Might as well put this here

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Might as well put this here

Post by Rarkasha »

I'm having some difficulty with the side view of the Ravenclaw (the delta-wing plane I was going on about earlier), so I'll put up the overhead view.

Bear in mind, I have little patience, not too much artistic talent, and MS paint. Bah, it's just a general view anyways.


I'm more into statistics, I guess.

By the way, thank our... stunning Kaiser for its name. I think it is fitting.

Name: AMJ-01 "Ravenclaw"
Crew: 1
Length: 51 feet 10 inches
Wingspan: 35 feet 6 inches
Height: 17 feet 2 inches
Wing area:580 square feet
Empty weight: 20,000 lbs
Loaded weight: 32,500 lbs
Maximum gross takeoff weight:45,300 lbs

There are 9 hardpoints for weapons: a typical armament would include a balanced mix of air-to-air and air-to-ground weaponry. It is intended as a "strike fighter" the same kind of type jet as the F-16 and the Eurofighter Typhoon that it is based on. This means that it is meant to attack ground targets like an attack aircraft, but also engage air-targets like a regular fighter.

The Ravenclaw differs from the F-16 in the larger wingspan and larger load it can carry. But, the delta wing configuration means that it has superior manuverability in high speed combat. The delta wing is also better at handling stress of manuvers. There is also better fuel and internal load. The primary disadvantages compared to the F-16 is that it is heavier and larger. It also may not be as well suited for carrier launches due to its size and weight. It is still a very capable multi-purpose aircraft, and fairly inexpensive.

I'm currently designing the weapons for it as we speak.[/i]

Kaiser Alejian II
Posts: 273
Joined: Sun Mar 19, 2006 9:38 pm

Post by Kaiser Alejian II »

I am definitely going to commision me some of THAT. :)

Posts: 197
Joined: Sun Sep 04, 2005 9:31 pm

Post by Rarkasha »

I've already begun production. 40 planes will be ready by the end of the week, with many more on the way, should additional factories be created.


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