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Maksym Hadjimehmetov
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Post by Maksym Hadjimehmetov »

Establishment of Populism in K'Tzuni
Prn Popi Ktzunid]

It is henceforth by Baronial Decree that I declare K'Tzuni and all its constituent counties and posessions to be ruled by the sub-governmental system of Laschism- that of Laqi Populism (known as Lasi] in the Laqi language).
Laschism as a political ideology is one which recognises not the right of self-determination for the Laqi people, but their inseperable part as loyal citizens of Greater Shireroth and subjects of the Kaiser. As such, I as Maksymbattuur their Baron and Leader take it into my power to restore the Laqi national pride so badly damaged during the last Civil War.
However, I must stress that Laschism does not contravene any of the requirements of Shireroth as a peaceful micronation. We have no territorial aspirations upon our neighbours, nor do we have any belief in the superiority of the Laqi over other peoples such as the Lywinders, for example. All we wish is for a Laqi national pride and to centralise the Laqi economy and government in order to make the average Laqi worker and labourer have food on their table and pride in their hearts. There shall be no more state religion, no more restrictions on our immigrant brothers and sisters fleeing from other lands in time of strife, and no more opression of any groups that narrow minded Fascists would opress.
For so many years has the South of Shireroth been a provincial backwater compared to the vibrant lands of Kildare and Shirekeep. Now, I say- let us seize this day for the good of all Laqi, Lywinder, Crestfaller, and Shimmerspringer peoples of K'Tzuni, serving their Kaiser with their newfound national pride until their dying breath!
No longer shall the Laqi masses be opressed by the whims of petty elites and oligarchs- a strong a brave nation, friends to all who support our cause, is what we desire- peace and prosperity!
Here are the five poins we are dedicated to employing throughout our Barony in order to further the success and happiness of all peoples of K'Tzuni

1.) The nationalisation of state industries and granting of subsidies to the agricultural sectors of the economy. Ours is a poor land into which much money has been granted out of the kindness of the former Kaiser Mors V. Where has it gone? Into the pockets of corrupt officials.

2.) The development of a full-scale industrial sector for the production of consumer goods. A market economy should be implemented with few tax restrictions for the first year of Laschism in designated EDZ (Economic Development Zones)- this will restrict uncontrolled growth and the harming of the environment. The Regional Government will sell building materials at cheaper prices and give a period of four years interest free to be reimbursed

3.) The founding of a proper standing army. Well trained soldiers keep order and conscription adds a much needed element of patriotism into our society. All young men and women must do one year's community or military service between the ages of 18 and 19

4.) Culture to be made accessible to all- K'Tzuni is a land rich in historical sites and artistic heritage- all of its citizens should be able to appreciate this rather than it being concentrated in the posession of the wealthy few who own private galleries.

5.) Fast scale mechanisation of agriculture and collective farming institutes to be created on all farmland exceeding fifty acres. Irrigation shall be created by the residents of the nearest village out of granted government funds. Each collective farm must build a mill and granary silo so that the peoples' food is stored within reach of the commune

For the enhancement of K'Tzuni as a productive and loyal Barony of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth,

Chairman of the Laschist Party Committee of K'Tzuni, Baron of K'Tzuni and Count of Modan-Lach,
Maksym Matbaiovich Hadjimehmetov

AjK'Tzuni! AjLas96862

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Maksym Hadjimehmetov
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Re: Laschism

Post by Maksym Hadjimehmetov »


The Laschist movement's flag. Henceforth it shall be flown from all government institutes along with the Shirereithan, Lywinder, K'Tzuni, Shimmerspring, Crestfaller, and Laqi flags.

Erik Mortis
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Re: Laschism

Post by Erik Mortis »

I'm a lil confused. But I think this is legal.

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Maksym Hadjimehmetov
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Re: Laschism

Post by Maksym Hadjimehmetov »

Laschism as a political ideology is one which recognises not the right of self-determination for the Laqi people, but their inseperable part as loyal citizens of Greater Shireroth and subjects of the Kaiser.
I don't see how anyone can contest the legality of this if we're still remaining loyal citizens. If the Landsraad has no problem with this then we're in the clear I suppose.

Erik Mortis
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Re: Laschism

Post by Erik Mortis »

Put it up on the wiki and I'll be happy.

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hypatias mom
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Re: Laschism

Post by hypatias mom »

Am I correct in reading this as the institution of communism, or at least socialism, in your lands? This is a first for Shireroth, I believe.

Erik Mortis
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Re: Laschism

Post by Erik Mortis »

Anarchy in Yardistan... Communism...was... done.... not in memorable history..


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