
Jadie Steffke
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Re: Uprising!

Post by Jadie Steffke »

*gets out sword and stands by Lord Harvey and Fireball* I am not going anywhere boys...and I am not going down without a fight. Harvey's Elf-Cat Girl"May the hasha be with you"

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Re: Uprising!

Post by TonerMan »

*puts the seal back up*Who the fuck are you? And how many bullets would you like in your corpse? Wondering Nomad

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Re: Uprising!


*runs in*M'lady! I have just come from the south! There is a great force marching encamped three days march from here...I fear that even the might god HICKTOP who I serve might not be able to save us from this menace...But I stand by you with my sw-....er...well, nothing in hand in the moment but...I stand by you!Ploise, m'lady...Let me take five hundred of our best warriors and ride south. I will hold them off at Courwell Ridge...It's on the road to the city. I'll try to manage until we recieve further reinforcements. And she laid gifts of fire and ice before Him and said, 'You are the HICKTOP and you shall be the Light of Micras.' HICKTOP blessed her and ground a handful of gravel into her flowing locks. To her He said, 'Speak not so gloriously of me, Alexja. Even I have my gods.' -The Book of HICKTOP

Jadie Steffke
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Re: Uprising!

Post by Jadie Steffke »

Hicktop Sailor..how glad I am to see you...permission is granted for you to take 500 hundred men....TonerMan find every able-bodied man you can to stay here and guard my castle..this place is not going down without a fight. Harvey's Elf-Cat Girl"May the hasha be with you"

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Re: Uprising!


As you say....*bows*Later days. Or p'rhaps not.*begins to assemble the troops for the one day march to the Ridge* And she laid gifts of fire and ice before Him and said, 'You are the HICKTOP and you shall be the Light of Micras.' HICKTOP blessed her and ground a handful of gravel into her flowing locks. To her He said, 'Speak not so gloriously of me, Alexja. Even I have my gods.' -The Book of HICKTOP

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Re: Uprising!

Post by TonerMan »

hmmm....*looks at his rifle*Shall we be off my dear?*seems to listen to the gun*Yes, good call, I'll get the others.*returns shortly with a who pack food of weapons, while being completely covered in amunition and firearms*Let us be off my loves.*to JD and Hicktop Sailer*I shall go off ahead on my own, let us not see if I can put a wrnch in the gears of their war machine...*drives off in a strange looking jeep, with what looks like a large gun attached to it's roof* Wondering Nomad

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Re: Uprising!

Post by Paraxylsis »

*once outside the city limits, Paraxylsis uses the ancient Teleportation Spell by chanting a mystical incantation discovered by the Elders from the arcane books of yore...**appears in the main camp of the Golden Horde and finds a quill, a length of parchment, and begins to write*to THE COUNCIL OF ELDERSfrom PARAXYLSIS, GENERAL OF THE HORDE AND HIGH LORD OF GOLDSHIREVenerable Sirs,The Steffke woman has been informed that she is to leave the throne and flee Goldshire. However, you know as well as I that she will refuse. Good, I say. If she wants a war, so be it. All she has to defend her rule is the tiny Royal Guard, a group of men that has grown soft from years of peace and a mug or two much r00t b33r. The Golden Horde is 10,000 strong and made up of the finest cut-throats and fiends to be found in Micras. Not to mention the arcane knowledge we have at our disposal because of you. We will break camp before dawn and begin to march north. Any resistance will be crushed. If the House of Steffke is not gone when I arrive at the castle they wll be slaughtered.

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Post by Paraxylsis »

*rides to the castle in which Lady Steffke is currently residing**is escorted into the throne room by five men-at-arms**strides boldly across the throne room and sneers at Lady Steffke*Jadie Steffke, I am here to inform you that you have been relieved of your position as duchess of Goldshire. The Elders have chosen me to take up the throne. As General of the Golden Horde, I tell you that you have twenty-four hours to leave the castle and leave my lands. I am now the High Lord of Goldshire. You will bow to my will or else you and all who follow you will be destroyed. The Golden Horde has been preparing for two decades and the Elders are wise in the ways of war.Come, men.*the men-at-arms tear off the seal of the House of Steffke and follow Paraxylsis out of the castle* Paraxylsis of Dejavar
High Lord of Goldshire
General of the Golden Horde

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Re: Uprising!

Post by TonerMan »

*As Paraxylsis finishes writeing a large explosion is heard on the edge of his camp, followed by the painful screams of some of his soldiors**this initial explosion is followed by several more, slighly smaller once around the camp**on a hill above the camp the outlines of a group of men can be seen, another explosion rings out and in the confusion of smoke the outlines vanish from site**In the halls of the Palace at Goldshire an Image appears before the Royal couple. The image is slightly distorted and their is the sound of a low hum coming from the hologram before them.**as the hum softens the image becomes clear and Tonerman is standing before them*"M'lords, I have made contact with the Tecnomaejzi. They have offered to assist us in our endeavurs, they cannot act openly of course, but have offered me several pieces of equipment andinformation that I believe will be helpful in my coming battle. "*talks to someone off screen*"Ok, I have to go. I shall hopefulyl report back again later"*The image disappears* Holy Warrior of Nee

Jadie Steffke
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Re: Uprising!

Post by Jadie Steffke »

Thank you Tonerman for finding the assistance we most desperately needed. Harvey's Elf-Cat Girl"May the hasha be with you"

Jadie Steffke
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Re: Uprising!

Post by Jadie Steffke »

okay...let's see what else.oh lovey...could you do me the favor of finding out who these elders are and why they want Goldshire??I think that about takes care of it..I am going out into the villages to find some people for my army. Harvey's Elf-Cat Girl"May the hasha be with you"Edited by: Jadie Steffke at: 7/22/03 12:11 am

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Re: Uprising!

Post by TonerMan »

*engages a small group of soldiors, 200 stong in battle**makes use of the personal cloaking device the tecnomaejzi gave him* Holy Warrior of Nee

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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: Uprising!

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

(OoC: Paraxylsis is Fax, right? No other person who posts at Shireroth would think up a username of that sort...)* ari returns from his travels on the high seas for a day, shifts to human form at Dexter Ewing's residence ** learns about the coming attack and Erik's (who I will call TonerMan from now on) contact with the Technomaezj *Very well... I shall not use my powers of water magic right now... but I reserve them for the future. For now... since it is good and right that in the great nation of Shireroth power belongs to those who have the skill and will to seek it and wield it, I shall fight on the side of Paraxylsis.* leads a takeover of Ops (the command center of marine espionage and military operations, located in Straylight) with his traditional power ** with the help of the commandolphins (OoC: This must be the worst play on words of the known human history) trained and commanded in the Ops, gets ready to wreak havoc on any current and future troop transfers from overseas to mainland Shireroth... unless they're coming to help the Golden Horde ** waits for further orders from Paraxylsis or for useful situations to act in * In order to find his equal, an Irishman is forced to talk to a Finn.

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Re: Uprising!

Post by TonerMan »

OOC: Nope, Not Fax, he's camping.. Locke I think... Holy Warrior of Nee

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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: Uprising!

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

Unfortunately this, too, shall pass... thus... I am leaving the control of all of my power in Straylight to Paraxylsis. This can be done conveniently since it does not include any official power . In order to find his equal, an Irishman is forced to talk to a Finn.

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RE: Uprising!

Post by Paraxylsis »

*a soldier runs up to him and gives him a holo-dispatch*High Lord Paraxylsis,The forces of Straylight are behind you. The seas are now under the control of the Golden Horde. I have also ceded my ducal powers to you. For the cause!---END DISPATCH---*image of Ari flickers and dies**suddenly, Paraxylsis is rocked by a series of explosions**swears loudly and gathers a group of a few hundred men and begins to advance to the area of the disturbace as all PRH begins to break around the edge of the camp*

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Re: Uprising!


*takes a holo-parchment and techniquill (cough) and pens a dispatch*M'la"dy Steffke, how do you fair? The Royal Guard and I have arrived at Courwell Ridge. I have made a fortified encampment at the crest. From there we command the road. Makeshift ramparts have been made across the road and on both sides of it. Weapons nests for both magical and conventional weapons are being made as we speak. I have recieved word that that ol' wandering rogue, TonerMan, has recieved help from some magical types and has begun a campaign of harassment and sabotage against Paraxylsis' main body. That will give us more time to prepare and to, with the grace of HICKTOP, recieve some fellows ready for a rather...bloody fight.Always,HICKTOP SAILORBard, Priest, Captain, and One With Suicidal Tendancies*sends it back to the palace**pens another dispatch*To all royal persons loyal to the Kaiseress,Send military aid to Goldshire immediately! Fortify the capital first. Send all additional troops to Courwell Ridge. HICKTOP bless,HICKTOP SAILOR*sends to Shirekeep Communications Center*

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Re: Uprising!

Post by Ryan »

OOC:Betray Jadie?! I'll take care of you later, Rahikkala. IC:A holographic message flashes across a comm station at Goldshire Palace. Her Royal Highness, the Lady Steffke, and His Royal Highness, Lord Steffke, are seated in their private chamber nearby. The attendant watching the comm runs into the Royals' chambers."M'lord! M'lady! There's an important message for you from Count Caruso of Cimmeria!"Lady Steffke replied "Patch it through to our private televisor.""At once, M'Lady!"The televisor, a holographic plasma screen, slides out of a slot in the floor a few minutes after the attendants departure. A message begins to break through the static before the visage of Count Caruso breaks through."Greetings my colleagues and noble Goldshireans." said the Count, "I heard you were in trouble?"Lord Steffke spoke out now "Indeed, Count Caruso, we are in trouble. There is a revolt going on by a mercenary group known as the Golden Horde. And they seem to have garnered the support of Straylight! Can you help us?"Caruso nodded, "I will do whatever I can to help Goldshire. The Volsaarn Legion is at your disposal, as is the Cimmerian Cossack Brigade. Together, they number about 5,000 strong. We will dispatch them immediately on the Longship Fleet for Goldshire." he paused, pointing to an aide in the background and signaling some questions before continuing "...and we'll be sending the Cimmerian Green Dragons as an escort. Lord Void of the CGD will be travelling with them. He insists. Expect the entire troupe within three days. May the Gods protect you until then."The holoscreen flicked off. All they could do now was wait.

Stone Jackabar
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Re: Uprising!

Post by Stone Jackabar »

*above paraxis (thats the best i can spell it) a large black and red dragon shaped ship appears. as the back hatch opens 200 soldier in glider packs come out, lead by Stone and phillip marshall*HOOOOO-HAAAAAAA*as stone lands he throws an explosive clearing the way for his elite mercenaries**pulls out staff**charges in smashing down walls and breaking spines**phillip lets loose a barrage of gunfie from his automatic pistols, shooting as only a city elf can. as he lands he uses his psyonic high, response system to reload and pick off any snipers and turret guns**stone sees a large troop advancing toward him**pulls out Boomist gunblade*yippie-kay-freakin' aye!!!!BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!! we're doooomed!!!!!!

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Re: Uprising!

Post by Paraxylsis »

*strikes down an enemy with a plasma blade**empties his arcana-blaster at the newly arrived forces**taps his comm-unit on*"This is Lord-General Paraxylsis.""M'lord," replied a voice of a lieutenant in the Operations Center, deep within the camp of the Golden Horde."We have pushed the enemy further back but they have recieved aid from the Tainted One. They are rallying a few hundred yards away and will soon resume the attack. Throw another three hundred into the fray.""As you wish.""That's about five hundred for them to deal with. While the battle continues the main body the Horde will backtrack ten miles south and march to the east, avoiding the field of combat.""All units will be notified momentarily, sir.""I am returning to the base and will accompany the Horde in this side-step. This disturbance will not delay us for too long."

Stone Jackabar
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Re: Uprising!

Post by Stone Jackabar »

*stone receives a message from the pioet of the dragon ship telling him of the other force**swears in drow*Dispatch as many free fprces as you can, bring out the hoarde!!!!! (not the golden horede)*near the other force of the golden hoarde, stones Orc and barbarian tribe lead by the mihgty tempus**stone fights across the field of battle, immue as he in to some magic and small arms fire, para's forces begin to suffer heavier casualties*WHERE ARE YOU PARAXYSIS!!!!YOUR EXUCUTIONER IS HERE YOU COWARD!!!! YAY!!! we're doooomed!!!!!!

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Re: Uprising!

Post by TonerMan »

*Another Holobroadcast comes into being before the Noble Couple**A man covered in dirt, mud and blood appears on the screen. A large gash can be seen above his left eye, matting his hair with blood. Sounds of gun fire can be heard in the background and a small explosion near the broadcaster sends dust accross the hologram. Despite his clothing being torn and blood/mud stained it can be seen very clearly that Tonerman is the broadcaster*"M'Lords, I've mined the road before the Horde, and destroyed several of their troop carriars. *explossion and more gunfire* I've allied up with a small band of Dwarves from the old Mines. They are superb warriors but we are not match for these numbers, I've ordered them to retreat and save their men, while I stay behind and lay down coverfire wi...*explosion, the hologram almost cuts out* About 15 men are remaining behind with me to help. The rest of the Troop is on it's way to meet with the Royal Guard, they are 200 stong, and shall serve you well. Their leader is..shit...*explosion, some screams in the background... Sounds of gunfire are heard loudly, Tonerman is seen letting off a few shots while shouting orders*... His name is Tah'Il. I must go no....*explosion and loud shouting is heard and the hologram finally gives out completely**back where Tonerman is*Let's get out of here, Back to the caves... I've sent the Message... Let's go!*throws a grenade down the hill they were broadcasting from*Dwarven Soldior: Yez, Zir! Let'z go you'z blokez!*Tonerman with his 15, now 14, Dwarve company rush from the hilltop hidden by a snoke grenade they dropped behind them.*Tonerman: Roger?! How many power cells we got left for the Personal Cloaking devices?Roger: Zir? Ve'z got 15, but 2 are damaged, zir.Tonerman: *takes out his high-power shot gun* Well... You take the rest of the men to the caves, use the PCD's if you need, Give me the damaged Cell. I'll break off and draw their fire. We seem to have alot of that today don't we?Roger:Zir?Tonerman: Drawing Fire...Roger: Oh, Yez Zir. Ve have.Tonerman: OK, now get moving! *takes the damaged Power Cell from Roger* And don't come back for me under any circombstances! You hear me? If I'm not their by sundown. Make a break for it, and get word to the Royal Guard that they larger in number than we thought...Roger: Yez Zir. Vill Do.*Tonerman runs off and takes cover behind a large rock and unloads his entire shotgun on the advancing enemy**Roger gives the men Tonerman's orders, and begins to run with them, after a moment he looks back and sees Tonerman unloading a submachinegun, when an explosion sends dust up into the air, obscuring his from view.**After a few seconds the dust clears and Tonerman can no longer be seen, Roger is about to run back, but recalls his orders and continues to escape with the rest of them men...Dwarves* Holy Warrior of Nee

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Re: Uprising!

Post by Paraxylsis »

"M'lord and general! We are being engaged at multiple locations. The second column is taking heavy casualties from an array of magical scum," said the voice into Paraxylsis' comm-unit."No worries, Taji. The second column will hold their own and guard the rest of the Horde. We are proceeding at a rate which is faster than I predicted.""The men at the camp are holding their own, but they will break if pressed much harder," said the officer with a grim sigh."They only need to hold for a bit longer. They have done well, for the main body, aside from the second column, have escaped and are heading at a brisk rate towards the capital."

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Harvey the Blue
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Re: Uprising!

Post by Harvey the Blue »

*wanders Goldshire Palace*I should have spoken up more then the reconstruction was going on. This palace is built more like a summer home then a defensible castle!*stars directing his construction workers* I want a wall here, and here. A gatehouse there. And towers... lots of towers. And fast! It does not matter how good of job you people do. Those walls need to be in place in mere days!*sweats and looks towards the horizon* Harvey SteffkeJadie's Lesser HalfSaves the worldProud bearer of the Shirerothian Silver Sword Award and Imperial Star

Solitary Poet 8
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Re: Uprising!

Post by Solitary Poet 8 »

*A lone figure is seen walking toward the battle from a distance. His step is casual and confident, and his eyes stare straight ahead at the raging battle. At his waist hangs a sword in its sheath. Upon closer inspection, he is seen to be mumbling*They dare to attack my home without provocation. They attack our people for their elders, who are "wise in war." Foolish little shits, to think that war can ever be wise. I have spent my time here enjoying the peace, being a bard as I've always wished, and they dare to wake me from a life of blissful slumber?*Eyes flash in anger*They want war? Well then, I shall accomodate, as will my own allies!*Begins chanting, one hand facing the sky. Once the chant is done, his eyes flash.*Fly, my pretties, fly!!!!!*Seemingly from nowhere, a vast flock of birds descend, pecking the invading forces and thus distracting them. In the chaos, Poet jumps after his bird allies, unsheathing his sword and slicing the weapons of 20 soldiers in half in a matter of seconds*You want some?! Come and get it!!!! ~The Solitary Poet of Delvenus

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Re: Uprising!

Post by TonerMan »

*back at the caves Roger waits for Tonerman, who does not come by sunset...**to another Dwarf*Roger: He muzt be lozt in battle. Ve Muzt go on vith out him. Move out.*they leave the cave and head to the main army* Holy Warrior of Nee

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Re: Uprising!

Post by TonerMan »

*Roger takes the group of Dwarves to the caves as ordered and waits till sundown, when Tonerman does not arrive....*Roger: *to other Dwarf* Ve muzt move out. Get the ladz up and prepared to move.Other Dwarf: Yez Zir.*Roger takes his dwarven compatriots out of the caves and lead them forth to meet with the main army* Holy Warrior of Nee

Solitary Poet 8
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Re: Uprising!

Post by Solitary Poet 8 »

*The battle wages on, with many birds falling in the name of Goldshire. Poet, however, fights on, slicing apart any new guns within reach and steadily dispatching any stupid enough to pull a knife on him.*Now I lay YOU down to sleep....*Continuing through the mass of enemies, Poet eventually backs into someone, turning around sharply to come face to face with TonerMan*TonerMan, I presume. Get caught up back here did you? ~The Solitary Poet of Delvenus

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Re: Uprising!

Post by Gman Russell »

*With little noise other then the shout of, "Watch out", Gman slinked in from the shadows of the ceiling area to the ground, where he bowed in front of the Dutchess and Duke*Duke and Dutchess Steffke, I suppose... the time for fun is over. Now I offer my services to you in whatever manner you see fit. I am adebt at fighting from the ground in an army, fighting guerilla style, or fighting from the air. I await any orders.*he stood up and walked to the side, awaiting their response*

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Re: Uprising!

Post by TonerMan »

Tonerman: Yeah well, my PCD died on me after only 30 minutes.. This stupid Power Cell is dead. But I have a few tricks left up my sleave...*puts out some handguns from his sleave*YEHA!*starts shooting wildely at enemies, not missing a single target*Tonerman: Come my Loves!... Let them taste your sweet kiss...*fires a few more shots than disappears into the battle again* Holy Warrior of Nee


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