Blurbs 2.0

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Blurbs 2.0

Post by Bill3000 »

I remember a lot time ago, in the old plan by Scott named "Operation Get Bill Shut Up For Once", people (mostly Scott I believe) made small descriptions of their counties/baronies/duchies. I think that it would be a good idea to update that.

So, as Minsitry of Cartography, I hereby order all active citizens who have a county to write a two paragraph description about their own counties, baronies, and duchies. Mwah.

Edit: By the way, this should be helpful, the previous blurbs:
Last edited by Bill3000 on Mon Mar 13, 2006 12:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Senechal Bill Trihus of Greater Audentior
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Greg Dean
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Post by Greg Dean »

Will do. I should have time tomorrow, hopefully.

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Post by AngelGuardian93 »

Oh SNAP! Ok, here we go.
The County of MASS, which is an acronym for the County of Mirioth, Amity, and So-Sara, is a series of 5 major islands and several smaller islands that are based off the southern coast of Brookshire. So-Sara was once called the Khaz Modanian Island chain, and was once the mighty seat of power for the ancient Khaz Modanian Empire, the pre-cursor to Shireroth. The KM Empire managed to conquer much of the mainland and the islands to it's southeast, including Amity and Mirioth. After the collapse of the KM Empire, Shireroth was united under the first Kaiser, and then under the new reformed fuedalism, MASS was organized as one county under the Count Gman Russell.

Amity was also once a part of the Flying Islands of Jasonia, but was taken by Shireroth sometime in the previous century. The Island mostly consists of mining towns and large-scale plantations owned by FIoJ descendents. On the northern tip of Mirioth is where the Boomist Temple resides, and is considered the most sacred spot on Micras to Boomists. Mirioth is mostly a port of call, but is also infamous for the organized crime rackets that operate out of it. So-Sara is mostly backwards, with little political organization, and only small-time farms and settlements that sit in the eery shadows of the past.
Last edited by AngelGuardian93 on Mon Mar 13, 2006 3:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Bill3000 »

(Replace "Holiest place of Micras" to "holiest cedrist place on Micras", please. Cedrism ain't the entire world, not even in Shireroth. :p e.g. Mirioth isn't the holy city (in Civ4 terms) of Soloralism - Ptia is, so you can't simply say that it is the holiest place in the world.)

Automatica is home to one of oldest civilizations on Micras, the Automatics. West of the Antya River, the Automatics had been sworn enemies of the Audentes to the East for thousands of years, an enimity that existed from the dawn of post-EoD civilization. Before 0 ASC, Automatica had been switched between being an independent state and part of Audentior countless times, although it had been part of Audentior the longest during the Audente Empire era. Roughly one hundred years later after the reunification and destruction of the ApolytonNation, Automatica had become independent from Audentior for good, forming the Great Automatic People's Republic. This great nation eventually would decline through the same types of strife that collapsed Apolyton Nation, eventually becoming a province of Blackrock to the north.

By the time of the Union of Apollo States, Automatica was past its prime, its organization deteriorating to city-states. This disorganization, common at the time with the fallen nations of Apollonia, allowed the creation of the Union of Apollo States in the old lands. A great number of Jasonain immigrants moved to southern Automatica in what is now known as New Jasonia, effectively dividing the ethnicity in a way similar to Israel's jewish immigration post-WW2 on Earth, although without as much strife. All of Automatica would then be known as New Jasonia, although New Jasonia itself only controlled a handful of the southern cities, the rest continuing to be city-states; the most significant being Vervolkkommnung.

Not much had changed in the years after the UAS collapsed and Apollonia's annexation and transformation into Kildare. A great amount of Jasonians and Menelmacari had immigrated to New Jasonia after he collapse of both nations; due to this, Automatic has a Soloralist majority, a very unique position in Shireroth. The county itself is more like two seperate counties; New Jasonia to the south, Automatica to the north. The county is united in its religion and apollonian culture. Political changes in Automatica before the creation of the Barony of Antya was quite rare; the only time it was part of a superior subdivision other than the Dutchy of Kildare itself was when it was part of the Barony of Vervolkummnung for a bit. Today, the ethnic distribution of Automatica is roughly 34% Jasonian, 31% Automatic, 12% Menelmacari, 11% Elpiferno, 5% Elvish, (~70% of which are High Elvish) 3% Micron, and 4% other, most of which are ethnic groups from other Apollonian states, including the Audentes and Blackrockians.

Antya is a rather new division within Shireroth, although the lands themselves are older than Shireroth itself. Named after the ancient river which it borders, Antya was formed by a successful ethnic nationalist movement after Archon Hup'Tes Lum'Qon (The leader of the Soloralist Faith) made a statement saying that Eastern Kildare should become a Soloralist paradise. Unlike the rest of Shireroth, Antya's major religion is Soloralism, the most disproportionately Soloralist county being Automatica.

The ethnicities of Antya are quite diverse. Other than the previously given ethnic distribution of Automatica, Gong Li is a melting pot of ethnicities, with the native population, the Hau'Oli being a plurity; this is partially do to the fact that Gong Li has quite a ncie mediterranian climate, as well as its use as a stragetic port county and military institution. Schlangen has always been diverse, a melting pot of the various Apollonian territories into an ethnicity known as Schlangemanni. The Schlangemanni can probably be considered the "typical Apollonian" in the past due to this mix from the various Apollonian nations, similar to the mix of the Phoenicians or the Sea Peoples of the bronze age on Earth, except without the colonization and/or invasion thing. Schlangen had become the Treesian state of Erior during UAS times, but unlike Automatica, the fate of the Treesian immigrants had only resultied in their merge with the already existing melting pot.
Senechal Bill Trihus of Greater Audentior
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Braden Indianensis
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Post by Braden Indianensis »

Baldwin PlantagenetJulii wrote:The County of Kaikias is a roughly-squarish land in the Northeast of Antica (hence the name-Kaikias was the ancient Greco-Roman spirit of the northeast wind.) In the South of the County, situated on a peninsula that juts into the sea, is the city of Neronea, seat of the Counts and capital of the ancient Kings of Kaikias. Located there are Castle Augustegard, the headquarters of the Temple of Eru, and the count´s ancient villa. Neronea is some ten miles south of where Kaikian Anticans first landed on this continent. Almost adjacent to the city´s north gate there begins the southernmost wing of the great forest, which runs from thered the western and northern edges of the whole county. In the west are very high hills, and in the north very low mountains (in the midregion between these two ranges is a wing of the Great Forest, containing swamps, and perpetually cloudy, called Weir; it is said to contain ghouls); in the east, there are some low downs, which are much less forested than the hills in the north and west. In the center of the county is a huge valley, where these chains of elevation come to an end, and slope into one plain. This is where the majority of the population lives and where the better part of the agriculture is done.

The Kaikians were one of the first Antican peoples to land on this continent, and were among the first to establish one of the early kingdoms; they would retain their independence until the wars of Unification. The first King of Kaikias was Julinus Pheltivné, a relative of the current count, who led the Kaikian tribe out of the north after the ruin of the Arctic and the sundering of the Anticans, several thousand years ago. The demographics are as follows: 95% Kaikian, 4% other Antican, 1% other.
Last edited by Braden Indianensis on Tue Mar 21, 2006 6:04 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by AngelGuardian93 »

Fixed Bill. :archy

Ooh, Kaikias sounds cool, but you didnt put it in quotes!
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Post by Jupiter »

The County of the Kitanus Fields sits to the north of the Kildari continent, bordered by Lake Christophe to the south and other countries to the north. Between the river and that lake, and the tiny border it shares with North Novi Dalmacija, the county tends to be left somewhat to its own devices - which is exactly as the Kitanians like it.

Major cities include the Capitol, Kitanus City - a port city on Lake Christophe, home to much of the county's population and defended by Hasan Air Base to the north. Other cities include historical Mie and Natio, the river and philosopher's cities respectively; the cliff-city of Agni's Reach, home to the tiger-riders and the priests of Agni, Hasan, and Lumina; the once-great city of Lamantia, now a ruin beseiged by death itself; and the mysterious forest city of Qel'Athas, of which little is known.

Forests, mountains, rivers and lakes are all a part of the Kitanus Fields, but as the name would imply, the majority of the county is covered with vast fields of savannah-grass.

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Post by Scott of Hyperborea »

Baldwin, the Kaikias blurb makes it sound like you're drawing off of a much larger Antican fictional history you've got planned out. Is that written anywhere? I'd be interested in reading it.
The County of Hyperborea is a small, mostly ice-covered volcanic island midway between Shireroth and Treesia. The only habitable land is a small coastal plain at its southwestern edge upon which stands the city of Thule. The rest of the island contains only the empty tundra of the Cold Waste and the volcanic highland dominated by the massive Mount Yaanek.

Hyperborea was first settled from the west by a now-extinct people whose modern-day descendants are the Volsaarns of Hyperborea and the Fabonaar of Treesia. However, its modern history begins with the flight of Audente refugees in the 3rd century ASC fleeing the tyrannical government of Emperor Christoph. They founded Thule, intermixed with the Volsaarns, and eventually created the modern Hyperborean culture.

The modern Hyperboreans are an insular and close-knit culture marked by their creative and philosophical leanings. They worship Truth and Beauty to the exclusion of more anthropomorphic gods, and are loyal citizens of Shireroth despite feeling somewhat disconnected from mainstream society.

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Post by Braden Indianensis »

It's in the works. Actually, I was up all night finishing a piece on the origin of the Anticans, which I plan to enter in the upcoming Eisteddfod, so, yes, you will get to read osme of it very soon. :)
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Post by Fax Celestis »


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Post by Braden Indianensis »

Scott, I like the references to things from Edgar Allan Poe's Ulalume--A Ballad and Dream-Land. :love I've decided to throw something like that into my own blurb.
Antican Ambassador to Shireroth and Babkha
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