Daniel sold her to Zand Gozar for 500 rials.

The recategorisation of the errant safir had meanwhile caused a certain amount of ill-feeling between the Emir of Sathrati and the Emir of Raspur, who controlled the Imperial Government as Grand Vizier. The contention of the Babkhan government was that subjects can be recategorised by the state power via the means of the Office of Categorisation, referred to as local authorities with responsibility for re-categorisation in the Harmonious Society Act, which nominally exists in every Ostan under the auspices of the Vizierate of the Harmonious Authority, albeit integrated into local government.

Accordingly there was no impediment to the Office declaring the then fugitive subject to be attainted with Caste Shame and appropriately recategorising the Subject's place within the Ethnographic Hierarchy.

The Sathrati Household was compensated by the Imperial Government for the loss of its retainer in Elroqpinu 1584.4549 with the gift of two genetically augmented and pharmacologically harmonised Category E catamite drones, bred for aesthetic qualities, and adjusted to demonstrate Elfinshi physiological traits and borealism.

Administrative responsibility for Category E Subject Assieh Ifai was transferred from SAVAK Hygiene Facility 731 to the Household of the Emir of Sathrati for the purpose of onward disposal to the Black Flame Syndicate in Muulantooqu 1584.4556.

The absconding of Subject Assieh Ifai, property of the Black Flame Syndicate, was noted by the Vizierate of the Harmonious Society as being a gross dereliction of duty and contrary to law. This is the second occasion on which the Subject has committed said offence which in the first instance prompted the re-categorisation of the Subject.

At some point, the records left over from the Babkhan Apocalypse being patchy at best, Assieh Ifai made a voluntary submission, only to subsequently abscond again, citing the need to attend a funeral.

Article Seven of the Imperial Transportation Act stipulated that it was an offence for a Subject to quit the realm without first ensuring receipt of prior authorisation from His Imperial Majesty’s Government.

This now led to the Babkhans making a formal extradition request, submitted to the Imperial Republic of Shireroth. The application stated that Assieh fled quit the Kingdom with obtaining permission from the government or from her owner. She therefore, under Babkhan law, no legitimate grounds for expecting a leave of absence in order to attend a funeral, and no grounds in her contract existed for the request of leave on compassionate grounds. Assieh had sought to engineer its escape through premeditated flight and the Babkhans claimed that this cast doubt upon veracity of Assieh's alibi. Indeed the exact nature of the deceased relative was never satisfactorily explained.

An extradition request was brought before the Imperial Judex, whose Arbiter, Balarak Alaiaon, was known to have a sceptical attitude towards the Harmonious Society. Nonetheless he proved rigorous in his judgement. The arbiter noted that the charge of "treason", on which the extradition was sought, was phrased under Babkhan law as a wide ranging and politcal offence.

Accordingly the Arbiter ruled, during the month of Qinamu 1585.4590, that Ifai was not extraditable under Article VII of the Mango - Camel Pact.

A Fâtwa-Az-Nâzer was issued by the Black Flame Syndicate on Silnuai 1586.4592 to recover Assieh Ifai which offered a reward of 250 Rials for her capture along with lesser rewards for other safir specimens, whether living or dead.

Following the subsequent capture and detainment of the fugitive Assieh Ifai by the Black Flame Syndicate, who had tracked her down in Shireroth, under a warrant of arrest issued by the Supreme Court of Babkha, the Imperial Court of Censure sentenced Assieh to death in the month of Silnuai 1589.4683. This sentence was to be carried out in the manner as seen fit by Syndicate which by now held full and exclusive title to the condemned. Assieh Ifai declined her opportunity to confess her guilt and caste-shame.

The sentence was eventually executed in Raspur, where Assieh Ifai was dissected for the advancement of medical science in 1589. No records of the experiments survive.