Wedding for US death row innocent

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Wedding for US death row innocent

Post by sovereignvikingemperor »

A woman has married a man who spent 23 years on Death Row in the United States for a murder he did not commit.Karen Karbritz, 30, from St Albans, Hertfordshire, wed Nick Yarris, 43, at a hotel in Enfield, north London, on Sunday.After years trying to prove his innocence, a DNA test cleared Mr Yarris of the 1981 rape and murder of Linda Mae Craig in Pennsylvania.He was freed in January 2004 and met Ms Karbritz on a speaking tour in the UK.When released from prison he appeared in a documentary about the plight of prisoners released from the US system after being proved innocent.He was then asked by anti-death penalty groups and campaigners for penal reform in the USA to speak for them.He met Ms Karbritz at one of these events in the UK.Property manager Ms Karbritz said he was one of the most romantic men she had ever met because he had showered her with chocolates and flowers.She said she was very interested in penal reform and attended a lot of lectures on the subject but had never expected to fall in love with one of the speakers.Original article

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