The plot thickens

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Scott of Hyperborea
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The plot thickens

Post by Scott of Hyperborea »

st3v34: hi
VA foghorn: yo
st3v34: I am not happy with you after today.
st3v34: I felt very ganged up on.
VA foghorn: how do you think I feel after the debates?
st3v34: I guess we're even.
st3v34: But even means that no more.
st3v34: Although remember the time in 4th grade when I made you cry?
VA foghorn: don't make me make evil yo mama jokes
st3v34: I won't.
st3v34: But we're even now.
st3v34: I assraped
st3v34: Yo man...we are the first micronatoinalists in Antica really.
VA foghorn: how so?
st3v34: The Fort!
VA foghorn: true, true...
st3v34: Secret talks with Delphi afterwards is not comforting to me.
VA foghorn: Here's what we talked about:
VA foghorn: he's trying to get me to join the old Antica only, dropping the Republic
VA foghorn: and I said no
VA foghorn: that's all
st3v34: really?
VA foghorn: really
st3v34: Interesting.
VA foghorn: indeed
st3v34: I'll pretend you didn't say, "VA foghorn: that's all"
st3v34: if you start over.
VA foghorn: ??
st3v34: is that really "ALL"
VA foghorn: yes, that's all we discussed
st3v34: Do you swear on the Founding Articles of the Republic that that is all?
VA foghorn: what's up with you? you're going all insanely paranoid again'
st3v34: Foghorn, put yourself and Chris's shoe. A man has just said that he woudln't mind your nation being destroyed and then asks to step into a room with a very important citizen of yours. What are you going to do?
st3v34: Now, I don't care if you talked about any Shirithian bullshit. Fine with me.
st3v34: But I KNOW There's a detail taht you're leaving out.
VA foghorn: why do you care? you have no power!
st3v34: Because I'm a patriot above all.
VA foghorn: fuck your patriotism. keep your nose where it belongs.
st3v34: (Chris was doing the same thing.) Just promise me that you didn't betray Antica.
st3v34: and I'll leave you be.
VA foghorn: I don't have to answer that, and I won't. Mostly to piss you off.
st3v34: MOSTLY
st3v34: Okay...I won't bother you any further.
VA foghorn: you can shove your misguided patriotism up your skinny white ass. you're out of the loop. deal with it.
st3v34: I beg to differ on the last comment.
VA foghorn: I completely removed you from every group except citizens. you're back to square one, bub.
st3v34: good night Foghorn.
VA foghorn: I'm going to bed. If you need me, reconsider.
VA foghorn signed off at 4:52:30 AM.

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Post by Delphi »

Ok, instinctually doing exactly what Steven wanted me not to do, I spoke to Foghorn about this whole debacle. He informed me he was lying to Steven about that detail (the one in which I was trying to pry him away from them) in order to get him riled up. He seems to have fun with that, and if it weren't directed at me, I'd probably have fun watching it too.
Former Dinarch of Antica
Former Citizen of Shireroth
Former Scourge of Micras

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Kaiseress Semisa I
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Post by Kaiseress Semisa I »

I certainly think it's amusing.
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Post by AngelGuardian93 »

Holy moly on a roly poly. The plot thickens indeed...
There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find.


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