Now, this little event...

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Maksym Hadjimehmetov
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Now, this little event...

Post by Maksym Hadjimehmetov »

You know, I was chatting with our old friend Ben Gray on MSN the other night, and he said something I think many of us would probably agree with- that there simply is not enough political intrigue in micronationalism these days. Border disputes are sorted out too quickly and far too well, and RecWars don't generate enough political divisions as they used to.
When I joined, back in 2005 Micras could still easily be divided into different spheres of influence with all the different pacts- the Asian-themed nations, CIS, CWOM, GC, NAM, and Novasolum all had distinct sectors. Whilst this influences other nations (it was, I believe, the main cause why Matbaa became inactive and still is), Shireroth has that great advantage of a vast territory to use and plenty of people. Also, Shirereithans, whether they be Barons, Dukes, or Counts ultimately have less commitment to their subdivision that they do to Shireroth. Therefore, I say we formalise this paratrooper landing at Port Nevermore into a Shirereithans-only Civil War. Xmas/Hannukah/Winter Solstice is approaching and I feel it would be a laugh. Activity generating and something for ShireWiki if anything.
What I suggest is that every Baron mobilises and aligns their county to the Royalist (Erik) faction or Nick's faction. I don't know what to call the latter, but we should give the anti-Erik relatiation people a proper name for simplicity's sake.
Because we're all Shirereithans, there'll be no hard feelings and since we'll be aligning each barony and duchy to a certain faction, there will be a front line from Day 1, making this an interesting war, without all those annoying amphibious landings all micronational wars seem to be these days.
Oh, and although most people seem to be retaliating against Erik these days, for fairness' sake we ought to allocate him a couple of duchies' loyalty so we've got equal balance.
What does everyone think? If this goes ahead, I may do more than just give free cake to both sides in future :document

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Re: Now, this little event...

Post by andelarion »

You know, I was chatting with our old friend Ben Gray on MSN the other night, and he said something I think many of us would probably agree with- that there simply is not enoughe in micronationalism these days. Border disputes are sorted out too quickly and far too well, and RecWars don't generate enough political divisions as they used to.
Ooo! There is intrigues in Babkha you know :) And Elwynn too!

But I understand what you mean... it would be more fun if the two sides in the Nevermore incident conflict was more balanced...

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Re: Now, this little event...

Post by benkern »

*Nick's* faction?! Bah! I fight under the Banner of Hypatia's Mom! :thumbsup
By His H47,
Baron Benkern of Vorpmadal, Yardistan.
"Like us or hate us, someone will still hold the torch. You might as well try to like us." - Harvey Steffke
"Tis not a leaving of a harried knave/Tis not with tail tucked in shame/Rather in glorious exhibition of benevolent might/Sun bids the world an emblazon g'night."
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hypatias mom
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Re: Now, this little event...

Post by hypatias mom »

In a sober reply to Maksym's concerns about the "civil war" that seems to have erupted, it seemed like a good way to get things stirred up to overreact when Erik finally decided who to attack to relieve the boredom. I perfecty accepted that it was just a silly statement, but if taken "seriously," and treated in the same vein, we could really go someplace with our activity and interest level. It seems to have awakened in all of our citizens an appetite for a civil recwar, and everyone is joining in with glee.

Believe it or not, Erik's "b---- Capital of Turkey thread" started something people have turned into a fine campaign, thanks to everyone's participation.

And, yes, cake will be nice, and even nicer with a nice cup of hot tea.

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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: Now, this little event...

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

* nods *

I guess it was a good thing after all that you pretended to overreact, Carol... that certainly got the civil war ball rolling...

* plots *
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Re: Now, this little event...

Post by hypatias mom »

Let's face it, Ari. Everyone wants a chance for a bit of excitement. Just posting cute quips will only get Shireroth so far. When I was Kaiseress, there were maybe 5 active people, most of us new, and we didn't have the natural imagination and experience to pull this off, so the country was dying. Now that so many old-timers have joined up, we can do all sorts of nifty things.

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Kaiser Mors V
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Re: Now, this little event...

Post by Kaiser Mors V »

But why must EVERYONE be against me? (except the mostly unarmed Straylight)

Mortis Mercator V,
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Aurangzeb Khan
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Re: Now, this little event...

Post by Aurangzeb Khan »

Cede Shirekeep to Elwynn-Froyalan and we might be in a position to discuss matters in relation to that. A commission to provide security for the Imperial Capital would be a fair trade. ;)

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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: Now, this little event...

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

I was under the impression that Maksym would be on your side... besides, I plan to have an unexpected flash of inspiration (sorry, Mr. Yudkowsky) later today and come in with a more respectable set of weaponry... Straylight will not be ignored!

(I do still think it's time for you to start thinking about stepping down from the throne, Erik... but for now, we are loyal to the Kaiser. Shirekeep will not fall!)
No-one should be without a parasol, Sirocco.

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Maksym Hadjimehmetov
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Re: Now, this little event...

Post by Maksym Hadjimehmetov »

So it sounds really as if we're all in favour? Splendid :)
I'll definitely support his Niftiness- if only for fairness' sake. What I suggest is that we go along the lines of Baronies rather than Duchies. That way, each Shirereithan gets more power over his/her alleigance in this civil war, yet there still is some hierarchy involved as well. Plus, everyone should do an order of battle as per the SNARL rules.
I can say that I declare K'Tzuni pro-Kaiser :kaiser
And, yes, cake will be nice, and even nicer with a nice cup of hot tea
We can accomodate- scones and jam too?

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Liam conToketi
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Re: Now, this little event...

Post by Liam conToketi »

I follow my lord Duke into battle! Long live the Kaise :worship

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hypatias mom
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Re: Now, this little event...

Post by hypatias mom »

By all means, scones and jam, too.

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Kaiser Mors V
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Re: Now, this little event...

Post by Kaiser Mors V »

Why do you want me to step down? What did I do this time? I've been Kaiser for.. what.. 2 months? as Mors... I've done a lot of good things... Then I make one joke... and now I need to step down? Or have I been to inactive while finishing up the school semester for people....

...bloody hell.. I need to go drink more....

Mortis Mercator V,
Kaiser of Shireroth
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Re: Now, this little event...

Post by andelarion »

I don't want you to step down. You're the Kaiser and all this warring is just for fun :)


But that doesn't mean I'll stop marching on Shirekeep :P

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Harald of Froyalan
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Re: Now, this little event...

Post by Harald of Froyalan »

Kaiser Mors V wrote:Why do you want me to step down? What did I do this time? I've been Kaiser for.. what.. 2 months? as Mors... I've done a lot of good things... Then I make one joke... and now I need to step down? Or have I been to inactive while finishing up the school semester for people....

...bloody hell.. I need to go drink more....
The Kaiser should step down???? No way!!!! This is definetly not the right time for a change of rulership.

All hail Kaiser Mors V the Eternal Lord and Saviour of Shireroth!!!! :party
Harald of Ettlingar Freyu
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Re: Now, this little event...

Post by Jonas »

Harald of Froyalan wrote:
The Kaiser should step down???? No way!!!! This is definetly not the right time for a change of rulership.

All hail Kaiser Mors V the Eternal Lord and Saviour of Shireroth!!!! :party
The Kaiser must step down. It's time for Kaiser Mors VI! :evil
From a distance I'm concerned about the rampant lawyerism manifesting itself in Shireroth currently. A simple Kaiserial slap on the wrist or censure by the community should suffice. - Jacobus Loki
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Harald of Froyalan
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Re: Now, this little event...

Post by Harald of Froyalan »

Kaiser Mors V forever!! :party
Harald of Ettlingar Freyu
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hypatias mom
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Re: Now, this little event...

Post by hypatias mom »

I think you should stay. You are the center of all this wonderful madness that is Shireroth. You spark creativity in people that they might not be able to access without you. Please stay on as Kaiser, either as Mors V or in a new incarnation.

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Maksym Hadjimehmetov
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Re: Now, this little event...

Post by Maksym Hadjimehmetov »

I think we need to address the formalisation of this little tiff as a proper civil war with SNARL rules before making such drastic statements.

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Nick Foghorn Leghorn
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Re: Now, this little event...

Post by Nick Foghorn Leghorn »

First, "Nick's faction"? Repeat after me, [b:rBELS[/b]. Or the Kildare faction.
Maksym Hadjimehmetov wrote:I think we need to address the formalisation of this little tiff as a proper civil war with SNARL rules before making such drastic statements.
Fuck SNARL. I think we have enough common sense to moderate this amongst ourselves. Speaking of which, your Niftiness the Kaiser, shoot me an IM over AIM so we can discuss your terms :demon
Count of Norfolk

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Jacobus Loki
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Re: Now, this little event...

Post by Jacobus Loki »

But why must EVERYONE be against me?
Yardistan is not against you. We are just profiteering. Besides, the dirigibles are armed................. :demon
Jacobus Loki
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Maksym Hadjimehmetov
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Re: Now, this little event...

Post by Maksym Hadjimehmetov »

First, "Nick's faction"? Repeat after me, REBELS. Or the Kildare faction.
Fine, fine. Maybe we should make a list of who exactly is against who.
K'Tzuni is pro-Kaiser...

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Liam conToketi
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Re: Now, this little event...

Post by Liam conToketi »

Are we allowing outside intervention in this civil war? :demon

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Re: Now, this little event...

Post by benkern »

Well not if your plan is to kill the Kaiser and make Shireroth a Gralan colony! :knife
By His H47,
Baron Benkern of Vorpmadal, Yardistan.
"Like us or hate us, someone will still hold the torch. You might as well try to like us." - Harvey Steffke
"Tis not a leaving of a harried knave/Tis not with tail tucked in shame/Rather in glorious exhibition of benevolent might/Sun bids the world an emblazon g'night."
"But every beginning is only a continuation and the book of fate is always open in the middle."

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Liam conToketi
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Re: Now, this little event...

Post by Liam conToketi »

Ummm...I'm fighting pro-Kaiser...I made that quite clear earlier in the thread...

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Maksym Hadjimehmetov
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Re: Now, this little event...

Post by Maksym Hadjimehmetov »

Are we allowing outside intervention in this civil war?
Still, I think the answer to that should be no

Prodigy Almighty
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Re: Now, this little event...

Post by Prodigy Almighty »

Well, technically, Liam and I are not outside intervention... Now, bringing allies from Gralus IS, so we'd have to fly solo.

... We could do it. :D
Boris Ivanovich Serov ronToketi VI
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Jacobus Loki
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Re: Now, this little event...

Post by Jacobus Loki »

All foreign fighters should be annexed. And required to bring their own pie and ice cream.
Jacobus Loki
Shireroth sumus. Tempus in parte nostrum est.
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Liam conToketi
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Re: Now, this little event...

Post by Liam conToketi »

I'll just get Shireroth more citizens then... ;)

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Maksym Hadjimehmetov
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Re: Now, this little event...

Post by Maksym Hadjimehmetov »

Sure, if they agree to remain Shirereithan citizens after the war ends, and also contribute to Shireroth outside of the war thread :rolleyes

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