What I know about Neurac's history/culture so far

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Yvain Wintersong
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What I know about Neurac's history/culture so far

Post by Yvain Wintersong »

- Used to be part of Goldshire
- Lunaris used to be the Barony of Eriania Moon, and there is a forum for it in the archives. It had to do a lot with art and with the moon. There was a Revolution Theater, but I'm not sure what happened there.
- Lunaris used to be part of Yardistan??
- H4773R used to be a Baron of Lunaris.
- Maybe Cap'n Knappy was Count of Elsenar at one point?

H4773R, I know you were really involved here. Can you tell me more about what this place used to be like?

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h4773r's Herald
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Re: What I know about Neurac's history/culture so far

Post by h4773r's Herald »

honestly, shortly after Upper Lunaris became a county under the barnoy and duchie of Kildare, its history is intrinsically intertwined with Barony Vorpmadal as they were BOTH my babies until my disapearance.

I tried my best to keep county matters in the county forum and Barony matters in the barony page, but as the barony's CAPITOL was in the county (and then there was the whole "lower" vs. "upper" and turning them into "greater") they had a tendency to overlap . . .

alot of the geographical info has been lost due to image deterioration, but its not a huge deal . . . no one ever used the adjusted geography in such a way that it has to be precise . . .

as far as who had what and when, its fairly well outlined through the posts in the upper lunaris and Barony Vorpmadal forums.

i may post a more detailed outline later, but im currebtly pressed for time.
H4773r 3lfs0n, The Traveler
Count of Upper Lunaris
Baron of Neurac
Sheriff of the Historical L.G. & C. and Concurrent Lands
"Blessed" of Melvin, High Priest of B00/\/\ism
A.C.E and P.h.D. in M.U.K.T.A.S.E.N.

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