The Duke's self-reflective quasi-rant

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Jacobus Loki
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The Duke's self-reflective quasi-rant

Post by Jacobus Loki »

I always seem to be saying good-bye........ ;)

People of Elwynn, it has been a very short time since I left a self-imposed semi-retirement. I'm surprised, and truth be known, pleased, to find myself near the center of things Shirithian once again.

The people of Elwynn, after a rough introduction, have been gracious to their thrice-a-foreigner Duke. For this I am surprised, and grateful.

And proud to have lead such an amazing and remarable people, if for only a brief time. For the time draws nigh to return the government to those more culturally astute to the ancient ways of Elwynn.

My own Shirithian/MN career plans have altered yet again. It's hard to just get the key to the Duke's Lounge in the Landsraad, and then to give it up again. :D The revival attempt in Cyberia has lead to half the citizenry leaving, and a major rebellion. But what did I expect? Those are national characteristics.

Such is life.

I could try to become Duke of the other three duchies - that would be quite an achievement-

Hmmm, I could run an ad!
Position wanted - Duke

Experienced former Duke/Steward/Kaiser seeks position of power from whence to terrify the masses and implement major social chaos..........
Massive upheavals are always intriguing and fun to instigate, but they seem to happen on their own, without my lighting a fuse.

Freelance Oracle of Loki wouldn't be too bad, but the hours really suck, and being dragged in and out of realities and continua, well that is fatguing.

The County of Illumination does intrgiue me. I haven't had my plane met by a semi-mythical beast in a good many years.

Anyway, career advice will be listened to, and if anybody needs a wrong-righted by decree, ask soon!

Jacobus Loki

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Leo Fenrir
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Re: The Duke's self-reflective quasi-rant

Post by Leo Fenrir »

My good Duke,

I must say is good to hear such common sense from a person who I believed would be a pawn of Iskander. It is glaringly obvious that there is so much I still need to learn in and about Shireroth and Micras and its people. I apologize for actions against you in the Council but they were taken in hast and I do regret them now. In any case I wish upon good luck and my full support in wherever your life takes you. Also know that Illumination will always be open to you and Nordland inviting to you.

May the Great Sheep guide you on your path,
Leo Fenrir

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Jacobus Loki
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Re: The Duke's self-reflective quasi-rant

Post by Jacobus Loki »

Thank you.
You have been a noble Steward.
I would have acted no differently in your place.

With the permission of the Lord Baron, I will retain the County of Illumination, at least for a while, and get to know a certain Dragon....

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Re: The Duke's self-reflective quasi-rant

Post by Allot »

Nothing you do is a rant anymore. As soon as something like this goes up, I start looking for where you've moved.

I am seriously impressed with your recent activity. I won't insult you by lying, I wasn't your biggest fan at the beginning. We'll see where this goes. As long as I don't get to Jess' level of infatuation, I should be fine.
Isabelle Allot Kalirion

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Jacobus Loki
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Re: The Duke's self-reflective quasi-rant

Post by Jacobus Loki »

I'll be staying in Illumination for the nonce -- perhaps two nonces!



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