Informal Discourse

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Informal Discourse

Post by Delphi »

I suppose it's been a while since I've given any sort of speech, and I think now is a good time to make up for that deficiency, in the form of something a little less formal. The people I want to address, however, are not the large masses, but the few Counts of the Duchy of Antica. A lot has been going on lately, both in and out of here, and it's about time they're addressed. Perhaps this will also inspire some more actual, useful activity, but we could only hope to be so lucky.

Two weeks ago, a long-time enemy of Antica and myself came back to micronationalism, and he came back with some force, to say the least. No dignity, but force. Kuralyov expended quite a bit of energy in here getting things riled up, particularly with Baldwin, and I tried to hold out before outright banning him. After a while, he became a serious pain in the ass, and banned he was. In the meantime, Foghorn welcomed him, as an act of pure defiance, and Baldwin, loyal, opposed this action. A recwar began, and we had what was going to turn out to be a very bloody, violent, and heated recwar. Generally, when one thinks of the term "civil recwar", they would assume it involves forces within an entity fighting one another, but the Republic of Antica was all too happy to get involved and tip the balance in Foghorn's favor.

Foghorn, however, is no longer a part of this Duchy. He left, both the Duchy and Shireroth, before I even had a chance to put a proposal to the Chamber of Counts. So he is gone, and we will need to set out to fixing the contract. Speaking of the Chamber of Counts, it was my intention and I believe the intention of some of the rest of you that we start forming a government. We've become static with all the outside excitement, and we need to focus! Only once we get ourselves on our feet and independent can we truly become the Antica we are meant to be.

On that note, I suppose I should address the recent hubbub that Scott referred to in a Microscope News article as "Delphigate". However, it's covered in all the media, and I doubt you'd get any less biased of an explanation from me. If you want to know anything specific, ask me.

I suppose I'm running out of things to say, because I'm running on the end of a severely depleted sleep cycle, so I'm afraid this little fireside chat has come to an end. I'm looking for ideas, I'm looking for initiatives, and I'm looking for questions, if any are present. Micras has been dominated by espionage, war, and diplomatic crises as of late, and it's time to turn inward and focus on what is most important. That is, after all, partially why we came here, to relieve ourselves of the burdens of foreign affairs and diplomacy. I just can't help but keep my nose out of espionage, it's my passion.
Former Dinarch of Antica
Former Citizen of Shireroth
Former Scourge of Micras

Posts: 22
Joined: Mon Jan 30, 2006 10:57 am

Post by Sander »

Micras has been dominated by espionage, war, and diplomatic crises as of late, and it's time to turn inward and focus on what is most important. That is, after all, partially why we came here, to relieve ourselves of the burdens of foreign affairs and diplomacy.
I am very happy to hear this.


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