Joining the Non-Aligned Movement

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Scott of Hyperborea
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Joining the Non-Aligned Movement

Post by Scott of Hyperborea »

Antica, Natopia, Riponia, and Matbaa have invited us to join the Non-Aligned Movement, an alliance that's been around for a year or so.

The Non-Aligned Movement seeks to check the power of anyone atteming to dominate micronationalism (their current fears involve the Grand Commonwealth and Lovely), to support the MCS Map, and to generally be of aid to one another.

The alliance involves help during recwars, probably would involve help during real wars if they ever happened anymore which thankfully they don't, help with intel, and probably a few other things. It's all kinda secretive.

On the basis of our past ties with Natopia and Antica, and Riponia and Matbaa both seeming nifty, and our love of the MCS and distrust of the GC, I suggest we join.

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Post by dr-spangle »

so the aims of NAM are:
check power of lovely
check power of GC
support MCS map
be in aid of one another

and what the NAM does:
helps in recwars
help with inteligence
a few other things

this sounds like something else i know... :D

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Post by andelarion »

I disagree. We shouldn't join this movement.

During my time as MiniEx I've been trying to build up relationships with all countries - the GC included. I believe it is in our best interest to have a good relationship with all countries. Joining the NAM would send out an anti-Lovely, anti-GC message. I am against that.

I like us being a friendly nation. Not being part of an alliance gives us the opportunity to dictate our foreign affairs as we please and we wouldn't have to take part in any wars for example.

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Scott of Hyperborea
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Post by Scott of Hyperborea »

We could have good relations with all countries. But how boring would that be? Besides, if we ever do have some reason to want to do something in the international community, it'd be nice to have some real allies instead of just people who don't dislike us.

Maximos Qutreh Bar Idwhar
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Post by Maximos Qutreh Bar Idwhar »

I'm honoured to have my nation called nifty :)
But first, although joining the NAM would send out an anti-Lovely and anti-GC message, what have you got to lose? Lovely as a unified mn doesn't really exist anymore, and as for the GC- they need a major ego-deflation. Think of the NAM as the anti-GC coalition of Micras. Shireroth, as founder of Micras and the MCS, should logically support any movement against the GC imperialists.
His Excellency Maximos Qutreh Bar Idwharioun, Grand Vizier of the Zatriarchate of Matbaa

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Gman Russell
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Post by Gman Russell »

I might possibly support this.

Erik Mortis
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Post by Erik Mortis »

But I like Imperialism....

I miss the BC and CoB...

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