The Problem is Solved

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The Problem is Solved

Post by Tgaoth »

We have reached the conclusion that neither of the so-called Antican nations deserve the life they've been granted. We have therefore removed all traces of Antica, the Dinarchy and the Republic. Years of your work are now gone, and no evidence remains that you ever existed. Olorix has called this upon the Republic through the betrayal of his word to us regarding the spy Foghorn. Delphi Augustus has earned the demise of the Dinarchial Forum by taking credit for our actions, and for misuse of the information we provided him. Know that we, Tgaoth, are all powerful and all-seeing. Goodbye, Antica.
Disregard the preceding comment, as it obviously is some sort of idiotic terrorist threat. Have a nice day.

Kaiser Letifer II
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Post by Kaiser Letifer II »

What the bloody fuck? That ain't right.

Some get me an IP check on that post...

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Post by Bill3000 »


IP, NOW. And it MUST be public. I do not care who did it, this actual action is beyond evil.
Senechal Bill Trihus of Greater Audentior
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Harvey the Blue
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Post by Harvey the Blue »

I am simultaneously appaled by the wanton evil and intriegued by the throughness of the destruction. Something very odd is going on here, or I'm a micron.

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Post by Conglacio »

whisky tango fucktron?

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Post by Bill3000 »

I'm making it public.

The first post was This post is Both appear to be proxies (First from Australia, second from Russia)
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Post by osmose1000 »


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Post by mbasil »

I have a feeling some of the Anticans may know the answer. Someone is out to get them, and also in particular Delphi. If anyone should be building a list of enemies, it's them. (Tgaoth is not me by the way; Avalonia was a long time ago.)

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Nick Foghorn Leghorn
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Post by Nick Foghorn Leghorn »

I don't speak for any nation, but I know this is fucked up. Anyone who sides with these terrorist assholes is in my book just as bad as they are, and don't deserve to live.

Our forums have been completely obliterated, and we do NOT have a backup. This isn't a mere inconvenience, this is our hard work from the last long months down the drain.
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Post by Bill3000 »

Olorix tells me that you do have a backup...
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Post by Delphi »

Nick, you said you had a backup.
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Post by Nick Foghorn Leghorn »

it was corrupted. I just found out myself a few minutes ago.
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Scott of Hyperborea
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Post by Scott of Hyperborea »

Am I missing something? The Dinarchy and Republic both look fine to me.

EDIT: Now that my cache is refreshed, they don't look fine at all. Aak.
Last edited by Scott of Hyperborea on Sun Feb 12, 2006 9:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Nick Foghorn Leghorn »

look at one of the posts. there is no text.
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Post by Chrimigules »

Whoever is responsible just got me pissed off at them in a way that is unforgivable. I can get grumpy. I can get angry. I hope that the punishment upon those who did this is just, swift, and long lasting.

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Post by Ruth »

And painful.

Chris, can it really be swift and long lasting?

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Post by Chrimigules »

Yes. Being thrown off a tall cliff is swift. Leaving the person at the bottom of the cliff, still alive but broken upon the rocks below is long lasting.

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Post by stevenAntica »

I laugh at you TGaoth. I laugh at how pitiful you are. That you are such a pitiful person, that you must do this most horrible deed to us.

But the most ironic part is that it doesn't even matter that you did. Because Antica is much stronger than that, and we shall overcome and grow to new heights. This heinous attack will define Antica. At the end of the day, we shall be stronger as a nation.

And whoever you are, TGaoth, we will find out who you are.


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Post by Shyriath »

Holy crap... So none of the lost posts can be recovered at all?

Had the Dinarchy fora been backed up?

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Post by Krasniy Yastreb »

I really thought micronations had evolved beyond this kind of crap... how wrong I was :rolleyes
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Kaiser Letifer II
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Post by Kaiser Letifer II »

Someone must die for this....

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Post by Sander »

The chances that this attack was carried out using a phpBB SQL injection exploit are extremely high. since the RoA had just upgraded their forums to the latest version (on my recommendation), this means that not a single phpBB board is safe. I suggest Shireroth make backups as often as it can.

Somebody needs to die.

Sir Ophiuchus
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Post by Sir Ophiuchus »

Holy crap! Just like Harvey, I'm simultaneously impressed by the scale of the destruction and horrified that anyone would do this. The question remains - why? Who would destroy years of work for a petty online grudge? Well, Tgaoth, obviously. Fucktard.

Shireroth definitely needs backups if whole forums can be destroyed like this. And yes, someone does need to be disemboweled for this.
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Post by Bill3000 »

So, this going to convince anyone to move back to ezboard? :angel
Senechal Bill Trihus of Greater Audentior
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Post by Sander »

Bill3000 wrote:So, this going to convince anyone to move back to ezboard? :angel
I thought i smelled ezFanboyism somewhere :angel

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Post by Bill3000 »

Hey, the only major threat that ezBoard has that a micronation can do is a spam cannon/ezBomb. That's quite different from this weaponry, which can wipe an entire forum instantly. I'd take my chances with at least some information saved and less potential features, thank you very much. :no
Senechal Bill Trihus of Greater Audentior
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Harvey the Blue
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Post by Harvey the Blue »

The difference between this case and, say, an attack with a Spam Cannon is that a Spam Cannon is pretty simple to understand. It uses login information to post lots of new threads. But having micronations just vanish in the blink of an eye goes so far beyond that as to be highly suspicious. Weapons like that don't really exist.

The vast majority of hacking cases don't have passwords cracked by some program or some such thing. They are done by insiders. I'm willing to bet that the insider is someone you all know. Probably someone who posted in this very thread under their normal login. As for who it is, well, I'll let the people with the spy rings figure that out.

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Post by Kaiser Letifer II »

EZboard did have it's advantages...

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Post by Fax Celestis »

And where we're at has advantages too. As long as we keep things ship-shape, we've got nothing to worry about.

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Post by Kwestadz »

Tgaoth you are a terrorist who discredited both Xon and I by claiming you were following some 'plan' which everyone assumed to be the Jahangir Plan. You have been sentenced to death in Aryez.


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