Spiritual Training

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Kaiseress Semisa I
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Spiritual Training

Post by Kaiseress Semisa I »

"Well, Duke-in-Proxy Shyriath, I understand after our last encounter, you and your Knights have a desire to learn the magics of my people.

"Understand that, in order to use the magic, you must comprehend the way of the spirits." Shyriath nodded, so Fax continued: "All things have spirits: people, animals, plants, rocks, mountains, lakes, even ideas. Like all creatures, these spirits need sustenance; unlike us, spirits don't feed off of meat or plant or sunlight: they feed off of belief. Specifically, off belief in themselves.

"Spirits that are not believed in wither and die; those that are grow and flourish, sometimes even becoming gods.

"We, as people, are unique in that our spirits are one with our bodies. This is what makes us sentient and intelligent. However, this means that our spirits are not able to be in the Spiritlands.

"The Hunters use a totem idea-spirit as a conduit to interact with the Spiritlands. There are othe ways, but we feel this method is best.

"I realize that the implication is that those without joined spirits--those without intelligence--have magic inherent in their very being. This, dear Steward, is entirely true.

"Have you ever watched a tiger melt into the brush? A cheetah burst into a sprint? Seen a wolf track or an otter open a shell? These are all forms of magic. Somewhere in history, our ancestors decided that thought was better than magic. And, to a certain extent, they were right. Look at civilization! The progression of science and the arts! Those caused more spirits to come into being: new idea spirits and spirits of science.

"It was a glorious time.

"Regardless, before I digress into history, let me continue. I've set the basis of how spirits work: through our belief.

"Our magic works by infusing a given spirit with belief. This sudden influx causes the spirit in question to elevate for a short time, granting it extra power, almost to that of a god. However, in exchange for this granted temporary power, the spirit must perform a favor of your asking: the spell you wish to cast.

"Most of our magics include physical sacrificed: objects, blood, even sometimes the senses. The rarer the sacrifice, the more potent the spell.

"We call this process the Transaction. No spirit has ever violated the Transaction. We don't know why they haven't yet, but we hope fervently it stays that way.

"Now, tell me: did I lose you, or do you understand it all?"
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Post by Shyriath »

"I believe I understand," replied Shyriath. "Though we did not have the chance to discuss the matter this much before, I had guessed at parts of it, but I did not understand the true depth behind the way one interacts with the spirit world.

"I take it from your explanation, then, that the Paths followed by the Hunters are not the only ones available? That other, different Paths based around spirits that you have not contacted yet could be developed?"

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Fax Celestis
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Post by Fax Celestis »

"Indeed. In fact, the Paths that the Hunters speak of are but commonly practiced methods and teaching tools. Most Hunters teach themselves after a certain point, and develop their own Paths. Particularly popular, useful, or notable Paths spread to wider use, while specialized or less-useful ones fall into obscurity."

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Post by Shyriath »

Shyriath nods, looking thoughtful. "My Knights have been trying, with B'caw's blessing, to experiment with new Paths, but this is something we are new to and there are many things we are still unclear about. What would make the best sacrifices for a given Path; what sorts of skills we wish to develop."

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Syr William
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Re: Spiritual Training

Post by Syr William »

William walked into the old crumbling temple."I can't believe this place is still standing." He walked over to the large crystal bowl which was still filled with crystal clear water.He knew it had once been used to scry,or to look into the future..or past.He began to chant a spell to summon a spirit of his own creation.When the spirit manfested William told it to show him the events that happened before the temple was deserted.The spirit dissapeared into the water and it rippled as it entered.Then there was a flash of light in the water and images started playing across the surface.

Before long William had seen enough.He waved his hand over the water and the images faded.As he walked back to the entrance he gave one last look at the old room and silently left.

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