Jaris War - Visions of Vengeance

The Shireroth/Natopia/Antica Recwar League
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Jaris War - Visions of Vengeance

Post by Rakesh86 »

The massive Babkhan rug nearly covered all of the green granite flooring. The smell of mahogany and leather was slightly stained by the odor of cigar smoke and garlic. The huge tapestries that hung from the 15-foot ceiling only added to the room's 'Viejo Continente' feel. Rakesh Maziar Ackbar would have normally walked onto his veranda and watched the tide come in and the waves lash the shores. The rhythmic gyrations had a calming sensation just as the the sizziling Baracãon sun had the ability to darken his already mocha skin and the Banderan humidity could be literally sliced through. Rakesh's flat, financed by some unexpected benefits from his años del servicio a la comunidad, was usually a place where he came to get his mind off serious matters like politics . It seemed to be always politics - backstabbing, treachery, out-maneuvering, idealism, moderation ...But Rakesh was not in Bandera to smoke cigars or take solitary walks on the beach or to feel the ocean breeze while holding a Baracãon beauty in his hands. As he stared at Bandera Harbour, leaning slightly over the railing, the only thing that occupied his senses were the gray behemoths docked alongside each other. Despite what people said about some supposed 'calm before the storm,' the plethora of activity occurring near the docked warships suggested otherwise. Truth be told, Rakesh had little interest in war. In an age when simple buttons could destroy massive cities, it no longer mattered if you sat in the Admiral's chair or drove in General's tank or won heroic battles despite all odds and circumstances. The mushroom cloud had sent centuries of military tradition and strategy the way of the horse and buggy. The only thing that mattered these days was political power . Who controlled those buttons that could incinerate more life than any bomb, tank or ship? Who could make war into nothing but an elaborate game of chess? Who could forever seal their place in history by freeing some enslaved people or bringing democracy to the unenlightened and unworthy masses? Such glory days had long passed for himself thought Rakesh as he slowly reclined in his leather chair, sipping his vodka tonic. There was a time when he had the influence, the prestige and the power for his enemies to tremble in Baracão, for him to defy the Kaiser himself in Shireroth, to rally the strongest alliance in Micras and humiliate the Atterans, to cause a major political realignment in Babkha, and to further the causes of liberty, reform, human rights and democracy in Micras. But Rakesh's 'golden age' came to a sudden close as if the Almighty had decided to punish him for his arrogance and lack of deference. Baracão collapsed, he was pushed out of Shireroth, his 'Quadruple Alliance' was barely remembered, the Raspur Community was stolen by the Cyberians and he was tossed from the Grand Viziership and relegated to the pitiful office of 'Deputy-Vizier of Culture.'Rakesh, glass in hand, walked again to his veranda and watched as sailors loaded missiles onto his flagship the aircraft carrier Azad (known commonly as the Liberty ). He was down but not out. Soon Rakesh would be occupying the office of the Taoiseach of the Grand Commonwealth - the most powerful position in all Micras since the fall of the Prime Executive of Tymaria. His past failures would soon be forgiven and overlooked, in the light of his future glory and success. Rakesh darted his eyes for a second towards his mahogany desk. He would have to move this to his new office; it was doing no one good by collecting dust and warping in the humidity of Bandera. He quickly returned his eyes to his ships and his head back to its former thoughts. Undoubtedly, Rakesh could've simply waited patiently in Kamalshahr until he was confirmed as Taoiseach and totally ignored this naive war probably pondered up by some drunk Karnalian or Babkhan now lying in some morgue from repeated alcohol poisoning. But no. Rakesh was not on this crusade for king or country or for glory and honor. He was in it for revenge. Shireroth, a nation he had served tirelessly and loyally for so long, had been willing to look past precedent and law to back-stab him and strip Rakesh of all titles and lands. It was Shireroth who never accepted him. It was Shireroth who disillusioned him and broke his spirit. It was Shireroth that had proved that friends today were the ones shoving daggers in you tomorrow. It was Shireroth that ...Rakesh in his mental fury unconsciously threw down his glass and it shattered on the granite. Fuck. He liked that glass. As he re-entered his flat to get the broom, he quickly glanced at the open file he had been reading but now lay on the desk. Field commission to Vice-Admiral (his formal title was of course Deputy Grand Commander, Imperial Babkhan Army). Command over the Mithras Carrier Group of 8 heavily armed capital ships centered around the newly re-christened Azad complemented by ships from his own Satrapian Border Patrol Force. Mission: Destruction of the Shirerithian Fleet. Air wings compr ...There was a hard knock at the door.His maid would have to clean up the glass. The fleet was ready to depart. Summary - Mithras Carrier Battle Group departing from Bandera, Islas de Libertard en route to theatre of operations under command of one Rakesh Maziar Ackbar Edited by: Gryphon the Pure at: 9/11/05 18:55

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Re: Visions of Vengeance

Post by Rakesh86 »

Four fucking ships lost. Vice-Admiral Rakesh Maziar Ackbar wanted to throw up. Literally. The young Karnalian Ensign Ganges made the most tempting target, but Rakesh decided to keep his palak paneer and naan within the confines of his stomach ... for now. He chose another course of action though. He picked his ornamental ash tray and threw it wildly. It hit the wall and broke into the 3 blunt pieces required of all ash trays in the Fleet. What 500 rials would buy these days. Rakesh continued to stare at the communique in front of him. Only if his furious scowl could change the words printed there. The Ank-Horus and the rest of the Central Fleet was gone. 8 pathetic fighters were saved. Admiral Wurmser's unmatchable and unbeatable incompetence and utterly destroyed any semblance of Commonwealth naval strategy in the theatre of operations. Rakesh would have to change that. Lord have mercy on Shireroth. Rakesh silently stared into heaven and swore on the Almighty - for every drop of Babkhan blood shed, ten more Shirerithians will be at the gate of Hades. God promised that the unrighteous would never escape unpunished. Rakesh would become God's tool for vengeance While the Shirerithian Fleet may have destroyed a small Commonwealth task force, they had to pay a hefty price. The element of surprise was lost to them and their location was being tracked. Rakesh glanced through the satellite photos. The infidel fleet could not make good speed, especially while towing a ship and guarding an injured flagship. Rakesh would not lose this opportunity. Not when God had delivered the enemy into his hands. Rakesh got up from his desk and walked onto the bridge, Ensign Ganges in tow. "Admiral on the bridge!"Rakesh had no time for formalities. "Send a message to Commonwealth Naval Command. I, Fleet Admiral Rakesh Maziar Ackbar, will be taking control of all Commonwealth Naval units effective immediately.""Sir?""Yes Lieutenant?" Rakesh gripped the handle of the scimitar attached to his waist. "Nothing Fleet Admiral.""Good. Now sound General Quarters for the Fleet. Deploy warships and aircraft in Osmani Beta 2 formation and accelerate to maximum speed and proceed to these coordinates."Rakesh handed the navigation officer the coordinates supplied to him by Babkhan Intelligence. He turned and sat down in the command chair, reaching into his pocked and attaching the extra stars needed to elevate him to the rank of Fleet Admiral. He could hear the general quarters alarm and feel his men scurrying to their battlestations and his missiles and his fighters arming. As the ship was slowly beginning to gain velocity while turning to port, Rakesh could not help but smile."Lieutenant?""Yes Sir?""Order all ships to fly the flag of the Kingdom of Babkha." Summary The Mithras Carrier Group is moving to intercept the damaged Shirerithian Fleet. ETA unknown Edited by: Rakesh86 at: 8/15/05 21:36

Dugobert Wurmser
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Re: Visions of Vengeance

Post by Dugobert Wurmser »

Along with the 8 airplanes that escaped the battle, one of them was being driven by Admiral Dugobert Wurmser, who was advised by his staff to leave the area immediately, and contact Rakesh, the Admiral felt like shit to know that he had lost that battle, and wanted Revenge, when he arrived at Terre D'riches with the other 8 airplanes, he met with his friend extreme007, and told him that the airplanes were to be under his command now.The Admiral was called shortly and was given command of a new fleet immediately and was to report to the city of Susa, Babkha, from there he would depart, Extreme007 hearing of this immediately arranged for Admiral Dugobert to be carried to Susa, Babkha via helicopter, when he arrived at Susa, that same day, he immediately inspected his ships and ordered the men to prepare all ships, for they were leaving on the next day.SUMMARY: Admiral Dugobert Wurmser survived and was given another post in Susa, with more ships. They are leaving Susa, Babkha on the next day.

Osman Shahanshah
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Re: Visions of Vengeance

Post by Osman Shahanshah »

Admiral Dugobert Wurmser sat alone in his room in temporary accomodation in the officers mess at the Imperial Naval Base of Susa, a glass of malt whiskey by his side as he contemplated the humiliation of the Battle of Kamaran Isle.Suddenly there was a knock at the door. When the admiral opened it there were two SAVAK officers at the door."What is this? Have you come to arrest me?"The lead SAVAK operative saluted smartly. "No, agha sayyid, we come with His Imperial Majesty's complements. You are to leave Susa for Terre Des Riches."Dugobert's heart sank. "What plan does the Shah have for me?""You are to resume command of your previous command.""My previous command was wiped out. I am a disgrace.""No, sayyid, you are a great hero. Your valiant self-sacrifice and the dedication of your command has ensured great victories elsewhere. The example of death before dishonour is now being taught to children all across the empire. This is thanks to you. You are to report to York, where the 11th Tactical Air Force will return your remaining fighters to you and then you will proceed be appointed by representatives of the Shahanshah to command of Martyrdom Operations Jaris Theatre. I suggest you pack an overnight bag."

Dugobert Wurmser
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Post by Dugobert Wurmser »

That day, Admiral Dugobert Wurmser was very sad over the loss of the 4 ships and his Carrier. When, the SAVAK officers arrived, he was saddened, thinking that he was going to be thrown in jail, but when he was told that he was given a new command he was reliefed. He immediately went home and packed his bags, whithin the hour he was done and was heading to the ship yard, where he would see his ships there. The next morning his officers arrived, he gave his first order, to move to York immediately. The First step is leaving from Susa, Babkha and heading for Sajin City, Babkha and from there to New Bomburg, to York. From there, the Admiral will report to the Shahanshah.Admiral Dugobert is back.

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Missiles for Breakfast

Post by Rakesh86 »

Captain Razjan Mehrdad of the Khan-Osmansk sat quietly on the darkened bridge. It was a small cramped space; his stable back home in Babkha was easily triple the size. But it didn't bother him, he was a navy man. As was his father, and his grandfather and his great-grandfather. Serving loyally in the Shah's service on the high-seas. Razjan himself had given almost given up 30 years to the seas - rising from a proud and haughty submariner to a Captain of a vessel capable of blowing entire cities. One would wonder why after three decades of service he wasn't sitting wearing an Admiral's uniform behind some desk in Kamalshahr. No, a desk was simply not the same as the captain's chair - no matter how many stars High Command threw at him. "Captain, we have recieved the go-ahead from Fleet Admiral Ackbar. All the other ships in the task force also report read," informed Lieutenant Retaj, the communications officer. His eyes never faltered from staring at the Captain, as if he was quickly anticipating the coming order and needed but only the simplest indication. There was a hint of nervousness as well as anxiety in his voice that only came from his inexperience observed Razjan. Rushed through the Academy, no doubt War changed a lot of things. Just as the SPEAR threat looked more and more like a paper tiger - the Grand Commonwealth Military Command thought provoking war with 'neutral' Shireroth was the wisest course of action. If Shireroth or her Natopian and Antican allies were even the slightest bit competent - Razjan would be supporting a strategic retreat from La Terre d' Riches. No, Allah seemd to more merciful to the Babkhan cause. Despite losing the Central Fleet, Babkhan forces ... Razjan had to mentally correct himself ... Commonwealth forces held all the strategic trump cards. Jaris would undoubtedly fall and the truly pathetic Shirerithian invasion of Acre would be repelled. "Sir, Fleet Admiral Ackbar is awaiting your confirmation." reminded a nothing but persistent Lieutenant Retaj. Fleet Admiral Ackbar! Razjan knew of the infamous ambition of his commanding officer who had given himself a promotion to Fleet Admiral. This post was probably but a stepping stone to the Office of the Taoiseach for Ackbar. Probably a move just to allay the voices of nationalists and and militarists in Babkha, who these days seemed to control all facets of the government - from the Shahanshah down. Razjan kept telling himself that one day he would wake up from this bad dream. There would be no Commonwealth (filled with Treesian infidels). Babkha would not be squabbling over useless land. The names of Babak, Namvari and Khuramdin would inspire and cause some of tremble. But alas it was not to be and Razjan would wake up in the same bed every morning rather than next to his wife in his villa. Razjan's silence was quickly broken. "Alert all the ships. Prepare for to fire on my command." Ackbar had rushed the Fleet to the Shirerithian Isles of Norfolk in hopes of engaging the Shirerithian First Fleet. His hopes were dashed when the Karnalian air commander (a genius of his time, Razjan thought) had more or less bombed Norfolk back to the bronze age. So the Mithras Fleet sat, about 200 kilometers off the coast of Acre - silently watching the machinations of the Natopian Grand Fleet and Shirerithian ground forces. The time to strike had finally arrived. The Natopian Fleet was probably being commanded by the same comatose man commanding the military forces for Shireroth.Both their intelligence was undoubtedly being supplied by a mentally retarded alcoholic. An enemy fleet was in the area, and you do nothing about it? Razjan almost wanted to have pity for them, and actually give them a chance - perhaps give a sympathetic hail to warn them about the incoming destruction. "Vertical missile tubes one through eight, prepare to fire."Razjan waited perhaps simply for dramatic effect"Fire." From the eight cell vertical missiles laugher, large plooms of smoke signalled the firing of the Klub Anti-ship cruise missile. With a 200 kg high explosive warhead and a range of almost 200 kilometers with a terminal speed of twice the speed of sound - the Klub missiles aimed at the Natopian-Shirerithian combined fleet would do mind-boggling amounts of damage. But these missiles were even more dangerous when they were fired from the Khan-Osmansk and her three other sister ships. These stealh frigates' design was envisoned to reduce radar-cross section and make the ships difficult to track and follow. During military excercises with the Karnalian Fleet last year, the Khan Osmansk had earned the nickname 'Black Phantom.' But now his frigates would be tested on the battlefield. "Once all ships have concluded firing. Execute evasive manuevers and employ electronic wafare countermeasures. Rendezvous with the Fleet." "Yes Captain." Summary 64 supersonic cruise missiles is fired against the unsuspecting Natopian-Shirerithian Grand Fleet. Principal Mithras Fleet is within several hundred kilometers of Ac

Dugobert Wurmser
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Re: Missiles for Breakfast

Post by Dugobert Wurmser »

*Captain Rick Haffa knocks on Admiral Dugobert's Door, the Admiral opens the door*-Admiral Dugobert: Yes, Captain... How may i be of assistance?-Captain Haffa: Sir, no, just here to inform you that... that... we have arrived at New Bomburg. There are two Hummers waiting outside for you, sir. -Admiral Dugobert: Yes, well thank you, for informing me, Captain. I'll be out in 15 minutes.-Captain Haffa: Yes, sir. We shall wait for you in the car, dont be too long. We need to report to the Shahanshah.-Admiral Dugobert: Yes, i know that captain. I'll be right out.-Captain Haffa: 'Salutes' Yes, sir. *leaves**The Admiral makes ready to go on the hummers, where they will go to a Navy Ship yard 9 miles away from their location, in the ship yard, they will board a helicopter that will take them to York, where another convyis waiting for them*Summary: Admiral arrives at New Bomburg and leaves to the Navy Shipyard where he will be trasported to York via helicopter, from there they will board another hummer waiting for them, to take them to York, where they will meet up with the Shahanshah. Admiral Dugobert Wurmser,Commander of the Central Fleet, Grand CommonwealthChief of Staff, AerligField Marshal, AerligEdited by: Dugobert Wurmser at: 8/22/05 7:42


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