Imperial Decree 686

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Imperial Decree 686 was a decree which passed into law the Disestablishment and Reorganization Bill which saw Yardistan loose its status as a State and be split between Lichbrook and Goldshire with the exception of Zy-Rodun, which became a Dominion of Shireroth. It is noteworthy in that it was incorrectly labelled by the author of the Decree, Kaiser Redquill, and was finally noticed to be incorrect nearly a millennia later. It remains uncorrected to this day.

IMPERIAL DECREE Nº 686 Providing a Charter for the founding of the new Imperial State of Neridia

I, Kaiser by Fate and Fortune, Eighth Sovereign of the Sixth Era, 144th to Sit on the Golden Mango Throne, Servant to the People and the Imperial States, Lord of the Imperial Dominions, etc., Do Hereby Decree the Following:

WHEREAS Such has been voted in the Landsraad, let it be known that the Disestablishment and Reorganization Bill[1] is hereby passed through the Kaiser's authority.

Decreed in the 5594th Year of the Sector, by Order of the Kaiser, Let it be Done: RJE